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NAS Ft. Worth Joint Reserve Base |
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Address(1) | Carswell Field |
Address(2) |   |
City | Ft. Worth |
State | Texas |
Zip | 76127 |
Country | USA |
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Reviews / Comments by our visitors Bob Saginaw, Texas |  14 years too late but hope it helps someone in the future.
The aircraft was an F-4D, serial number 66-8812. 11/21/2014 @ 16:55 [ref: 55706] |
Jeff holder Gun barrel city, Texas |  I remember this. I went to school with Adam and Christina. Adam was a good friend of mine. Dought y'all remember me but hello from an old class mate 01/21/2013 @ 18:29 [ref: 55406] |
Norris Shane Granbury, Texas |  In looking for a fact-check about the F4 accident that killed an old friend, I saw a post from his daughter...
RIP Bob Pitchford, who survived bailing out into Lake Worth, only to die later in the hospital. Bob was retrieved from the water only to wait too long for first aid, sadly.
He was a brilliant and charming guy, and it was my great honor to work alongside him arranging a memorial to Horace Carswell, for whom the base was named.
During the ceremony, a Confederate Air Force B-24 was to fly by; then, Bob's F4 4-ship would sweep through, as the final note of Taps was being played on the bugle.
Well, as these often go, the B-24 got boogered up, was loitering at Eagle Mt. Lake instead of Lake Worth. He showed up late; but, no one in the crowd noticed.
Then, it became Bob's turn. Amazing, that he's copied and strung together a strip of Mapsco pages, accordian-pleated to several feet in length.
By phone, I fed timing cues to Bob via the control tower. Finally, came the magic moment when the bugler hit that long, sustained final note... my heart was in my throat; no sign of a plane, anywhere. And, then it happened.
As if by magic, four dark shapes appeared silently, as if they arose from the cove by the base hospital (where Bob would later be resuscitated), and rushed slightly above treetop level, as if destined to knock the musician off his perch near the crowd. Still silent, the four massive Phantoms in unison briskly pulled up into the vertical, we could all see directly up their tailpipes. Simultaneously, eight nozzles burst into firey brilliance and a moment later, the crowd was slammed with a wall of noise so loud I was afraid windows at Wing Headquarters would shatter.
It was the most stunning moment, an surely a pilot whose Liberator slammed into that Chinese mountain looked down and smiled. Maybe he knew the man behind it would soon take a place on his crew somewhere, they'd laugh and swap flying stories.
Rest in Peace Major Pitchford, Major Carswell. You were, ARE credits to us all. 10/26/2012 @ 06:36 [ref: 55344] |
Joanna Sorenson Lawton, Oklahoma |  I was just thinking about Uncle Bobby and googled him. It came up with your post! I haven't talked to you in years. I work in the ED at Ft Sill, OK. I wanted to say hello. my email is attached. Email if you want to.
Your cousin, Joanna -Bettye's youngest.
07/08/2010 @ 01:24 [ref: 9649] |
Christina Pitchford Forth Worth, Texas |  I can varify that in May of 1987 an F-4 did crash into Lake Worth killing both the pilot and the co-pilot, my father, Major Robert W. Pitchford (Bob). The plane was retrieved from the lake and for many years was on display at the Pate Museum. A few years ago, I heard they moved it to another museum in Tyler. I sure wish they would let me on base. Afterall, I grew up at Carswell. Now and again I visit it and go to the beach and just sit there for awhile to remember. I also miss the bx and commisary (sp). But oh well, seems that there is an expiration date to one\\\'s sacrifices. In other words, people forget. So in my parting words, my father was wonderful man who loved his country, his family, and his squadron. Also pretty funny... You know the type to put a whoopi cushion in the seat of your cockpit. This weekend is the anniversary death. Gone now 23 years.... Next time you read High Flight think of him. He was a great man. Never treated inlisted men inferior. Loved everyone. Take care everyone and happy Memorial weekend. You can find me working in the ER tonight. Serving my city:) 05/31/2010 @ 05:09 [ref: 9373] |
Jack Metcalf Keller, Texas |  What squadron of F18 are constantly flying over and landing at Alliance Airport? Also whick f18 are out of NAJRSB Ft Worth Im into Rc flying and I wanted to make my RC f18 look just like the boys flying over, I hope to register early next year at the air show and be one of the pre flight entertainers. 01/28/2009 @ 10:33 [ref: 8647] |
Charles , Texas |  Don't feel bad about not being able to get on to Carswell.
My Texas Air Guard Squadron drilled out there until one of the DOD rent a cops at the front gate confiscated our CMSgt's id card and shredded it right before his eyes.
Guess the Navy don't like the Air Force since the rent a cop was following the Navy base commanders instructions. 01/22/2009 @ 09:38 [ref: 8637] |
DAVE SHOAP Richmond, Virginia |  I also was turned away at the main gate because I had no pass. I was stationed at Carswell AFB in 1970-1971. One of my daughters was born at the hospital on base. We wanted to take a picture of the hospital to give to my daughter, but were told that the hospital is now a womans prison by the MP at the gate and I could not have gone back there anyway. I was an air traffic controller at the base, radar approach control trailer on the runway. 2 squadrons of B-52's were there and flying mostly late at night, returning early AM the next day. We had large C-141's also. General Dynamics, located just across the runway was involved with some of the initial testing of the F-111 A,B,C swing-wing jet aircraft which being innovative at the time, was having quite a few problems that they were trying to work out. We lost one of those aircraft when I was at the base (maybe more than one). The F-111's sure kept us busy controlling them on radar during the day. I was told while there that ending a few years before my arrival, the B-52's at Carswell were part of the USA's strategy to always keep nuclear bombs continuously in the air 24 hours a day. I have no confirmation of this however, just what I was told. The stories of the bomber that went into the lake was mentioned while I was there. The runway glide-slope went right over the lake. They said it was a B-52 but sounds to me like that was wrong reporting by many people based on the information others have given here. Thanks for clarifying this. At the time I was there, all the air traffic controllers were getting orders to Vietnam after training at Carswell. I thought for sure I was headed there, but my orders came through to go to South Korea instead. That's what I remember. Thanks. 07/17/2008 @ 19:47 [ref: 8250] |
dwight hedger , Texas |  if you want to get on base than you need to get a visitor pass by the base before you enter on the base 02/06/2008 @ 16:58 [ref: 6746] |
Charlie Carlson Hurst, Texas |  I attempted to enter Carswell AFB (being former
U.S.A.F. I refer to the base as "Carswell AFB".
But the Airpolicemen on duty last week (June 20, 07) would not allow my entry as I was not on a list of sorts.......I wanted to view the latest SAC Memorial (near completed) so how does one find entry onto the base to view the aircraft, etc. ??? 06/26/2007 @ 06:14 [ref: 6016] |

Last updated: 02/14/00.
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