Gene C. Day Titusville, Florida |  We have purchased an N3N-3. The records indicate it was sold to the War college. The seral number is 4403. Would there be a record of the airplanes stationed at the Academy? Any respond would be greatly appericated. Also in need of parts. 03/18/2007 @ 17:04 [ref: 5751] |
Tracy Tober Ashland, Oregon |  Hi, I am also looking for Peter Hulson. We went to high school together and lost touch a couple of years ago. If any of you know where he is, please contact. Thanks so much. 05/19/2006 @ 19:53 [ref: 5013] |
kedziora , California |  hey! i'm looking for pete hulson, too. i met him while on a trip to Canyonlands to pick up some rocks at Upheaval Dome. Lost touch with him. is he in Cali?
Matt Kedziora
NALF San Clemente Island 03/05/2006 @ 04:38 [ref: 4851] |
Joel Baltimore, Maryland |  The Yellow Peril is now Hanging in the NASM Udvar Hazy Annex out at Dulles IAP in VA it looks amazing! 01/01/2006 @ 18:15 [ref: 4686] |
Joseph H. Peek Decatur, Georgia |  Gentlemen: Presently there is a small number of N3N-3 models that are being custom made for members of the Naval Academy alumni that were privileged to fly this aircraft during their plebe summer prior to the commencement of classes as full members of the Brigade of Midshipmen. I have 3.5 hours in one of these aircraft during my plebe summer of 1955. This plane became airborne at 60 knots, cruised at 60 knots, and landed at 60 knots. It was a thrill for me to have had this experience. My stay at USNA was extended one year due to my needing to pass European History using the text "Europe Since Waterloo" by Ergang. Failing three times and finally passing the course I graduated with the class of 1960, who were the last class to actually have the fun of flying this bird during their plebe summer in 1956. The models are a bit expensive ($375 each) but will long be remembered. I will have fun again in a tail draggin version of this plane when I celebrate my 70th birthday on 28 May 2005 and take off from Peachtree-DeKalb airport in Atlanta, GA. My kids have sprung $$ for the occasion and I'm quite excited. I flew somse 2500 hours in an S2F "Grumman Tracker" hunting subs and then almost 22 years with Eastern Air Lines winding up as a Captain on a Boeing 727 before the strike decimated our fine company. Seems to me that this site needs more advertising in some way. Bless y'all from Decatur, Georgia. 404-822-1159, call me. JHP 0800 on 05-04-05 05/04/2005 @ 08:21 [ref: 4034] |
Jo Hambley , California |  Alex Julian... are you out there somewhere?
Way back in the early forties I met my first love at a dancing school. His name was Alex Julian and my name way Jo Hambley. He was very honest about anything he did and told me that he planned to go to Annopolis, Maryland where being married was not allowed. However, he said that we could get married, but he might hold it against me somtime if we did. He also told me there was a modeling school close by and that he could possibly meet someone over there during the three years of training he was to have.
How could I take that from him? Something he yearned and worked for? Could I be so selfish as to hold him back?
We both went our own ways and I haven't seen him since, that was around 1945 or earlier.
I have been a widow for 7 years now and think of him often. Did he get married? Does he have a family? Is he happy and still enjoying life? I would love to know if allhis dreams have come true.
If you have any information on him please use the email address I have given to get in touch with me. 09/04/2002 @ 16:32 [ref: 2441] |
Lila Grover Plymouth, California |  I am interested in knowing if Peter Hulson graduated from the Naval Academy at Anapolis this year. He spent several of his boyhood years in our county and we came to know him well. Almost immediately after he was accepted and left for Anapolis, his family moved to Tom's River, NJ and we have lost touch with them since then. I think this was the year he was scheduled to graduate and would like to be able to contact him to congratulate him. Thank you for your assistamce. 06/21/2002 @ 20:03 [ref: 2228] |
Bernd Struck Düsseldorf, Nebraska |  Dear Sirs,
is that possible that you can send me some more information about the Naval Academy at Anapolis. We are a group of appr. 150 persons and thinking of visiting the Naval Academy this year. To convince the people I want to write a short abstract what can be seen. Therefore it would be very nice if you send me some inforamtion.
Many thanks in advance
B. Struck 08/11/2000 @ 02:39 [ref: 364] |