Douglas Haney Highspire, Pennsylvania |  Stationed there from 79-82 as an autopilot troop. It was my first assignment after leaving Chanute. 12/15/2014 @ 19:04 [ref: 55715] |
Douglas Haney , Pennsylvania |  Stationed there from 79-82 as an autopilot troop. It was my first assignment after leaving Chanute. 12/15/2014 @ 19:03 [ref: 55714] |
Alan Goolsby Homestead, Florida |  I was stationed at "Shady J" from 9/1981 - 7/1987. This was my first duty assignment in the USAF and it was a blast. I grew up 50 miles away in Raleigh and never the base existed. I was assigned to the 334th AMU as an Electrical Systems Specialist initially and later moved to CRS. Great memories. 03/07/2014 @ 03:20 [ref: 55587] |
sam harmon winston salem, North Carolina |  Was stationed at SJ from 1986-1990. Worked 4th AMS 336th as a crew chief. My trainer was SSGT McCart and one of my buddies was SGT Buzz Broussard. Chief was CMSGT Smith. Miss all those nights on second shift servicing LOX and eating at Bag Nasties. Cruising William st looking for girls. Lived in dorms then moved over near Cliffs of Neuse.WIsh I could find the little airman Dawn Weigel that worked EMS.WOO HOO. Soo many memories. 12/26/2013 @ 07:19 [ref: 55559] |
Tim Sawyer , Tennessee |  Stationed there from 82-84, worked in shop engines on TAC side. CMSgt Price, Branch Chief, MSgt Colvin, Shop Chief. Delgado, Ladue, Walters, Fierstein, were a few of the names I remember. 11/16/2013 @ 17:27 [ref: 55543] |
Mike Ferguson , Ohio |  Was stationed at Shady J from 1981-1982. Worked in the Egress Shop. Broeker, Reed, Carroll, Doynow, Rubio, Davis, only names I remember. Retire here in 345 days with 36 years in!!!! 10/04/2013 @ 01:16 [ref: 55531] |
Henry F. Davis II 1/1955 Williamsburg, Virginia |  Native of Goldsboro, N.C. home of the tarheels, Nascar, eastern N.C. pit cooked BBQ, and seymour johnson AFB Wayne CO. God Bless little Goldsboro,N.C.survived what could of been a nuclear disaster when a B-52 bomber broke-up after takeoff from SJAFB and crashed in Faro N.C.Wayne CO.with 2 M39 weapons on board,scared the next door neighbor so bad him and his family built a fallout shelter in his back yard no joke. prayers go to Capt.Charles R. Maddux USAF/SJAFB killed in a training accident 335th TFW F105D thunderchief SJAFB 5-5-1962 a kids friend with a monkey wrench for fixing our bikes and wagons. 08/16/2013 @ 05:24 [ref: 55506] |
James Wilcox Cincinnati, Ohio |  Shady J. 77-80 WCS MU on Phantom. Lots of great memories. Would like to hear from some of the guys. Great times. Remember midnight chow? NCO clubs? simple things with friends. and coworkers. 03/14/2013 @ 16:23 [ref: 55439] |
Floyd Lail Hickory, North Carolina |  I was stationed at SJAFB from Aug 1968 to June 1969 and returned to SJAFB in Nov 1971 to Aug 1974. I loved my time there and enjoyed the travel. That was one of the best assignment's I had in my 22 years in the Air Force and mad a lot of good friends there. 11/08/2011 @ 05:49 [ref: 27053] |
Chuck ginsburg Mesa, Arizona |  Assigned to 4th TAC Fighter Wing (POL) from June,1966 to January,1970. Never a TDY or PCS, but watched all by comrades go TDY Korea(Publo Incident)and PCS to Nam & Thailand. I loved my time at SJ and Goldsboro We drove MJ-1,F-6,R-2 and R-5.Hard to believe its been 41 years! Another time another life! Godspeed 05/24/2011 @ 12:37 [ref: 16503] |