Jim Price Kilmarnock, Virginia |  You can visit the correct website at WWW.castle Air Museum.Org 11/04/2013 @ 02:57 [ref: 55536] |
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¶¨×ª×Ó ssssssssssss, Alabama |  ÆÕͨ¸ßÈ黯»ú¼ôÇÐÈ黯»úÏà±È,¹ÜÏßʽ¾ùÖʱþùÖÊÆ÷¹¤×÷µÄÔÀí»ù±¾Ïàͬ,¹ÜÏßʽ¾ùÖʱÃÊÇÒ»ÖÖ×Ô¶¯ÅäÒº¹Þͨ¹ýת¶¨×ӵľ«ÃÜ×éºÏ,ÔÚ³¬¸ßÎÂɱ¾úÆ÷¸ßËÙÐýתÖвúÉúÇ¿´óµÄ¼ôÇÐÁ¦ÒÔʵÏÖ»ìºÏ³¬´¿Ë®É豸,·ÛËé,È黯µÄÄ¿µÄ.¸ßЧµÄÔÚÏß·ÖÉ¢É豸,ÀäÀÔ²¸Ö°²×°ÔڹܷÉϿɶÔÎïÁϽøÐÐÁ¬Ðø´¦Àí¡£ÀäÀÒìÐ͹ܲ¢ÇÒÏû³ýÅú´Î¼äµÄÆ·ÖʲîÒì,»ù±¾½á¹¹ÓɱÃÇ»PE¹ÜºÍÒ»¶Ô¶¨×ª×Ó×é³ÉÓÍÑÌÒìζ¾»»¯×°ÖÃs 09/18/2011 @ 17:31 [ref: 24577] |
°£¶û˹ ssss, Mississippi |  ºÃÏûÏ¢,°£¶û˹²ɵÄÓÍÑÌζµÀ¾»»¯Ä¿±êÊÇͨ¹ý´´ÐµĿÕÆø¾»»¯¼¼Êõ£¬Îª¿Í»§Ìṩ¿ÕÆø¾»»¯ÓÍÑÌÒìζ¾»»¯×°ÖõÄÕûÌå½â¾ö·½°¸¡£È黯»úʹµÃÈËÃǹ¤×÷»òÍ£ÁôÔÚ»·±£¾ùÖÊÆ÷¡¢°²È«¡¢ÊæÊʵĿÕÆø»·¾³ÖÐ,ŦԼÔÚÃÀ¹úÂÃÓÎÖÚ¶àÃÀ¹ú³ÇÊÐÖУ¬ÓÐ×ŶÀÌصĴóÖÚÔËÊäϵͳ£¬²¢ÔÚÈË¿Ú×åȺÉÏÓÐ×ÅÆä¶àÑùÐÔ¼°¸ßÃܶȡ£Å¦Ô¼ÂÃÓÎÔÚ2005Ä꣬¸ÃÊÐÓн«½ü170ÖÖ²»Í¬µÄÓïÑÔÈË¿ÚÊÇ·ÇÃÀ¹úµ±µØ³öÉúµÄÀäÀÔ²¸Ö¡£ÒòΪ¸ÃÊйã´ó¡¢ÀäÀÒìÐ͹Ü24СʱӪҵµÄµØÏÂÌú·ϵͳ£¬ºÍ·±»ªµÄ½¨ÖþÎï¡¢½»Í¨¼°ÈËÃÇ£¬ËùÒÔŦԼҲ³£±»³ÆΪ²»Ò¹³Çs 09/12/2011 @ 22:06 [ref: 24266] |
Karen Atwater, California |  We definitely still have the KC-97 on display. If you look at our website, you will see it listed. 10/20/2009 @ 09:09 [ref: 9132] |
PD (Scotty) Burns Merced, California |  Please check the following site for the latest information on what is in the mill for Castle Air Museum
Its on of the best on the West coast
Come and vist us.
05/05/2008 @ 14:28 [ref: 7457] |
Sue Arndt Grand Rapids, Michigan |  My first permanent station from June 1974 to October 1980. I was one of the first women to work on the Phase Team with the BEAUTIFUL B-52 from the F model to the H model. I was one of the first to work on all areas of the aircraft, including the engines! Do I have stories! Contact me! 04/30/2008 @ 03:12 [ref: 7427] |