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Boeing/Vertol CH-46D 'Sea Knight'
Notes: Upgraded CH-46A. |
  Manufacturer: | Boeing/Vertol |
  Base model: | H-46 |
  Designation: | CH-46 |
  Version: | D |
  Nickname: | Sea Knight |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1948-Present |
  Basic role: | Helicopter |
  Modified Mission: | Transport |
  See Also: | |
  Length: | 83' 4" | 25.4 m |
  Height: | 16' 8.5" | 5.0 m |
  Wingspan: | 51' 0" | 15.5 m |
  Wingarea: | 4,085.6 sq ft | 379.5 sq m |
  Empty Weight: | 13,067 lb | 5,926 kg |
  Max Weight: | 23,000 lb | 10,430 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 2 |
  Powerplant: | General Electric T58-GE-10 |
  Horsepower (each): | 1400 |
  Range: | 236 miles | 380 km |
  Max Speed: | 161 mph | 259 km/h | 140 kt |
  Climb: | 1,660 ft/min | 505 m/min |
  Ceiling: | 14,000 ft | 4,267 m |
Operators (Past and Present)
| HC-3 | North Island | CA |
| HC-6 | Norfolk | VA |
| HC-8 | Norfolk | VA |
| HC-11 | NAS North Island | CA |
Known serial numbers
152554 / 152579, 153314 / 153403, 153951 / 154044, 154789 / 154844
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chat cairo, CA | Thank u so much
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Thank u so much 08/04/2012 @ 20:14 [ref: 64923] |
Herb Braselman Aiken, SC | I flew the CH-46D in HC-6 from 1973 to 1977. I deployed to Ismailia,Egypt in 1974 for Operation Nimbus Star/Nimbus Moon, the Suez Canal clearance operation. I also deployed to the Med with HC-6 Det-8 (USS Mount Baker) from 1975 to 1976. I was a post maintenance check pilot and remember dealing with hydraulics and engine set-ups (topping and trims). Great bird!! I later flew the SH-3D which was by far a better instrument aircraft (if any helo can be considered a good instrument platform), but the H-46 was the best "seat of the pants" flying aircraft I ever flew. You could do anything with it and put the load anywhere. Anybody out there from this same era? 05/14/2010 @ 07:36 [ref: 26168] |
Jim Strates Parker, CO | I was a Hydraulic/Structures mechanic while in the Navy with HC-6 1977-80. Some of the attributes I remember about the aircraft: It was bad when it wasn't leaking hydraulic fluid. Anyone remember that damn hydraulic hand pump. Had to get the system up to 3000 psi in order to engage the APU starter...that was a workout. Anyone change rotor blades onboard a rolling ship..scarry I tell ya. How bout that rotor brake..don't know how many times I had to replace that component... and them damn clamshells always coming lose and cracking... or the pilots with the big feet that busted out the fuselage step boxes. I got pretty good working with fiberglass... How bout having to manualy push the helo out of the hanger bay..that was an all hands event that I never enjoyed. We had to run fresh water through the engines before we put them away..stood on the stubwing with a garden hose and sprayed water into the intake while the engine was spun..ships crew always complained that we used too much fresh water. We had to wash the aircraft down as well. Chocks and chains..we always had a competition going on to see who was the fastest to get their strut tied down. I knew every inch of that aircraft and could follow any maintenance procedure in the publications. A very simple and easy to understand machine. Those are some of my memories from quite a long time ago. 02/02/2007 @ 21:54 [ref: 15388] |
Dennis P. Deegan Fort Wayne, IN | I worked on CH-46Es in the early 80s with HMT-204 and HMM-263 at MCAS New River. I made two deployments with HMM-263 on the USS Guadalcanal LPH-7 and the USS Inchon LPH-12. While on the Guadalcanal I was involved in a helo accident with our aircraft 10 BU 157709. The aircraft survived the roll over accident only to be scrapped due to salt water corrision. The accident happened at the end of july 1981 and we did not return to CONUS until NOV 1981 The salt water in the foam they sprayed to cover the fuel leak that had occured caused the corrision. 12/03/2006 @ 12:00 [ref: 14901] |
Jim Richards Forest City, PA | I was an AE with HC-6, serving from 1978-1982. Deployed with two 46's on Det 8 (USS Mt. Baker) in 1981. The 46 is probably the most versatile helicopter made. It is a great vert rep machine and I think the Navy is going to miss it. 09/23/2006 @ 15:32 [ref: 14266] |
Jeff Carelson Ft. Walton Beach, FL | I crewed D, & F 's from 75 thru 80 with HMM-163 and 161...
Long Live Phrogs!!! You just gotta love'em!
J 02/23/2006 @ 08:31 [ref: 12594] |
Glenn Holloway WASHINGTON, DC | Although I am pleased that you are using my image of a CH-46 over Kuwait City as your lead image on the gallery, it seems at first glance as if you shot the image. My byline credit is in the caption in small print, but your names are large across the image. I notice you do that with all the images. The layout seems an injustice to the photographers and a glorification of the people who built the site.
Thank you for hearing my concern.
Semper Fidelis,
Gunnery Sgt. Glenn Holloway 10/19/2005 @ 16:54 [ref: 11516] |
Dennis A. Craycraft Monroe,, NC | I crewed a CH-46 A-D from 1966 HMM 262 based at MCAF New River,then HMM 161 from 1966-1967, Viet Nam 1968- 1969, HMM 164. I called it a pickle, I can tell you that it did some extraordinary things during some of the most exciting moments of my life.
I am trying to locate a Manual for the Sea Knight for my memorabelia collection. I was under the impression that Boeing Vertol stopped producing 46's in 1972. That gives you some idea of the power of the service to do maintenance. Ican't remember the amount of maintenance hours it took to create one flight hour but I remember it was like 4-1.
What amazes me is how little information about the 46 is available. It seems like the only helicopter that flew in Viet Nam was the HUEY. What gives with that?
Hats off to the Marines flying in Iraq. Semper Fi! If you know where I can get a Manual for an "A" e-mail me at racing_agent@yahoo.com.
Dennis A. Craycraft 06/26/2005 @ 01:37 [ref: 10591] |
John Dulighan Princeton, NJ | I was a Boeing Tech Rep for the Phrog, from 1968 thru 1971. I served with HMM-165 at Marble Mountain, RVN and Okinawa, with HMM-261 at New River, NC and the Caribean and with HC-3, NAS Imperial Beach and 7th Fleet. I saw the old bird do just about everything possible.
About 5 years ago I wrote an article for an English Zine, covering my experiences with the Phrog in Vietnam. I called her the "Cinderella Bird" because she never got invited to the Ball; nobody had ever heard of her. You can read the article at http://www.airsceneuk.org.uk/oldstuff/h46/h46.htm
Jerry, Hot and high kills performance in any aircaft but partularily in helicopters. The early 'A' models didn't do so well at 30 degrees C. But compared with the H-34 they replaced they were overpowered hot rods. The later 'D' model with engines with 50% more power and 'droop snoot' blades was a much better performer. If the temp was below 25 degrees, she was a real hot rod. As for getting in and out of hot LZs, fly a Buttonhook approach and if neccesary trick the airplane into 'hover aft' and there isn't a helicopter in the world that will beat the old Phrog. You do know how to fly a Buttonhook don't you? Oh well. Leaving, full up collective, cyclic forward to maintain 20 feet and there isn't anything I know of that will stay with her. And you can jink too.
In my day, she carried 2 hours worth of fuel. She burned about the same amount no matter what she was doing. Maybe a little less in cruise but not much. Vert Reping we would routinely run down to less than 10 minutes fuel left. I'm going from memory but I think the fuel load was 1200 lbs a side. I know shhe carriies more today. 12/09/2004 @ 00:10 [ref: 8822] |
scott corona, CA | What is the rate at which these burn fuel????? Gal/min? Fuel capacity??? THanx!!!! 11/16/2004 @ 04:19 [ref: 8634] |
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