Dougie Freshpoop , California |  I ate a toasted watercress sandwich on the wing of the Bolo this weekend. Perched from the wing, I washed down the sandwich with a PBR (we can't always be fancy, this is Washington after all). The plane was in good repair and not too many bird droppings, much to my despair.
It would make a wonderful mounting location to bring your girlfriend for a good old fashion "Hoe Down", or at least an excellent sacrificial alter. 10/27/2014 @ 03:01 [ref: 55673] |
LaIagape Bengkulu, Illinois |  Clothed in in safe hands hands day! This is generously of rotten copy excepting I hardship a number of shirk start an natural blog. Is it like challenging to unwavering assenting your focused blog? I'm not self-same techincal except I can outline clothes outdated nice-looking concise. I'm thinking about creation my focused excepting I'm not crystal-clear where to start. Perform you have a number of tips formerly suggestions? Thanks 08/12/2014 @ 19:14 [ref: 55630] |
P University Place, Washington |  MAM Now has a UC-45J Expiditor and a C-130E Hercules in their Possesion and the majority of aircraft have been moved from museum grounds to overlook hill. 03/10/2010 @ 22:11 [ref: 9292] |
patrick , Washington |  the museum has moved its a/c collection to heritage hill adjacent to the flightline taxiway. the museum also now has an f-16a adf and uc-45j expeditor on display 07/14/2009 @ 02:06 [ref: 8817] |
R. Smith , Oregon |  I read some of the comments about entering McChord AFB and as to why some people can't have access to the museum so I looked up the website and found this.
Due to McChord AFB Security restrictions all vehicles entering McChord Air Force Base must contain at least one person with a Military I.D. card. Personnel with a Military I.D. (Active duty, Reserve, Air Guard, or Retired) may escort visitors to the McChord Air Museum.
Unfortunately, The McChord Air Museum is unable to escort visitors to the Museum.
Sadly, I would loved to visit this museum. 12/04/2007 @ 15:09 [ref: 6554] |
GHopkins Brooklyn, New York |  Vacation in Wash. and oregon tried to visit the Air Musem but was turned away due to 9/11 . but visited tacoma instead still nice to visit 05/19/2005 @ 05:26 [ref: 4077] |
EARNEST SCARBOROUGH Okanogan, Washington |  I was stationed there in 1952 +, Link Trainer Dept. I tried to get on base when I visited the area in 2001 but was not allowed to enter.. It is a great shame.. I wanted to show my son, and grandson this base. I plan to be in the area again about June 11th, 2005, and would really enjoy being on base. Please someone, help me figure a way that I can get on base.. 04/25/2005 @ 03:22 [ref: 4008] |
Mike Spence-Parsons Asenby North Yorkshire, |  Sadly no longer able to gain access here. Need base sponsor. Travelled from England vis Chicago to see this place (6000 miles) and failed within 100 yards of the exhibits. Such a shame.
Mike Spence-Parsons 11/05/2004 @ 16:22 [ref: 3554] |
Patrick Roy Lakewood, Washington |  I am looking for a 318th FIS flight suit patch to add to my small collection of TAC patches
IF You have any spares, post a message on this site addressed to me 06/10/2004 @ 17:29 [ref: 3200] |
Patrick Roy , Washington |  Mcchord air museum rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/20/2004 @ 00:33 [ref: 3081] |