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Lockheed SP-2H 'Neptune'
Notes: EP-2H without telemetry equipment and modified to julie/jezebel configuration. |
  Manufacturer: | Lockheed |
  Base model: | P-2 |
  Designation: | SP-2 |
  Version: | H |
  Nickname: | Neptune |
  Equivalent to: | P2V-7S |
  Designation System: | U.S. Tri-Service |
  Designation Period: | 1962-Present |
  Basic role: | Patrol |
  Modified Mission: | Anti-submarine |
  See Also: | |
  Length: | 91' 4" | 27.8 m |
  Height: | 29' 4" | 8.9 m |
  Wingspan: | 103' 10" | 31.6 m |
  Wingarea: | 1,000.0 sq ft | 92.8 sq m |
  Empty Weight: | 49,935 lb | 22,646 kg |
  Gross Weight: | 73,139 lb | 3,424 kg |
  Max Weight: | 78,895 lb | 35,780 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 2 |
  Powerplant: | Wright R-3350-32W (& 2x J34-WE-36 @ 3,400lb) |
  Horsepower (each): | 3500 |
  Range: | 2,200 miles | 3,542 km |
  Cruise Speed: | 188 mph | 302 km/h | 163 kt |
  Max Speed: | 403 mph | 648 km/h | 350 kt |
  Climb: | 1,760 ft/min | 536 m/min |
  Ceiling: | 22,000 ft | 6,705 m |
Examples of this type may be found at
SP-2H on display
 National Museum of Naval Aviation |   |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
Gary Bishop Fort Worth, TX | I flew as 2nd Mech and Plane Captain during 1966-67 on SP2H with VP24 out of NAS Norfolk VA.
We deployed to Rosy Roads PR , Rota Spain, Keflivick Iceland. 07/20/2015 @ 07:14 [ref: 69171] |
Bruce R. MacNair Oak Harbor, WA | I flew as Aft Observer, SAR, NAVSTA
Adak, Ak., from 1967 to 1968. We used the SP2h Version, with a large fuel bladder inside the bombay. With the fuel bladder installed, we could remain airborn for over 18 hours. 18 very painful hours on my backside. The thing I remember most clearly is the wood smell you got when you first stuck your head up into the aft hatch. I also remember having to sit on the deck, just aft of the wing station, during take-off and landing. 02/22/2015 @ 15:26 [ref: 68948] |
Michael Miller Milton, FL | Qualified as Plane Captain on the SP2H while station at NARF, Norfolk. I was the first and last to receive aircrew wings at NARF. 1970 to 1974 Stationed with VC-8, Roosy Rds. Flew as plane captain on both the P2V-5 and P2V-7. Crashed one off the coast of Roosy Rds. conducting a test flight. 01/21/2015 @ 12:32 [ref: 68896] |
Fred Nelson Lincoln, CA | Flew in both the E and H model from 68 thru 70 as plane captian........NAS Dallas Texas. Loved those old planes. Been 42 years-bet I could still climb in and start two turning and two burning. 05/20/2012 @ 19:01 [ref: 57539] |
Phillip Lawerence Dunlap, CA | Flew as crewmember in these aircraft '65 to '67,in VP-2 out of Whidbey Island, Wash. MAD/Sniffer operator and crew electrician, I also sat in the bow. Saw service in Iwakuni, Naha, Phillipines, and Tan San Nhut (Saigon). Flights out of Saigon routinely 8-10 hours, some more than 12. Sometimes on approach to land could see bullets coming up to meet us. Had a single M60 mounted in rear window, but no other real defenses so there was nothing we could do but pray. Long time ago, still remember these slow reliable flyers. 05/07/2012 @ 08:33 [ref: 56908] |
Michael Miller Milton, FL | I got my aircrew wings at the Naval Air Rework Facility in Norfolk, Va. We flew test flights on the P2V's after rework. I was the first and only person to receive aircrew wings at NARF. Transferred to VC-8, Roosevelt Rds, PR. Flew as plane captain on the SP2H and EP2H launching airborne drones and airborne data link. Crash landed a SP2H in the water after a hydraulic failure. Got lost at sea searching for a lost sailboat. We went out on a 8 hour SAR and ended up flying 11.5 hours trying to find our way home. Loved and still miss the old Neptune. 05/06/2012 @ 18:04 [ref: 56776] |
Skip Hailey Concord, NC | I'm a "plank owner" in VP-94 out of NAS NOLA. Plane Capt. on this type (plus SH3's and A-4's). Also a Flight Engineer on the SP2H-7. I really didn't think I was getting 'old' until I made a visit to Warner-Robbins fine display of 'Air Force' aircraft. There in front of the main hanger, on static display was a great example of the "Neptune". The Air Force had 5 of this type, however the sign in front stated this example was a Naval Aviation plane. I saw the 'tail' number and it was familiar in my mind....I walked around to the left side and behold, there was a New Orleans 'sticker'....I had actually flown on this aircraft and now it's been put out to pasture....We flew it 'around the world' backwards (east to west)...such great memories...
I have a full copy of the NATOPS Manual for this type if anyone is interested in obtaining it...Contact is Skip@transriskservices. 11/10/2011 @ 07:48 [ref: 50129] |
David Jaycox Eureka, CA | I served with Patrol Squadron 19 Nov 61 threw March 66. I worked in the AirFrame dept. This aircraft was uneque in meny ways. Any one who ever flew in one will agree with me. I had the opertunity to fly to Barbers Point Hawaii in the nose posistion of this aricraft. Though kind of cool in the nose is was the best seat in the aircraft.The seat was on a rail system and if you slid it full forward it was as if the aircraft was behind you and put you out in front of it.This aircraft was unpressureised. The squadron transistioned to the P 3 Orion and was moved to Moffett Field . I have so meny great memorys revolving around this aircraft. Happy Landings To All.
David Jaycox 01/05/2008 @ 09:40 [ref: 19159] |
Don Payton Cheyenne, WY | Flew with RTU-65 and VP-65 (1973-74). Was a great airplane to learn what was being taught in A&P School (NIT). The FAA was still into older technology, so learning about R3350's, J-34's, and CPVR's helped the learning curve. Smooth flying aircraft (same wing as the Connie), could get airfields exited when calling in with "2 turning and 2 burning". Could really feel the extra thrust of those little J34's. Excellant field of view from the nose, little scary crawling past the extended nose gear on final, as you went back to the flight station for landing. ALL HANDS wiped down the nacelles after flight. Didn't matter if it was once around the pattern or a Cross Country, you always added 10 gallons of oil to each engine.
"Large formation of loose parts, powered by 2 oil leaks and 2 burners" 07/20/2006 @ 12:04 [ref: 13768] |
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