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Akron-Funk UC-92
  Manufacturer: | Akron-Funk |
  Base model: | C-92 |
  Designation: | UC-92 |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1925-1962 |
  Basic role: | Transport |
  Modified Mission: | Utility |
Known serial numbers
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Bill Larkins , CA | Guy: As you may know the photo you posted is not the Funk but a Budd RB-1. Both are equally rare but I don't remember seeing a photo of the Funk UC-92 (42-79548). It was sold surplus in Panama and was registered RX2 but I can't find any record of what its original NC Number was. I don't have a photo of a Funk B75L but I'll post one of a B-85C just so the general outline and appearance will be documented.
Bill L 09/28/2006 @ 12:19 [ref: 14317] |
Guy E. Franklin Deatsville, AL | Page No. 1 2 3 4
Rev. No. 5 5 5 5
Revision 5
B75L (Army UC-92)
July 8, 1960
Type Certificate Holder Thomas H. McClish
59 Summit Street
I - Model B, 2 PCLM, Approved August 22, 1939
Engine Funk E
Engine limits For all operations, 2125 rpm (63 hp)
Airspeed limits Level flight or climb 112 mph ( 97 knots) True Ind.
Glide or dive 150 mph (131 knots) True Ind.
Serial numbers 3 through 7 are equipped with unbalanced ailerons and glide or dive
speed is restricted to 135 mph (117 knots)
Propeller limits Diameter: Not over 77 in.
C.G. range (+9.5) to (+15.2)
Empty weight C.G. range None
Maximum weight 1350 lbs.
No. seats 2 (+20)
Maximum baggage 125 lbs. (+45)
Fuel capacity 16 gals. (-6)
Oil capacity 1 1/2 gals. (-15)
Water capacity 10 qts. (21 lbs.) (-24)
Serial Nos. eligible 3 and up
Required equipment In addition to the pertinent required basic equipment specified in CAR 4a, the following
items of equipment must be installed:
Items 101(a), 102, 103, 105, 107, 108 and 109.
II - Model B75L (Army UC-92), 2 PCLM, Approved September 4, 1940
Engine Lycoming GO-145-C2
Fuel 73 min. octane aviation gasoline.
Engine limits For all operations, 3200 rpm (75 hp)
Airspeed limits Level flight or climb 109 mph ( 95 knots) True Ind.
Glide or dive 131 mph (114 knots) True Ind.
Propeller limits Static engine rpm at maximum permissible throttle setting:
Not over 2880, not under 2690.
No additional tolerance permitted.
Diameter: Not over 77 in., not under 74 in.
C.G. range (+9.7) to (+16.0)
Empty weight C.G. range (+9.4) to (+13.5) with standard fuel tank.
(+9.8) to (+13.5) with 20 gal. fuel tank, item 114.
When empty weight C.G. falls within pertinent range, computation of critical fore and
aft C.G. positions is unnecessary. Ranges are not valid for non-standard arrangements
except as noted.
Maximum weight 1350 lbs.
No. seats 2 (+22)
Maximum baggage 40 lbs. (+48)
Fuel capacity 16 gals. (-6). See item 114 for 20 gal. fuel capacity.
Oil capacity 5 qts.
A-715 2
Serial Nos. eligible 65 and up
Required equipment In addition to the pertinent required basic equipment specified in CAR 4a, the following
items of equipment must be installed:
Items 101(b), 102, 104, 106, 107, 108 and 109.
III - Model B85C, 2 PCLM, Approved August 11, 1946
(Same as Model B75L except for engine installation, changes in equipment, and minor structural revisions).
Engine Continental C-85-12 (See item 115 for C-90-12F engine installation).
Fuel 73 min. octane aviation gasoline.
Engine limits For all operations, 2575 rpm (85 hp)
Airspeed limits Level flight or climb 112 mph ( 97 knots) True Ind.
Glide or dive 150 mph (131 knots) True Ind.
Propeller limits Static rpm at maximum permissible throttle setting:
(For item 1) Not over 2400, not under 2050.
No additional tolerance permitted.
Diameter: Not over 72 in., not under 70.5 in.
C.G. range (+10.0) to (+16.0)
Empty weight C.G. range (+9.7) to (+13.1) with standard fuel tank.
(+10.2) to (+13.1) with 20 gal. fuel tank, item 114.
When empty weight C.G. falls within pertinent range, computation of critical fore and
aft C.G. positions is unnecessary. Ranges are not valid for non-standard arrangements
except as noted.
Maximum weight 1350 lbs.
No. seats 2 (+22)
Maximum baggage 50 lbs. (+48)
Fuel capacity 16 gals. (-6). See item 114 for 20 gal. fuel capacity.
Oil capacity 4.5 qts. (-28)
Control surface movements Elevators 25° up 25° down
Ailerons 33° up 17° down
Rudder 25° right 25° left
Stabilizer - Fixed
Serial Nos. eligible 223, 253 and up
Required equipment In addition to the pertinent required basic equipment specified in CAR 4a, the following
items of equipment must be installed:
Items 1, 103, 108, 109, 110, 111 and 314(b).
Datum Wing leading edge.
Leveling means Top edge of strut fittings at fuselage.
Certification basis Type Certificate No. 715 (CAR 4a).
Production basis None. Prior to original certification a CAA representative must perform a detailed
inspection for workmanship, materials, and conformity with the approved technical
and a check of the flight characteristics.
Export eligibility Eligible for export to all countries subject to the provisions of
ASR 312 (MOP 2-4 contains the same information) except as follows:
Canada - Landplane - eligible.
Skiplane - not eligible.
Equipment: A Plus (+) or minus (-) sign preceding the weight of an item indicates net weight
change when that item is installed.
Propellers and Propeller Accessories B B75L B85C
1. Propeller - Lewis L55C-46 to L55C-40
or any other fixed pitch wood propeller
meeting the diameter and static rpm limits
given under "Propeller limits" 13 lbs. - - (-47)
2. Propeller spinner 2 lbs. - - (-47)
3 A-715
Propellers and Propeller Accessories (cont'd) B B75L B85C
3. Propeller - McCauley fixed pitch metal, 1A90 22 lbs. - - (-47)
Static rpm at maximum permissible throttle setting:
not over 2310, not under 2120. No additional
tolerance permitted.
Diameter: Not over 71 in., not under 69.5 in.
4. Propeller for C-90-12F engine installation:
(a) Lewis L55CK43 or any other fixed pitch wood 13 lbs. - - (-47)
propeller eligible with the following limits:
Static rpm at maximum permissible throttle setting:
not over 2300, not under 2150. No additional
tolerance permitted.
Diameter: Not over 73 in., not under 70.5 in.
(b) McCauley 1A90 or 1B90 with the following limits: 21 lbs. - - (-47)
Static rpm at maximum permissible throttle setting:
not over 2250, not under 2140. No additional
tolerance permitted.
Diameter: Not over 71 in., not under 69.5 in.
101. Propeller - Wood (fixed or adj. pitch)
(a) 11 lbs. (-45) - -
(b) 13 lbs. - (-49) -
Engine and Engine Accessories - Fuel and Oil System
105. Radiator (water) (10 qts. capacity) 21 lbs. (-20.5) - -
107. Carburetor air heater X X -
110. Carburetor air box (filter optional)
(Continental Part #40599) 4 lbs. - - (-37)
111. Exhaust manifold and heater assemblies (2) 15 lbs. - - (-29)
112. Starter (Delco Remy 1109656) 15 lbs. - - (-23)
114. 20 gal. fuel tank (replacing 16 gal. tank)
(Drawing L1100 or C1100)
L1100 +2 lbs., C1100 - 2 lbs. - ( -6) (- 6)
115. Continental C-90-12F engine is eligible for +8 lbs. - - (-32)
installation on the Model B85C with the
following limits:
Fuel 80 min. octane aviation gasoline
Engine limits For all operations, 2475 rpm (90 hp)
Oil capacity 5 or 6 qts. (Integral)
Propeller limits See Item 4
116. Fram PB5 oil filter, Kit No. 510, Fram Installation 4 lbs. - - (-11.5)
Dwg. No. 62865, Instruction Sheet No. 62864.
(Weight includes 1 qt. oil)
301. Starter (Crank type) (Dwgs. E-170 to E-176) 4 lbs. (-15) - -
302. Starter (Electric) (Eclipse 80-Model 2624AR) 19 lbs. - (-19) -
Landing Gear and Floats B B75L B85C
102. 6.00-6 wheels with brakes (Firestone 6C2B) 26 lbs. ( -4) ( -4) ( -4)
(Formerly Shinn Devices) with 4 ply tires
(wheels must be placarded for these tires)
103. 8x2.50 tail wheel (Firestone 264-8B) or
(Geneva Metal Wheel D315-W75C) with 4 ply tire 4 lbs. (+168) (+168) (+168)
104. Tail wheel assembly (Uniloy Accessories Corp. GA-16) 6 lbs. - (+168) -
204. Steerable tail wheel installation (Firestone 264-8B)
or (Geneva Metal Wheel D315-W75C) with 4 ply tire 4 lbs. (+168) (+168) (+168)
205. Tail wheel assembly (Firestone A0200F) 3 lbs. (+168) (+168) (+168)
206. Tail wheel assembly (Goodyear 800SCAM263) 3 lbs. (+168) (+168) (+168)
308. Wheel streamlines (Lewis Metal Co.) 7 lbs. ( -4) ( -4) ( -4)
A-715 4
Landing Gear and Floats (cont'd) B B75L B85C
314. Two main wheel-brake assemblies
6.00-6, Type III, with 6.00-6, 4 ply rating tires.
(a) Firestone Model 6C2WFB 31 lbs. ( -4) ( -4) ( -4)
(b) Firestone Model 6C2HB 28 lbs. ( -4) ( -4) ( -4)
(c) Goodyear Model L6MBD: 31 lbs. ( -4) ( -4) ( -4)
Wheel assembly No. 511413-M
Brake Assembly No. 511254-A
(1.25 in. dia. axles eligible with B306 and B307 spacers).
(d) Goodyear Model L6HBD: 43 lbs. - - ( -5)
Wheel assembly No. 511413-M
Brake assembly No. 952098
315. Skis (Eligible on any airplane of these models
provided the propeller installation meets the
minimum ground clearance. The maximum weight for
the skiplane will be the same as for the
corresponding landplane or that shown in parenthesis
after each ski model, whichever is less)
(a) Federal SC-1 (Maximum 1400 lbs.)Use actual weight change
(b) Federal A1500 (Federal Instal. Dwg. 11G254) Use actual weight change
(c) Federal A1500A (Federal Instal. Dwg. 11G254) Use actual weight change
(d) Federal A1850 (Federal Instal. Dwg. 11G254) Use actual weight change
(e) Federal A2000 (Federal Instal. Dwg. 11G254) Use actual weight change
(f) Federal A2000A (Federal Instal. Dwg. 11G254) Use actual weight change
(g) Federal CA1850-6 (Federal Instal. Dwg. 11G254) Use actual weight change
316. Dual brake installation +2 lbs. ( -6) ( -6) ( -6)
Electrical Equipment
106. Battery and case (Exide 4AC-7-1) (6-8 volt) 13 lbs. (+42) (-15) -
113. Generator (Delco Remy 101876) 10 lbs. - - (-23)
303. Generator (Air Assoc. G-6) 10 lbs. ( +3) - -
304. Generator (Eclipse LV180, Model 3771-L) 16 lbs. - (-21) -
310. Battery and case (Min. 19 Amp. Hr.) Max. 36 lbs. - (-15) (-15)
313. Landing lights 8 lbs. (+17) (+17) -
317. Landing lights (2) (Grimes D3150-2) 4 lbs. - - (+12)
Interior Equipment B B75L B85C
108. "T" Type control column X X X
109. Bungee trim control (Drawing B200.3) 3 lbs. (+73) (+73) (+73)
305. Extra instruments 6 lbs. ( +2) ( +2)
( +2)
312. "Y" Type control column (neglect weight change) X X X
401. Cabin heater valve 2 lbs. - - (-14)
402. Robin seat installation and baggage compartment in
accordance with Robin seat Dwg. 1A and installation
instructions of Robert P. LAIBLE, Salina, Kansas
Miscellaneous (not listed above)
306. Extra door and window 6 lbs. (+17) (+17) (+17)
NOTE 1. Current weight and balance report including list of equipment included in certificated weight empty, and loading
instructions when necessary, must be in each aircraft at the time of original certification and at all times thereafter
(except in the case of air carrier operators having an approved weight control system).
.....END..... 09/28/2006 @ 10:29 [ref: 14313] |
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