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Tennessee ANG - 134th ARG, Knoxville |
Avg. visitor rating: (117 visitors) |
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Address(1) | McGhee-Tyson Airport |
Address(2) |   |
City | Knoxville |
State | Tennessee |
Zip | 37901 |
Country | USA |
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Phone | 615-985-3200 |
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Exhibits - By Primary role |
Reviews / Comments by our visitors Del \"Abe\" Jones White Bluff, Tennessee | 
Really Borne at Kitty Hawk
In the year nineteen-0-three
When Orville rose above the Earth
And since, Man’s soared high and free.
Rickenbacker, General Mitchell
And Doolittle, (just a few)
Famous, on those early flights
When the "Air Corps" was new.
An Army branch through World Wars
With planes like "Enola Gay"
That changed our World forever
On that fateful, August day.
In Nineteen and forty-seven
President Truman decreed
The "Department of the Air Force"
To fill a very special need.
The "Berlin Airlift" fed a People
Caught up in the "Cold War"
With a quarter million flights
(And then, several thousand more.)
And there was "The Candyman"
With the sweets dropped with the ‘chutes
The kids thought him a Hero
(That’s a title he refutes.)
Then, we shot off into the "Space Age"
With the jets and the "X" planes
We put Man upon the Moon
And robots on Martian terrains.
We went "into the wild blue yonder"
But, it wasn’t without cost
To more than fifty-six thousand Families
Whose, loved one’s lives were lost.
"Aloft in solitudes of space,
Uphold them with Thy saving grace.
O God, protect the men who fly
Thru lonely ways beneath the sky."
(this last verse from the Air Force Hymn)
Del "Abe" Jones
09/22/2008 @ 09:26 [ref: 8424] |
Jason Miller , Tennessee |  Mr. Webster, if you still need some patches contact me at (865)985-4250. I think I can help sir. 01/27/2008 @ 17:30 [ref: 6713] |
Daniel C. Webster Ft. Walton Beach, Florida |  Hello, I served with the 134th ABRON way back in the late 1950\\\'s while I attened UT. I was the unit photographer. I am a retired Army E-7, now 73 years old amd trying to get together all the many military unit decals in which I served for my grand children. I am missing a decal/unit patch for this unit. Is there any way you can assist me? Please contact me even if you cannot. Thanks, Daniel. PS: If you want to have fun, read my book, The Pucker Factor, One Noncombatants Vietmam Memoir. It can be obtained from AOL. Have a great day. 03/16/2006 @ 16:38 [ref: 4887] |
Roy D. Simmons Modesto, California |  Hello, My name is Roy D. Simmons and im a Volneteer at Castle Air Museam in Atwatwr California and I am the Crew Cheif of are KC-97L Stratofrighter. This aircraft s/n 53-354 was with the 134th Air Refueling Group (Air National Guard) out of Knoxville TN and if anybody happends to have COLOR photos of this bird when it was in service from 21 Apr 1964 thru 6 Jun 1965 i shure would like to see them because I would like to put this gran old bird back to the original colors it was in before being transfered to ARMARC at Davis-Monthan AFB in AZ. So please if anyone has such photos or storys of my bird please send an E-Mail to me or to elite.net/castle-air it shure would make my day and the day of everybody that comes to are Air Museam. Thanks Roy D. Simmons C/C of the KC-97L 11/04/2001 @ 12:44 [ref: 1583] |

Last updated: 02/14/00.
Send corrections/additions by e-mail to museum-info@brooklyn.cuny.edu