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Notes: C-135A modified for particular missions by usaf direction. |
  Manufacturer: | Boeing |
  Base model: | C-135 |
  Designation: | C-135 |
  Version: | E |
  Nickname: | STRATOLIFTER |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1925-1962 |
  Basic role: | Transport |
Recent comments by our visitors
Patrick Wolf Las Vegas, NV | 4950th Test Wing, Det. 2:
I served with or under Danny Sutton, Steve Folks, Larry Garrett, Bull Bullock, Rick Davenport, George Morgan, Tom Stratton, Denny Clark, Steve Guinan, Brain Burk, Michelle Burk, Glen Sheffield, Mike McCarty, Brian Villarimo, Chad Savoy, Mary Jacobowski, Chris Galenek, and others whom I've forgotten names of. I crewed the NKC-135E/55-3132 Big Crow and C-135/51-0371 Argus II aircraft from 1990-1993. I decided that the military life wasn't for me so I opted to get out and pursue college in my home state of NV. I now have a BS in Construction and work in the industry. As George Morgan stated, Working on these aircraft and with these individuals was one of the best experiences of my life. We had good times and bad and we were as tight as a family. The duties and places we traveled to were awesome and by far could never be accomplished from the civilian sector. I thoroughly agree with George's statement. "For those who know, towing the Argus into the elephant was a delight" and also having to tow the Big Crow from it's hanger across base to the Detachment's Pad 4/White Elephant near our HQ trailer was too cool, and a long and bumpy ride. Also having to contact the tower for clearance to cross the runway was neat. I too send out greetings and Hellos to all. God Bless and God Speed to all and Happy Holidays from me and my family: Adriana (wife-8yrs.), Spencer (2 1/2Yr. & our soon to be?).
11/10/2008 11/10/2008 @ 08:24 [ref: 23006] |
geo.morgan , NC | Det II Kirtland AFB
*I served with/under Phil McKeehan, Danny Sutton, Steve Folks, Milt B., Kevin Limron, Bull Bullock, Sgt.Stone, Troy Erlandson, Steve Guinan, Tim Welch, Brain Burk, Michelle Burk, Glen Sheffield, Larry Garrett, Larry Haynes, Mike McCarty, Brian Villarimo, Ken Schrieve, Ken Kris, Chad Savoy, Mary Jacobowski, Chris Galenek, Rick Davenport, Pat Wolf, Dave Workman, Sean Erlandson, Msgt.Drake, Tom Stratton, Denny Clark, Mark ? "speckled trout and rugby" copilot, AGE Crew, and others that I can't remember names. * I crewed NKC-135E/55-3132 Big Crow and C-135E/60-0375 Argus program, and also the earlier C-135/51-0371 Argus program, from 1991-1995. I opted to get out, but should have stayed in, it was the best duty anyone could have had. The Big Crow/ Argus programs were awesome. For those who know, towing the Argus into the elephant was a delight, and fitting the Big Crow with it's bath tubs is always a fond memory. Hello to all....if you see this. Geo 02/02/2006 @ 13:44 [ref: 12395] |
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