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Boeing KC-97F 'Stratofreighter'
  Manufacturer: | Boeing |
  Base model: | C-97 |
  Designation: | KC-97 |
  Version: | F |
  Nickname: | Stratofreighter |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1925-1962 |
  Basic role: | Transport |
  Modified Mission: | Tanker |
  Length: | 117' 5" | 35.7 m |
  Height: | 38' 3" | 11.6 m |
  Wingspan: | 141' 3" | 43.0 m |
  Wingarea: | 1,769.0 sq ft | 164.3 sq m |
  Empty Weight: | 82,500 lb | 37,414 kg |
  Gross Weight: | 175,000 lb | 79,365 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 4 |
  Powerplant: | Pratt & Whitney R-4360-35C |
  Range: | 4,300 miles | 6,924 km |
  Max Speed: | 375 mph | 603 km/h | 325 kt |
  Climb: | 20,000 ft/min | 6,095 m/min |
  Ceiling: | 30,200 ft | 9,204 m |
Known serial numbers
51-0243 / 51-0254, 51-0255 / 51-0278, 51-0279 / 51-0302, 51-0303 / 51-0326, 51-0327 / 51-0350, 51-0327 / 51-0350
51-0351 / 51-0374
51-0375 / 51-0397
51-7256 / 51-7259
Examples of this type may be found at
Recent comments by our visitors
L/C Russ Sharples USAF (Ret) , AZ | I flew the KC-97 after pilot training at Schilling AFB as a co-pilot in 1957 to 1959. While TDY at Thule AB, Greenland we landed at Alert AB on Ellesmere Island, Canada due to fuel flow problems in Nov '58. Our airplane was 51-0327. After manually transferring fuel from the deck tanks to the wing tanks we departed about 5 days later for Thule.
The crew was Capt. Alton Willms-A/C, Lt. Gerald Blake-N, T/Sgt Gerald Cassidy-FE, S/Sgt Wally Koberstein-BO and Airman Richardson-RO. 06/11/2014 @ 18:40 [ref: 68509] |
HOMER (ANDY) ANDERSON COLUMBUS, OH | I was an assistant crew chief on the kc97f tanker tail no 51-0254 that crashed on take off in the Azors may 10, 1957.
The cause of this crash was pilot error, I have seen 1 photo after the crash and wondered if anyone had more photos or information on ths crash.
Someone wrote an article describing what the remembered of this accident but left no wat to get in contact with them also the crash picture was posted by mr.Tidwell.
I would appreciate any information.
Andy 03/20/2013 @ 09:46 [ref: 67671] |
Mearl Grisham Denton, TX | I was radio op in ARS 2 Castle AFB, 1955 - 1957, on Capt Banks crew then Capt Dallas Crew. I was there when Capt Easterlings crew went down off the end of the runway. (Prop came off #3 eng, killed all aboard) I still have a copy of the Base newspaper with all the Crewmembers. I was originally assigned for that crew. 08/10/2011 @ 13:17 [ref: 45987] |
Lynn Sutton , IL | Try here for some info on the KC-97G, # 52-2711 crashed 29 Oct 1957
or the Smithsonian Air & Space magazine
KC-97G, # 52-2711 crashed 29 Oct 1957, 35 miles north of Flagstaff. 2711 departed at 6:30am from Walker AFB in Roswell, New Mexico, for a 9-hour, low-level survey flight that would take the plane over the southwestern United States. The purpose was to determine minimum flight restrictions for B-47's on this newly developed route. The KC-97 was to fly at an altitude of 1,000 feet above the ground, observing and documenting any possible obstacles in its path.....
try hea 05/16/2011 @ 19:12 [ref: 38079] |
Jim Webb Navarre, FL | KC-97F 51-0392 belonged to the 91st Air Refueling Squadron. It was stationed at Lockbourne AFB, Ohio. 01/29/2008 @ 15:04 [ref: 19460] |
Ben Sheaffer , PA | I just got ahold of an oxygen bottle marked A/C 51-392, KC-97-F. This was most likely removed at Olmstead Air Force base in Middletown, PA some years ago. If anybody knows anything about this particular SN I'd like to hear it. 05/07/2007 @ 11:04 [ref: 16423] |
Ralph F. Wetmore wildomar, CA | I was a crewmember on a KC-97F 1954-1956
90th ARS, Castle AFB, Atwater, CA, 1955 Sqdn. transferred
341st ARS, Dow AFB, Bangor, ME
Flight Crew # T-09
A/C Capt. Thomas V. Connor, L. I., NY
Co-Pilot 1st. Lt. David Lenz
Navigator 2nd. Lt. Doug Ford
Flt. Engr. M/Sgt William R. Taylor
Radio Opr. S/Sgt Ralph F. Wetmore, Downey, CA
Boom Opr. S/Sgt A. C. Colecleasure 03/28/2006 @ 10:41 [ref: 12955] |
Carol Bowers Springfield, OH | Searching for Gina "Hicks" Greene
rodnginger@earthlink.net, SC
Birth father, Major David C. Mills,
Baytown, TX
was also killed aboard
the KC-97F on October 29, 1957
with 16 crew aboard in Gray Mountain, AZ
Anyone who knows where Gina is or anything
about this crash or Maj. David C. Mills,
PLEASE let me know. Thank you. 8-19-04
08/19/2004 @ 16:27 [ref: 8095] |
Jim Ryan , FL | I was in the 320th OMS (SAC) I got out in 5/60, my last assignment was assistant Crew Chief on KC-97F s/n 51-7256. There were four Aircraft in this s/n range that had all the attributes of the "G" model except the external tanks.
Jim Ryan 04/20/2004 @ 21:38 [ref: 7250] |
Roy D.Simmons Modesto, CA | I Would like everybody to know the
KC-97F that is listed hear at this site is wrong ARE's is a KC-97L i should know i am the new CREW CHIEF of this bird. I would like if anybody out there that might of either worked or saw service on this aircraft s/n 53-354 might have some color photos of are bird when it was in serivce with the 134th ANG out of Knoxville, TN.
Roy D. Simmons 11/04/2001 @ 13:01 [ref: 3556] |
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