John Arthurs Tempe, Arizona |  Of interest to Virginia Randolf. My Uncle Jack Arthurs also went over the side in a TBF. My understanding is that he was the only survivor of the three crew members. I am wondering if your father was in this crew? My Uncle is alive (91)and lives in Pennsylvania. Please contact me via email! 05/26/2014 @ 05:53 [ref: 55614] |
Virginia Randolph Dow, Illinois |  My dad (Quentin Luster) was a gunner on the CRoatan. The TBF#12 he was on went over the side of the ship in \'44-45. I have a picture of the plane. I would like to know what kind of plane this was. Thanks to anyone that can help. 05/25/2014 @ 17:10 [ref: 55612] |
star09 karachi, Alabama |  atan from 12/1942-11/1946. if anyone has any info about the ship & the crew i'd appreciate it very much. i agree w/ everyone about the crew receiving recognition. if you could please cont 07/07/2011 @ 23:44 [ref: 18259] |
Stephanie Sellers , Pennsylvania |  I forgot to mention that my dad was interviewed recently by some reporters who are video taping some of the servicemen who served in WWII in the Lehigh Valley area. They are recording these veteran's stories which will eventually be sent to Washington DC to be archived there. I think it is very important to record these stories as the men and women of that era are quickly passing away. They truly were the "Greatest Generation." 10/20/2010 @ 14:43 [ref: 11221] |
Stephanie Sellers Allentown, Pennsylvania |  My dad was a radioman on the Croatan during WWII and would love to communicate with any other radiomen who were stationed on the Croatan.
October 2010 10/20/2010 @ 14:30 [ref: 11220] |
Sharon Hinson Charlotte,, North Carolina |  My father, Marvin S. Ward, Jr., served on the USS Croatan beginning in 1942. He is 88 today and I am putting together a scrapbook of his WWII years. Back in October, 2009, he visited the WWII memorial in Washington and said it was one of the finest trips he has ever been on. I would love to find out more about the USS Croatan (ie crew list, pictures). If anyone can help out, I would appreciate it so much. 6/21/2010 06/21/2010 @ 13:37 [ref: 9521] |
Neal Van Houten , Washington |  My dad, Neal Van Houten, was an aviation machinist mate on the Croatan from 1943 to 1946. He got the ship's ensign when it was decommissioned. I also have an 11X14 photo of
Captain Kenneth Craig. 06/06/2010 @ 11:28 [ref: 9380] |
Mark Fife, Washington |  My father Gerald Cunningham was a radioman in a Avenger squadron. Sadly Dad passed away in June of this year. My parents had a house fire when I was very young and most of the memorabilia from my fathers service on the Croatan was lost in the fire. The rest was lost when a shipmate was supposed to ship his stuff home for him and it never arrived. If anyone on this site has old photos of the crews I would love to see them. They called his crew the three "Cs" because the pilot, gunner, and radioman all had last names beginning with a "C". Not sure but I think he said the names were Chevier, Collins, and of course my Dads name was Cunningham. Thanks for listening. 12/28/2009 @ 07:09 [ref: 9210] |
Rick Heiney Pueblo, Colorado |  My dad also served on the Croatan, though I am not certain of the dates. Probably late 43 through the end of the war. He was a radioman in a TBF Avenger, I am not sure what squadron. His name is Joseph P. Heiney, just turned 85. Luckily he is still very active and in good health. We are going to try and take him to D.C. to visit the WWII Memorial later this year. Along with dad, all three of his sons served in the Navy, 2 following in his footsteps in ASW (P-3's). 06/07/2008 @ 01:33 [ref: 8016] |
Danny MacGregor LaCombe, Louisiana |  My father Jack Macgregor served on the Croatan as a flight maintenance crew chief from 42 till the end of the war. One of the pictures I have of he and his crew has a "Centanni" listed. I am married to a Centanni and would like to find out who he is since my wife is related to EVERYONE. Any ideas 03/20/2008 @ 02:33 [ref: 7225] |