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Boeing WB-47E 'Stratojet'
  Manufacturer: | Boeing |
  Base model: | B-47 |
  Designation: | WB-47 |
  Version: | E |
  Nickname: | Stratojet |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1924-Present |
  Basic role: | Bomber |
  Modified Mission: | Weather reconnaissance |
  Length: | 108' 0" | 32.9 m |
  Height: | 28' 0" | 8.5 m |
  Wingspan: | 116' 0" | 35.3 m |
  Wingarea: | 1,428.0 sq ft | 132.6 sq m |
  Empty Weight: | 80,756 lb | 36,624 kg |
  Gross Weight: | 206,700 lb | 93,741 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 4 |
  Powerplant: | General Electric J47-GE-25 |
  Thrust (each): | 7,200 lb | 3,265 kg |
  Range: | 4,035 miles | 6,497 km |
  Cruise Speed: | 557 mph | 896 km/h | 484 kt |
  Max Speed: | 606 mph | 975 km/h | 527 kt |
  Climb: | 2,430 ft/min | 740 m/min |
  Ceiling: | 40,500 ft | 12,344 m |
Examples of this type may be found at
WB-47E on display
 New England Air Museum |   |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
Jim Price Kilmarnock, VA | As I recall, this aircraft had six engines, not four as described above. 11/07/2014 @ 04:21 [ref: 68747] |
Ronald Rockwood Rockledge, FL | I flew a few hours on the WB-47 out of Eielson, as what we use to call the 4th man. We operated the Sampling equipment.
I was very happy to see the WC-135 come on line. 10/19/2008 @ 17:23 [ref: 22881] |
GB , CA | The WB-47 taught me more about flying than any of the other 21+ airplanes I flew in my AF career. It was quite a machine! 09/17/2007 @ 13:53 [ref: 17945] |
dan mccann autaugaville, AL | i worked on a wb 47 that was outfitted in white plains NY in '57. we staged out of homestead afb fl and spent a week at ramey afb pr. 08/26/2007 @ 08:44 [ref: 17762] |
Gordon Blevins Beaumont, TX | I flew the WB with Det 1, of the 55th. Bob Sprecher, Curt Norden, and I flew the last B-47 (WB 51-2402) from Eielson to McClellan on its way to the boneyard. It was the high time B-47 (a little over 6,000 hours). I can still recall Bob's comments as we made a low level, high speed pass over the eielson runway. 9WRW told us never to do that again. We sent them a teletype saying,"OK, ain't got no B-47 anyway". It was quite a machine...once it got airborne!!!!! 08/20/2007 @ 07:48 [ref: 17690] |
Wendell Austin, AF 12457011 Winn, ME | Hello,
As a young Airman, 1954-1958, I went through Basic Training at Sampson AFB (NY). Check out the SAFB Association website. A real neat site. Some 4 million trainees went through Sampson AFB. Boys became men in 12 weeks. The SAFBA has over 4000 members. They also have a museum and an annual
reunion at the site where the old base once stood, now a NY state park.
In 1954, after Basic, I went to "A" School at Scott AFB,IL. There I was trained to become an aiplane Radio Mechanic (techn).
ASfter graduation I was assigned to the 9th. Bomb Wing SAC, Mtn. Home AFB, ID.I was on flying status. I worked on the flight line, troubleshooting and repairing radio syatems. I worked on B-47s, jet bombers. What a beautiful plane! I also worked on KC-97 recip Tankers, a couple of C-45's and once I worked on a B-36 that landed at MHAFB, on it's way through to somewhere.
Logging onto your website has brought back a flood of old and good memories of the B-47.
Years ago I worked as a Nuke Refueling Shift Engr. at Electric Boat, in Groton, CT. Had I known that you had a
B-47 on display I would surely have visited your museum.
Thank you for your wonderful website and the old memories you have provided for me. "off we o into the wild blue yonder".......oh for, "the good old days".
Over the many years I have also worked in music. I am a songwriter, (licensed by/with BMI) owner of many copyrights, publisher (BMI), owner of a small recording studio, a musician, singer and recording artist for an independant record company.
One of my recent CD recordings, of ten patrioic songs, was recorded for and released by a CT group, Let's Help A Vet.
I wrote and recorded a theme song for that non-profit group, a song titled, "Let's Help A Vet". If your museum would like a complimentary CD let me know? You can get a free CD from me or from the organzations president Bill Colonna. You can call Bill toll free (in NE), the number is 1-866-822-1115.Maybe you can make the CDs avl. in your museum? Talk with Bill about that.
Bill lives in Baltic,CT just outside of Norwich. Their Post is located in Norwich. There are more then 400 members. Bill has been a guest on some Hartford radio stations. Bill and the group host a weekly TV program called Let's Help A Vet. They talk about many different issus of the day.
If your museum rep. would like to be a guest on that TV program (seen in several CT cities) please call Bill Colonna and set that up with him. Bill is a WW-2 veteran. A real outgoing high achiever and go getter.Maybe Bill can bring a van full of vets and their families to yuor museum.
My patrioic songs/recordings and special music video that I produced at the WW-2, The Korean War and the Nam War Memorials, are shown on the Let's elp A Vet weekly TV progams. I GAVE my recordings to Let's Help A Vet to use as a non-profit fund raiser. They do great things for vets and their families. I receive nothing from the ales of their CDs. They had a professional mfr. make their CDs.
Bill and the group also build memorials to veterans. They are working on building a new Korean War Memorial in Norwich, CT. One of my songs speaks to the matter of our American hereos who died in combat, fighting for peace & freedom. Some of the words of this song are used on veterans memorials in the USA and in a few foreign countries. TAPs (only) are played at the end this spcial song for our special American combat hereos who gave all they had to give.
"OLD COMRADES" ( a few of the lines from the song).
"I walk among brave comrades upon that bloody hill
None of them were moving. It was deathly still
I call their names, all of them, but no one answers me
For all that I can see are rows and rows of crosses
Where Old Comrades used to be".
Wendell Austin, Owner
Peace & Freedom Music
348 RT 2
Winn, ME 04495
(207) 736-2225
gosmuswa@midmaine.com 07/06/2005 @ 08:23 [ref: 10678] |
Steve Robsky Sutton, MA | I am actually looking for info on the one WB-47B
that was outfitted by General Precision Labs in the mid 50s.
My iitial web search has yielded a serial number (51-2115)
and that it was de-commissioned in '63 after about 120
doesn't seem like a lot)flight hours. I have also found a
photo of it on the ramp (in Puerto Rico?). Thanks. 10/19/2000 @ 18:50 [ref: 909] |
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