Terri Moody , Michigan |  Mitchell B. Kanowski, long time resident of Debary, FL passed away on March 7th, 2010.
Mitch was a Chief Warrant Officer who parachute tested the Gemini suits prior to their being used by the Astronauts in the Gemini Program.
Watch a video of Mitchell B. Kanowski testing the spacesuit during a drop. Copy and paste the following link in your browser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqAA8U0XnM4
03/10/2010 @ 11:55 [ref: 9291] |
Roman Sydney, Prince Edward Island |  Hi !
My name is Roman MONGIN, I\'m working in a film production company in Sydney, Australia.
I just read a few comments on this page regarding a certain Larry Katz.
I have some photos that Larry Katz gave to my producer a few years ago. Larry was part of a PBY Catalina crew during World War II.
We would like to use those photos for the film. In order to do that, we need to contact Larry Katz or his descendants.
I was wondering if you could put me in contact with Larry or his family. I hope I found the right person this time.
Thank you very much for your time !
Kind regards.
Roman Mongin
roman@presencefilms.com.au 02/15/2009 @ 18:08 [ref: 8682] |
Roman Sydney, Prince Edward Island |  Hi !
My name is Roman MONGIN, I\'m working in a film production company in Sydney, Australia.
I just read a few comments on this page regarding a certain Larry Katz.
I have some photos that Larry Katz gave to my producer a few years ago. Larry was part of a PBY Catalina crew during World War II.
We would like to use those photos for the film. In order to do that, we need to contact Larry Katz or his descendants.
I was wondering if you could put me in contact with Larry or his family. I hope I found the right person this time.
Thank you very much for your time !
Kind regards.
Roman Mongin
roman@presencefilms.com.au 02/15/2009 @ 18:08 [ref: 8681] |
Roman Sydney, |  Hi !
My name is Roman MONGIN, I\'m working in a film production company in Sydney, Australia.
I just read a few comments on this page regarding a certain Larry Katz.
I have some photos that Larry Katz gave to my producer a few years ago. Larry was part of a PBY Catalina crew during World War II.
We would like to use those photos for the film. In order to do that, we need to contact Larry Katz or his descendants.
I was wondering if you could put me in contact with Larry or his family. I hope I found the right person this time.
Thank you very much for your time !
Kind regards.
Roman Mongin
roman@presencefilms.com.au 02/15/2009 @ 18:08 [ref: 8680] |
Mark \"Snidely\" Schneider Rochester, New York |  I was at NAF El Centro from 1975-1979 started with NARF then NPTR.....great times in the old desert...played football with some guys from the 6511th...Rick Kennel, Wayne Johnson..I bought a 69 Firebird from TSGT Sheppard.Anyone want to share some memories??? Sandbar, SPO Club, Seely Club, Desert Club.... 08/09/2008 @ 12:33 [ref: 8325] |
Eric Burnett NAF Atsugi Japan, California |  The GAY remark, yeh that pretty much shows your class.......Navy stations people there for a reason, big part of that being protection of the installation so pilots have invaluable desert and night time bombing run training.
Get a life 11/14/2007 @ 22:33 [ref: 6493] |
Don Clabaugh Eglin AFB, Florida |  I'm researching Air Force instrumentation locations and duties and would like to speak with anyone with stories/history of the 6511th instrumentation personnel. Photos would be a plus. I can be reachaed at donald.clabaugh@eglin.af.mil 07/31/2007 @ 14:19 [ref: 6203] |
Terri Moody Novi, Michigan |  Thank you Larry Katz and William Fell - it is so nice to hear from others that worked with Mitch! I will send him these notes. It is sad when you lose contact with those that you shared so many memories with. Thanks for the notes! My email is tsmoody@yahoo.com if anyone has more comments. Thanks a million. Terri 07/27/2007 @ 07:13 [ref: 6178] |
Larry Katz Hopewell, Virginia |  Hi Terri, my Dad (Dave Katz) says he had the pleasure of serving with Mitch from 1960 -1963. He has a lot of stories of that time and of the amazing guys that made up the 6511th. 07/20/2007 @ 05:31 [ref: 6122] |
William L. Fell Nicholson, Georgia |  Spent entire first hitch at NAAS El Centro. Worked in the instrumentation lab and was able to make twenty jumps to qualify for the test jumpers' certificate and jump wings. Best time of my young like. Made friends and would love to repeat the experience. I knew Kanowski, Rolf, Schweikert, Orban, Maj Finius T Bates, Major McGowan and others. I have many tales to tell of that outfit. I made staff and regret not having reenlisted for four or more years. '55 to '59. Have photos too. 06/15/2007 @ 07:49 [ref: 5975] |