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Cessna 150
Notes: Two seat cabin monoplane |
  Manufacturer: | Cessna |
  Base model: | 150 |
  Designation: | 150 |
  Basic role: | Utility Transport |
Examples of this type may be found at
Recent comments by our visitors
Aldo Campodonico Oakville, ON | Hi I am the proud owner of a 1964 Cessna 150D.
I am slowly restoring the plane, finished the outside, paint, windows, antennas, added wingtip strobes, intruments and avionics. Worked the inside and it is slowly looking like new. The engine is middle time and still going strong. People ask me why do I keep investing money in it and not buying a newer bigger plane. The truth is that I love its reliability and the way it flies, even with the stock 100 horses engine. 05/20/2012 @ 19:11 [ref: 57540] |
Harold Stump Groom Lake, NV | I joined the mile high club with my high school math teacher in a Cessna 150. He was gentle, yet firm and showed me the ropes in a fatherly way. Ahhhh, memories....
Harold Stump 11/07/2008 @ 08:21 [ref: 22999] |
Mario Leon CD. OBREGON, SONORA, OTH | I Agree Mike Liversidge Prescott, AZ about the high performance of C-150-150HP,this story is very familiar for me. I'm a proud owner of XB-DAS, tail number of this Northwest Mexico Classic aircraft, is a 1966 Cessna 150G, Lycoming 0-320-E2D 150Hp with Robertson STOL. Cd. obregon, Mexico is at sea level and I was used to the great performance, but it works the same in Nogales Arizona 4000 ft. in summer day climb 1500 fpm cruise 120 kts 9 Gallons/hr or less anybody know this aircraft take-off and landing in short-short-short distance runways or strips, the ROBERTSON STOL make take-offs and landings a wonderfull experience any altitude airport.in the landings the air speed gauge is full down and the plane still floating. Cessna this plane is your best. 10/28/2007 @ 19:06 [ref: 18335] |
Mike Liversidge Prescott, AZ | I've been the proud owner of a 1970 Cessna 150K (STC 0-320) 150 HP with long range tanks for the last 31 years. We ( the Boulder Rocket and I ) fly over beautiful Arizona 2 to 3 times per week or about 150 flights per year. The extra 50 HP is a big deal in the Arizona high country. I fly mostly for fun but I also fly SAR for the Sheriff's Office in some rather high mountians. My little Cessna has flown as hight as FL 230 (IFR/nose bag ) and routinely flys at 14,000 feet in the Prescott area. The C150/150 is an extreamly flexable aircraft in the traffic pattern where it can operate anywhere from 40 to 140 mph, descend at 3,000 FPM and at sea level, climb @ 1,500 FPM. Even in Prescott ( 5,000 feet MSL ) on a hot summer day, it can land in something near 400 feet. Cessna 150's are nice little aircraft. Cessna 150/150's are wonderful aircraft. 02/28/2007 @ 15:13 [ref: 15711] |
Sgt. Snorkel Rumpyam, CO | I am the worlds only fighter Ace in a Cessna 150. I remember back in the 'Nam taking a 150 downtown into Hanoi. We were a three ship, each packing 8 Low Drag MK-82 500 pounders, 4 CBU-55 Cluster Bombs and a 20mm cannon with 5000 rounds. We tanked up just outside the city taking on about 3 gallons. After coming off the refueling track we went in low and fast. (About 50 kts.) As I was flying high cover we were targeted by an SA-7 and I dropped half my bucket of chaff and flares. My wingman called bogies at 7 o'clock high, coming in hot. We rolled into 8 Mig-15s locked on to the leader and took him out with a quick gun burst. I then took out the remaining 7 with more quick bursts from the cannon. My heart was pounding in my chest, my mouth was dry. We headed 50 miles back to the boat, taking about 12 hours, each making a perfect 3 wire on a deck pitching about 30 degrees. Thank you Mrs. Cessna for the smart kid. 08/18/2004 @ 20:46 [ref: 8090] |
Bob Hales , NY | Wonderful trainer. I have more than 1,800 hours of instruction given in them. Very little C-152 time. 06/29/2003 @ 21:52 [ref: 6547] |
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