W Zelenski Enid, Oklahoma |  The base relocated part of its display aircraft to an area outside the main gate. Entry into the base is no longer required to view the T-37, T-28, T-41, T-6, and BT-13. The T-3, A-26, and F-105 still remain within the confines of the base, but they have been joined by an A-10. 08/08/2013 @ 03:46 [ref: 55500] |
Ray Glezman , Massachusetts |  T-33, S/N 51-4301, was assigned to the 3560th Pilot Training Wing at Webb A.F.B. in Big Spring, Tx. during the late 50's while I was stationed there. 08/09/2010 @ 17:25 [ref: 10396] |
Charles P. Hattenstein Lake City, Florida |  I was stationed at Vance from 1949 until 1954 as a B-25 aircraft mechanic and Flight Engineer. I
Flew on daily training missions with aviation cadets/student pilots on the B-25. The B-25s were used at Vance the entire time I was stationed there, and I would also like to know why there is not one on static display. I enjoyed my time at Vance and my experiences on the base and in Enid, and I wrote a book about my experiences titled "Behind The Copilot Seat", published by Author House Publishing. I would like to see a B-25 on base the next time I visit. 05/04/2010 @ 11:29 [ref: 9346] |
Tony Wessel Oklahoma City, Oklahoma |  I was stationed at Vance previously and recently went back to visit. I have photos of the display aircraft on my Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=37934960&l=f7715cfb5b&id=17126934 If the link doesn't work, feel free to email me at tonywess@gmail.com. Facebook users can "add" me to see all my pics. 07/16/2009 @ 16:19 [ref: 8824] |
Walter Baagoe Page, Arizona |  I was stationed at Vance from 1956 to 1958 as an aircraft mechanic A/2c. When I arrived at Vance there were (4) T-33s and about 100 B-25s. I worked at base flight on the flightline taking care of the T-33s under T/Sgt. Lowery. Soon the B-25s started to be shipped out and by the time I was transfered to Wheelus AFB in Lybia (1958)the entire field was covered with T-33s. How come you do not have a static display of the old B-25 in your line-up ?
I really enjoyed serving at Vance and loved the people and town of Enid. 09/16/2008 @ 12:31 [ref: 8421] |
DAN VANARSDALL , Texas |  It takes military ID or a sponsor to get on the base, but if you go west from the main gate there is a pinic area you can sit at and see the trainers fly and take off and touch and goes for as long as you feel like sitting there. Pretty cool stuff. 07/26/2004 @ 12:48 [ref: 3304] |
SSGT. Thomas Roberts(Ret) Edmond, Oklahoma |  I always enjoy visiting bases, since I have been to several theaters around the free world. When visiting my grandchildren near Covington I enjoy taking them there to see the static display of older trainers. Thanks for your time. 09/22/2002 @ 18:15 [ref: 2493] |
W Zelenski Enid, Oklahoma |  Handful of aircraft on outdoor static display. Requires entry to Vance for viewing. T-38 is mounted in flying attitude near the main gate, visible to visitors without entry to the base. Displays also include a T-41 not listed above. 09/13/2002 @ 19:50 [ref: 2467] |
Mike Williams Tampa, Florida |  I flew F-105s in Vietnam and the newly completed paint scheme on the Thud is wonderful. World class thanks, Vance AFB. 05/22/2002 @ 19:42 [ref: 2154] |
Marion \"Skip\" Webb Houston, TX 77080-6420, Texas |  I Was there as a Flight Commander/Operations Officer 1962 to 1965. Never had a student bail out, never had a fatality or an accident in all my time there. I started the Flight as Mojack, and our patch had indian lingo (Necha Okessa) which meant wings of silver. 10/27/2001 @ 21:39 [ref: 1555] |