George A. Shaw , South Carolina |  I was stationed there from 65-70. Shaw AFB, is named for Lt. Shaw who crashed and died in France, did not see combat. I was asked that question going up for Airman of the Month. I became Airman of the Month. Was in the 363rd AP Squadron. 03/21/2016 @ 05:58 [ref: 55902] |
Ronald Williamson Lynchburg, Virginia |  Sorry for double post. I see one other did the same. Just Submit once. Anyway they don't show the email address so here it is( Please feel free to ask or tell some old and new stuff about Shaw. After all it's only been 45 years. The Training Devices building is or was 1505. I was in 826A a annex where they put the dying stuff. On google earth it looks like old 826 is gone. The only building at the time with swiming pool inside. For a training map simulator to fit a hole was dug in floor. We could not raise the roof. Well that's the military. Anyone remember CMSGT Williams, Ehrlich, Fox, Campbell, Reynolds and many more. The first Barracks I stayed was one of the long 3 story one's near big water tower. I remember it over flowing now and then. When I made E-5 I had to move to what was a WAF Barricks. Then they wanted it back and I moved off base to Trailer park haven. Got married and ended it all. 03/18/2016 @ 22:28 [ref: 55899] |
Ronald Williamson Lynvhburg, Virginia |  I was stationed at Shaw from 1964-69 with the 363 Tac Recon Wing. I was assigned to the Training Devices Section. I worked on and was Crew Chief of the T3A Radar Navigation Trainer. We trained PSO's from the RF-4C to navigate the Vietnam Terrain during recon runs. The T3A was a very old piece of equipment and not working when I arrived. I spent many hours learning and finally got it operating. This saved many hours in the air in a T29 flying class room wth the Aps-27 Radar system which was duplicated on the T3A ground trainer. They had newer trainer with Apq 99 system same as RF4C. It never worked and was junked to create floor space for a second RB-66 Simulator from France when Degualle kicked the US Forces out. Got married and got out which many times I regret. Feel free to email me. 03/18/2016 @ 15:43 [ref: 55897] |
Ronald Williamson Lynvhburg, Virginia |  I was stationed at Shaw from 1964-69 with the 363 Tac Recon Wing. I was assigned to the Training Devices Section. I worked on and was Crew Chief of the T3A Radar Navigation Trainer. We trained PSO's from the RF-4C to navigate the Vietnam Terrain during recon runs. The T3A was a very old piece of equipment and not working when I arrived. I spent many hours learning and finally got it operating. This saved many hours in the air in a T29 flying class room wth the Aps-27 Radar system which was duplicated on the T3A ground trainer. They had newer trainer with Apq 99 system same as RF4C. It never worked and was junked to create floor space for a second RB-66 Simulator from France when Degualle kicked the US Forces out. Got married and got out which many times I regret. Feel free to email me. 03/18/2016 @ 15:21 [ref: 55896] |
Joe C , Florida |  Does the museum have a section dedicated to the 302 TRS? I know it was active at Sembach AB, Germany, from 1953 to 195? and was associated with, or detached from the reconnaissance wing at Shaw. My pop flew the RF-80 while attached to the squadron and he left me a rather nicely rendered wood plaque carving of the squadron patch. I have no one to leave it to and would like the Museum to have it if it's appropriate. 03/13/2016 @ 14:52 [ref: 55887] |
James M. Moore Rockingham, North Carolina |  Jimmy Payne was hopping that you were in the 363-4411 elect shop in 63-64 did you make it back home and work for cola. 01/27/2016 @ 02:51 [ref: 55836] |
Gerard A Dallaire A/2c Biddeford, Maine |  I was stationed with the Air Police,Coming back from 13 mos. in Korea -May to 28 of Oct. Where I Got Dischared ! 1953 12/26/2015 @ 14:12 [ref: 55825] |
Gerard A Dallaire A/2c Biddeford, Maine |  12/26/2015 @ 14:00 [ref: 55824] |
Jim Price Kilmarnock, Virginia |  A simple Google query led me to a Wikipedia site that said in part that this base was named for a Sumpter county native that was killed in ww1. 02/21/2015 @ 04:58 [ref: 55744] |
Vicki Smith ElReno, Oklahoma |  I was curious as how the base got their name Shaw.
Thanks, Vicki Smith
02/10/2015 @ 16:22 [ref: 55739] |