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Boeing EC-135P 'Stratolifter'
Notes: KC-135A modified for airborne national command post. |
  Manufacturer: | Boeing |
  Base model: | C-135 |
  Designation: | EC-135 |
  Version: | P |
  Nickname: | Stratolifter |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1925-1962 |
  Basic role: | Transport |
  Modified Mission: | Special electronic installation |
Recent comments by our visitors
Tom Adams , CA | I was assigned to BLUE EAGLE Team #1 as Emergency Actions NCO, which was also designated the standardization and training team. We had 9 teams in 1968 and were reduced to "Strip Alert" in 1970 when forced budget reductions cut the staff to 5 teams. My team commander, Colonel Ralph Jones and the other Battle Staff member of Team #1 were the finest group of officers I ever served alongside. They treated this E-7 as one of their own. My four year tour included at operational traffic as well as training constantly. Team #1 was honored to escort many VIPs on missions to MACV. This was a memorable time with the best of the best officers and crew. 06/08/2014 @ 13:56 [ref: 68503] |
Daryl Cottrell Florissant, MO | It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I must inform everyone that James Harris passed from this life on 21 Jan. 2014. Jim was one of the original group of RM’s that was assigned to get Blue Eagle started in 1965.
Jim lost his battle with cancer at age 74.
01/22/2014 @ 07:59 [ref: 68310] |
Daryl Cottrell Florissant, MO | It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I must inform everyone that James Harris passed from this life on 21 Jan. 2014. Jim was one of the original group of RM’s that was assigned to get Blue Eagle started in 1965.
Jim lost his battle with cancer at age 74.
01/22/2014 @ 07:58 [ref: 68309] |
Howard Thomas Quantico, VA | I was stationed at Langley AFB from 1973-1976, I was in the EC-135 section, 58-0019 and 58-0022 were the two aircraft that I worked on, there was a third but can't remember the tail number.
I lost touch with everyone except my roomate who was in the helicopter section next door, he lives in Washington state. I would love to here from anyone who was there at that time. 08/30/2013 @ 00:16 [ref: 68039] |
Bob Junkelman Yorktown, VA | I was the first enlisted man assigned to the Battle Staff of Blue Eagle in June 1965 I was assigned to Team 1 as Emergency Action NCO. I was later assigned to Team 7, which became the Training and Standardization Team, I remained with Blue Eagle until 1970 when I was assigned back to the Mainland. My tour in Hawaii was a great tour, I met some outstanding people from all branches of the services. All the crew members that flew the aircraft and provided the Battle Staff with outstanding service and support to able us to do our mission.. I met a lot of them during the reminder of my AF career..
If anyone who wants to chat about those years feel free to contact me using the e-mail steamdriver@verizon.net 08/17/2013 @ 11:27 [ref: 68018] |
Randy Bond , NM | Did anyone stationed permanently at Hickam AFB or Midway AFB during the VN War receive either or both of the VN Service Medal or the VN Campaign Medal? I served as a radio operator from April, 1972 to September, 1974 and was denied these medals. If you nere please email me at rockhunter43@gmail.com and explain your circumstances. If you feel comfortable with me writing to you personnally, please email me with a mailing address because I do not want to put my physcial address here--I am just a tad paranoid---PTSD?? Randy C. Bond 02/01/2013 @ 15:55 [ref: 67540] |
Randy Bond , NM | I need extreme help, I attended the ABR 293x3 course in Kesseler. From this extensive course I learned and practiced Mobile, Ground and Airborne (hence A-B-R for the course. Well, the Air Born Command Post and looking Glass aske our 'Hickam Airways" for volunteer 'Radio Operator to fly. I flew as a volunteer 2 times, and one aircract I flew of 0007, why? my last name was BOND, Everyone on the battle staff, crew, RO?'s etc thought it was a joke. I have to stay, I experiencer maydays from B-52s and others, but the Battle staff and the Bomber all got great meals regularly. Please ask these for VA doc. I did not get a copy of my flight Record--HAD CAN I GET A COPY THIS LATE IN THE GAME" AND mANY OF OUR FLIGHTS LASTED FOR HOURS, INCL ROTATIONAL NAPPING AN THE PERIODIC REFUELING OF b-52S AND FIGHTERS--THAT WAS A RUSH LAYING ON THE SIDE OF THE BOOMER AND WATCHING HIM DO THAT. i FLEW ABOUT 3 TIMES FOR AIR COMMAND POST WORK, aS A ro i PAST ALONG NEW COORDINATES FOR BOMBERS AND AIRCRAFT TO ME ALONG WITH THE SOMETIMES "mAYDAY". aGAIN, AS A VOLUNTEER, THE FLIGHT LOG NEVER CROSSED MY MIND, nOW HOW DO i RETRIEVE THIS INFORMATION FROM THE AIRCRAFT INVOLVED, A ONE TIME, AN ACCIDENT HAPPENED OFF THE COAST OF hAWAII AND i WENT OUT AS AN OBSERVER STRAPPED TO THE PLA LAYING DOEN AS THE BACK END WAS OPEN--IT WAS A RUSH. i NEED HELP GETTING THIS INFORMATIONFOR THE DOCS TO SHOW I DID FLYING AND STATIONED BETWEEN 4/72 TO 09/74 aNY LOGS AVAILABLE FOR THE AIRCRAFT IN THE BONE YARD. PLEASE EMAIL ME AT ROCKHUNTER439@GMAIL.COM 01/06/2013 @ 18:53 [ref: 67484] |
Randy Bond , NM | I need extreme help, I attended the ABR 293x3 course in Kesseler. From this extensive course I learned and practiced Mobile, Ground and Airborne (hence A-B-R for the course. Well, the Air Born Command Post and looking Glass aske our 'Hickam Airways" for volunteer 'Radio Operator to fly. I flew as a volunteer 2 times, and one aircract I flew of 0007, why? my last name was BOND, Everyone on the battle staff, crew, RO?'s etc thought it was a joke. I have to stay, I experiencer maydays from B-52s and others, but the Battle staff and the Bomber all got great meals regularly. Please ask these for VA doc. I did not get a copy of my flight Record--HAD CAN I GET A COPY THIS LATE IN THE GAME" AND mANY OF OUR FLIGHTS LASTED FOR HOURS, INCL ROTATIONAL NAPPING AN THE PERIODIC REFUELING OF b-52S AND FIGHTERS--THAT WAS A RUSH LAYING ON THE SIDE OF THE BOOMER AND WATCHING HIM DO THAT. i FLEW ABOUT 3 TIMES FOR AIR COMMAND POST WORK, aS A ro i PAST ALONG NEW COORDINATES FOR BOMBERS AND AIRCRAFT TO ME ALONG WITH THE SOMETIMES "mAYDAY". aGAIN, AS A VOLUNTEER, THE FLIGHT LOG NEVER CROSSED MY MIND, nOW HOW DO i RETRIEVE THIS INFORMATION FROM THE AIRCRAFT INVOLVED, A ONE TIME, AN ACCIDENT HAPPENED OFF THE COAST OF hAWAII AND i WENT OUT AS AN OBSERVER STRAPPED TO THE PLA LAYING DOEN AS THE BACK END WAS OPEN--IT WAS A RUSH. i NEED HELP GETTING THIS INFORMATIONFOR THE DOCS TO SHOW I DID FLYING AND STATIONED BETWEEN 4/72 TO 09/74 aNY LOGS AVAILABLE FOR THE AIRCRAFT IN THE BONE YARD. PLEASE EMAIL ME AT ROCKHUNTER439@GMAIL.COM 01/06/2013 @ 18:52 [ref: 67483] |
Marc Waldron Kalamazoo, MI | I was stationed at Hickam AFB Hawaii 1973 to 1976. I crewed EC-135P 58-0018 along with Tony Kowalick, Wade Cobb Bill Spurlin, Mike Eubanks,and I think Sandy Lubell was on it too. I do remember Sandy from Hickam though and I want to thank him for posting the pictures. The EC 135 aircraft
0011,0018, are still flying out of McConnell AFB,Kansas as ART's {air refuelable tankers} "R" models. I heard 007 caught fire and burned to the ground at Langly AFB shortly after leaving Hickam. The cause was a short in the water heater panel. 58-0019 and 58-0022 are unfortunately in the bone yard at Davis Monthon.I retired from the Air Force July 1st 1991 at Grissom AFB Indiana after 21 years.
09/29/2012 @ 07:47 [ref: 67273] |
Maynard Raggio , IN | Seeing an old friend; tail number 007 at Hickam, where I was assigned to the 1957th Comm. Gp. '68-'71. We did comm for the airborne command post, in a trailer in a compound a block from the flight line. Yes, call sign for the aircraft was 'Upkeep'; ours was 'Vitamin'. Good duty, good buds. 03/23/2012 @ 09:23 [ref: 54415] |
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