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Patton Museum of Calvary & Armour |
Avg. visitor rating: (79 visitors) |
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Address(1) | P.O. Box 208 |
Address(2) |   |
City | Ft. Knox |
State | Kentucky |
Zip | 40121-0208 |
Country | USA |
Contact |   |
Phone | 502-624-6350 |
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Exhibits - By Primary role |
Reviews / Comments by our visitors coach outlet happy, Alabama |  06/08/2012 @ 01:46 [ref: 44697] |
Don Bailey, CW4 (Ret) Mariposa, California |  Richard Perez:(FYI)
This is the helicopter model I flew at F t. Knox, KY ~~ Hiller-OH-23B...(107th ACR) Open attachment..
Field ops from Godman AAF to the [grass] airfield on Knob Hill.-Bivouac area..
I was also attached to the Armor Test Board for a week to provide "erratic" aerial maneuvers,so the technicians could track/train and follow me with [R & D] experimental tank turrets. "Catch me ...if you can!!! "
The turret test area was Northwest of the main post. Knob Hill was Southeast of main post.
I was there in '65 when the OO7 movie ,"Goldfinger" was being filmed..
I am flying from the center seat in the photo. My friend WO1 Rich Russell is on my left. We were out of the area that day, so I could give Richard some "bootleg" flight time ..before he left for pilot training. I was on orders as a military Instructor pilot and an FAA Helicopter Fight Instructor .. The Aviation Section Commander , Major Bob Stewart and I were the only helicopter pilots in the regiment. We had 4 Hillers in our section and I was able to fly as many hours as I had time for. Since Major Stewart was also qualified in the fixed wing a/c, he always opted to fly fixed wing a/c (Birddog & Beaver) and left all the helicopter flying missions to me.. Our Aviation Advisor, Major Hutchinson , was the Standardization Pilot for helicopters and airplanes and we were given annual check rides by him..
I'll forward a website from the Armor Museum at Ft. Knox for you to view....since you had been stationed there at some point..
PS: Rich Russell is a retired CW3. He had a crash (engine failure) near Ft. Lee,VA in an OH-58A Kiowa in the mid '70s and is permanently disabled. The other Kiowa pilot was more severely injured and died a year later.
06/06/2008 @ 19:43 [ref: 8015] |
Mike H. Syracuse, New York |  What a Beautiful Museum! A military enthusiasts playground! I will definately be going back! 06/07/2005 @ 14:02 [ref: 4126] |
mehab karachi, |  hello
I wannt some useful information about the armours and their application in helicopters 11/30/2004 @ 11:21 [ref: 3600] |
Jim Mesko Akron, Ohio |  The Patton Museum is one of the finest displays of armor available to armor enthusiasts in the United States. The large indoor museum and adjacent outside display houses a very representative collection of American AFV's from WWI to the present, along with a few more noteable foreign types. In addition the museum has a very nice display of several of General George Patton's vehicles and personnal affects along with a comprehensive video presentation dealing with the general's life. For AFV researcher the museum library is a treasure trove of photos and books though the staff is limited and the researcher should call ahead to be sure that the staff will be able to accomodate their needs. The future expansion plannned for the museum will allow for a far more extensive display of additional vehicles now held in storage or displayed around the base. If you have any interest at all in military history in general or armor in particular the Patton Museum is highly recommended. 07/28/2001 @ 17:39 [ref: 1329] |
Darryl Smith Trenton, Ohio |  The Patton Armor Museum is not known for its aviation assets. A few helicopters are present, but this museum's focus is on armor. While not in the same class as the Air Force Museum in Dayton, it is still worthy of a visit. 07/01/2001 @ 02:28 [ref: 1240] |
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Last updated: 02/14/00.
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