Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang jakarta, Arizona | 
I’m not convinced wherever you're getting your info, but horrendous subject matter. I needs to run through a quantity of stage learning more or understanding more. Thanks representing fantastic info I was looking representing this info representing my mission. 09/26/2012 @ 02:04 [ref: 55313] |
Bill Rhodes Fayetteville, Arkansas |  My dad was with VF-73 at Quonset Point in the early 50s. I was sort of the squadron mascot then.(Got put into the jet intakes to keep me out of trouble). I remember when they transitioned from F4Us to jets. I also served some time at Quonset during the Vietnam era. Does anyone remember my dad, Bill Rhodes? Would be happy to correspond. email: Have a photo of the VF-73 gang taken early 50s.
Regards, Bill Rhodes 10/19/2010 @ 16:37 [ref: 11218] |
Don Hetticher Torrance, California |  I was stationed at Quonset from 1955-1958 in VU2
We had JD1, F9,FJ3,& a SNB.Can you send me any info on the squodron ? 04/20/2010 @ 10:03 [ref: 9334] |
Richard Levesque , Massachusetts |  Info here is very old, go to for currect info. 04/09/2010 @ 16:20 [ref: 9323] |
Manuel J. Amaral Yarmouthport, Massachusetts |  Hello Gerald Humphrey of Pennsylvania. You wrote asking if I was any relation to a Lorraine Amaral of Providence, R.I. I am sorry that I am not any relation to her.
Sorry I took so damn long in writing this. I just happen to come acrooss this message. I apologize for this.
As you can see from my home town, I am not that far from the old duty station. Weird.
If I can be of any assistance to you, please don't hesitate to write.
Manny 02/28/2010 @ 16:31 [ref: 9275] |
DANNY KIRKENDALL Louisville, Kentucky |  1st duty in the Navy. Arived from boot camp in oct.1955 and was there until july 1957.
Was assigned to the station ornance crew where i leard my trade of aviation ordnanceman.
I haven't been back since i left in 1957 01/20/2010 @ 14:06 [ref: 9238] |
peter collins acton, Maine |  stationed 1964-1967
attached to amd
flew with big plane crew
flewwithfrank torres ad1
payne Delmer ad2
on ci31F ser# 141005
dischared as ad3
went to reserve
finished with VP92 AS AMH1
wood like to hear from others
interested in naval history 12/02/2009 @ 13:23 [ref: 9180] |
William ( Bill) Bartlett Waterloo, Iowa |  Was stationed at quonset from July 1949 till july 1952. Airgroup 7 fighter squadron 73 Was a AD3When the korean war started we were sent to Med. We replace air group that was sent to korea. went to cuba winter of 1951 -1952.Was discharged July 1952. Any old shipmates out there yet? 08/08/2009 @ 08:51 [ref: 8838] |
Hank Daumann Houston, Texas |  I was attached to Utility Squadron Two (VU-2)at Quonset PT from 1951-1954 as a AM striker. We flew targets for ships and aircraft to practice firing upon. We had JD-1, TBM, F6F, F8F aircraft.
I have some good memories of Quonset and VU-2.
I have some editions of the Quonset News publications from that era. If the museum wants them, contact me and I will send them to you. Haven't been to RI or Quonset for 50 years so I can't comment on the museum. 02/24/2009 @ 10:08 [ref: 8699] |
Tom Smaha Belvidere, Illinois |  Was stationed at NAS Quonset Point Jan 1956 through May 1958. Worked Control Tower all watches. Am surprised that there are no P2V's on display or S2F's. Squadrons of them there when there. Anyone remember the Friday Night Fish Frys at the Howard Johnson's? Enjoyed tour of duty. Have not seen museum so will withhold comment about it. 02/17/2009 @ 11:41 [ref: 8692] |