Oliver Greene london, England, Missouri |  Dear Sir: Maurice Kelly, after whom the Air force Base is named, was my great uncle through my mother, Eleanor Craven Gamble (US Citizen).Her mother was Kathleen Kelly, sister of Maurice Kelly (and Berners Kelly who travelled in Montana with the great artist Charles M. Russell). On her death in 1996 my mother left me a number of items amongst which was my great uncle's gold pocket watch that he was wearing when he crashed his plane in 1911, as well as the document granting him his commission into the US army.
I am wondering if the Kelly Air Force Base Museum would be interested in posessing these items, as I doubt that my children will require them.
I would appeciate hearing from an authorized KFHM person whether there would be any interest.
Yours sincerely,
Oliver R. Greene
03/09/2010 @ 14:21 [ref: 9288] |
Richard Hays, Kansas |  I am looking for information on the Military Fire Department that was at Kelly Field. I found an old photo with the men and equipment that is in decent shape for its age. If there is any desire for it in a museum let me know. I am assuming it was taken in the 1920s because of the cars in it. Thanks for any help. I have not seen anything about the Fire Dept. anywhere. This picture may be of some value. 10/25/2007 @ 06:16 [ref: 6435] |
Leyna , Ohio |  Found 2 old photos in my basement dated 1917, 245 aero squadrom Kelly Field. One of the photos has the name Bill McGuff. I dont know if anyone has any interest in any of the photos. I dont know if they have any historical value. 10/24/2007 @ 16:25 [ref: 6432] |
Bud Feuer Roanoke, Virginia |  I am interested in any information regarding the 86th Aero Squadron that trained at Kelly Field in World War 1. 04/08/2007 @ 09:32 [ref: 5796] |
Donna M. Lewis Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |  Dear Sirs,
Please send me more informtion on how I can schedule a tour of the Kelly Air Force Base Museum and other exhibits available and open to the General Public.
Ms. Donna M. Lewis
DL@KMHP.com 02/17/2007 @ 06:46 [ref: 5623] |
Mike Chapman , Kansas |  Have uniform group belonging to Sgt Sam Gates 26th Aero Sqn.At Kelly in 1917.Would love info on man and sqn.Please help 09/25/2006 @ 11:29 [ref: 5290] |
Delford E. Jackson Wilmington, Ohio |  Can anyone tell anything about Bldg 1650(the Palace). I lived in that building from Sep 1950 thru Aug 1951. I also worked in the HQ Squadron Orderly Room and ate all of my meals in the Mess Hall. Is it still in use or has it been demolished? It was still in use during 1985 when I came to Kelly on a TDY trip from HQ AFLC at WPAFB. I enjoyed watching the XC-99 taking off and landing on the runway, just behind Bldg 1650. I would appreciate E mail or regular mail comments from anyone that that might have anything to say. Thank You! 06/25/2005 @ 22:16 [ref: 4170] |
cathy martin south lake tahoe, California |  I am seeking info on my great uncle, John Blaney WW1 pilot from Sutton, Nebraska, trained at Kelly Field and served overseas. any info would be helpful. He died in plane crash after war.
03/22/2004 @ 03:57 [ref: 3024] |
William Butler Randolph AFB, Texas |  Looking for information on instructor badges in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. Also seeking photos of individuals wearing instructor badges for those periods.
See links to other Air Training Command sites at the follwing:
http://www.aetc.randolph.af.mil/ho/default.html 08/09/2002 @ 13:36 [ref: 2368] |
Betty Blom Redding, California |  Is there any historical information of the training received by the new recruits of WW1 or of Kelly Field itself? My father was trained there in 1917 before going to Issoudon France and I am belatedly trying to write of his life. Thank you for any time that you may give to my inquiry. 02/19/2002 @ 14:23 [ref: 1884] |