Robert Abbott Richmond, Virginia |  ...These 3 planes are no longer on display at this location. All have been sent to the bone yard as of 12/8/2011. I saw them on flatbed tractor trailers on this date. 04/16/2015 @ 17:53 [ref: 55765] |
Gerry Chester, Virginia |  Paul,
I have bad news, SMS Jim Reagan passed away a few weeks ago from cancer. He was a great guy. The talk around is that Wright Patterson AFB is going to decide who gets the A/C. 11/11/2007 @ 17:01 [ref: 6487] |
Paul Sutcliffe Dobson, North Carolina |  I was at Byrd Field in 1970-72. I was on a field team with Dynalectron Corp doing mod work on the F-105. The big job was beefing up the under side of the wings with stress plates. I was a electrican and did alot of work in the forward wheel well as well as installing new duct tubing. I would like to locate Jim Reagan. We worked together until he left the company and joined the guard at Byrd. Does anyone out there know him? Remember the old Squadron Patch with the eagle and the Confederate Flag? I still have mine.Can someone help me locate Jim ? 02/23/2007 @ 20:27 [ref: 5645] |
Robert Abbott Richmond, Virginia |  These planes sit at the front gate of the Air Guard entrance at Richmond International Airport. Although these planes are great to see, recently the Airguard security will deny access to see them up close. Can be viewed only from the main road. I guess due to current events, security is that tight. All 3 of these planes are painted in a gloss light gray. A scheme like I have never seen on any USAF bird, and a scheme never worn by these birds when they were on active duty with the VA.ANG. They all should be in Vietnam era colors, as this is the scheme they wore in VA.ANG service. I have lived in Richmond all my life, and it puzzels me why they would put them on display this way. If you have never seen birds like the A-7, F-105, and the F-84, It`s a good place to get a first glimpse. But by all means dont make it in your top 10 things to do on vacation. Hopefully when the Air Guard moves to Langley in 2007, the Va.aviation museum across the field, will pick them up..restore them in accurate schemes, and put them on disply there. It would be a much more suitable place for them. At least you could walk up and get a close look there. 06/30/2006 @ 20:13 [ref: 5102] |
Bob Fogarty , Idaho |  In ’68-’69 I was stationed at Byrd Field with the 33AD’s (WAADS) flight section. We received a VC-47 from the VANG during that time, and I became part of the crew for several months. If memory serves correctly, it had been the Governors aircraft, the VANG traded it to the USAF for a C-118, and we got it. She was a great old bird.
Does anyone have photos of that A/C by chance?
01/02/2006 @ 13:35 [ref: 4688] |
Ashley Mechanicsville, Virginia |  I would like to see this museum surly. 03/19/2005 @ 13:52 [ref: 3915] |
SSgt Charles P Briggs (RET) Hampton, Virginia |  Hi! Just inquiring on the where abouts of aircraft 941. One of my coworker's from one of the other squadrons hear at Langley told me he crewed the A-7D with the 4450th while I worked the F-117s. The jet than went to VA Air Guard. I miss her. Can anyone send me pictures?
Chuck. 07/19/2002 @ 03:46 [ref: 2290] |