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Al Sutphen Covina, California |  Can you provide more information about the Museum? Operation hours? Is it open Saturday and Sunday? Is there guided tours? Is it all walking or are there shuttles? Are there any stairs, hills or climbing? Are there areas where one can take a break or rest? Is there a cost? For security, do we need anything other than our Drivers License?
04/04/2010 @ 18:14 [ref: 9316] |
David Barlin Marlboro, New Jersey |  Am driving from Las vegas to San Francisco in October and planning to stop at Edwards enroute.
Your map on the first page of this web site is unreadable. Can you enlarge it or forward a map of the area. I plan on staying overnight so a list of motels will also be appreciated. 08/11/2008 @ 15:43 [ref: 8351] |
Rosco Perth, West Virginia |  Hi there, is there anyone out there who knows anything about the Aerojet AJ10-51 rocket motor which powered a sled at Edwards probably in the late 60's-early 70's. We have plans to convert this biprop motors fuel type, downrate her and fit her to a LSR car, genuine inquiry can you help please ?
Rosco McGlashan Fastest Aussie on Earth www.aussieinvader.com 02/07/2007 @ 15:00 [ref: 5601] |
Chris Edwards AFB, California |  The display that was set up in front of the FAA building, here on Edwards AFB, is now the home for an RF-4C, 1004. The YA-10B is still sitting out on a taxiway waiting for a place to call "home". 08/08/2005 @ 16:52 [ref: 4314] |