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Convair XC-99
  Manufacturer: | Convair |
  Base model: | C-99 |
  Designation: | XC-99 |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1925-1962 |
  Basic role: | Transport |
  Status: | Experimental |
  Length: | 182' 6" | 55.6 m |
  Wingspan: | 230' 0" | 70.1 m |
  Gross Weight: | 265,000 lb | 120,181 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 6 |
  Powerplant: | Pratt & Whitney R-4360-25 |
  Horsepower (each): | 3000 |
Known serial numbers
Examples of this type may be found at
XC-99 on display
 Kelly Field Heritage Museum |   |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
Elmo Haas Sacramento, CA | I went to grammar school about 1 mile south of the runway at McClellan AFB in Sacramento County, Calif and we used to see and HEAR the XC-99 regularly while it was shuttling back and forth from Texas and McClellan twice a week or more, We could hear it coming many minutes before we could see it! It was an impressive sight and sound! 05/06/2016 @ 10:27 [ref: 69615] |
Michael French Hampton, VA, VA | Re: XC-99 Restoration
I thoroughly enjoy talking by phone with the Artisans at the USAF Museum Annex facility. These Gentlemen are a great source of information (nothing ever said out of school) on current and ongoing restorations, upcoming museum construction (a 4th and eventually a 5th huge quonset addition to the museum), the search for a new museum curator and my favorite topic, of course, the XC-99 status.
When the 4th Quonset display addition is completed (projected October 2015) there will be a major move of the Research, Experimental, and Presidential aircraft from the annex area to the new addition.
Hopefully, eventual plans will include the cosmetic restoration and indoor display of the XC-99 at the USAF Museum. This will be very pleasing to a lot of aviation enthusiasts and crew members that are still living.
Mike 11/19/2014 @ 08:17 [ref: 68769] |
Clifford T. Schoeffler Pearland, TX | My father was Clifford "Kip" Schoeffler who retired from the Air Force in 1974 as a Brigadier General after 33 years and 18,000 plus flying hours.
From 1948 to 1960 we were stationed at Carswell A.F.B in Fort Worth which shared runways with the big Convair Plant. Dad was a member of the 7th Bomg Wing (Heavy) which flew B-36's and in fact was one of only 3 Officers to exceed 5,000 flight hours in the B-36 and I believe the only pilot to do so.
General Curtis LeMay was CincSAC (Commander in chief Strategic Air Command) during this time. Curtis LeMay did not like that the XC-99 had been transferred to Kelly and placed in MAC (Military Airlift Command). LeMay wanted the XC-99 back! At some time LeMay learned that the CincMAC would be away from Kelly AFB and called the Wing Commander of the 7th to ask if the Commander had a pilot experienced enough to go to Kelly and steal the XC-99 and bring it back to Carswell. The Wing CO called my Dad in.......they "dummied up a set of orders", Dad gathered his B-36 crew and they flew to Kelly. After some heated dialogue at Kelly in which LeMay's much feared name was invoked Dad and his crew got in the XC-99 and after "one turn around the patch" let the planes current pilot out on the runway and blasted off for Carswell. One of Dad's proudest log book entries is his 3.5 hours logged in the XC-99.
To say the "STUFF' hit the fan is an understatement, it was a big scandal and a certain MAC General wanted my father's head in addition to a Court Martial. The good thing for Dad was that Gen. Curtis LeMay was no pussycat and he did not allow anything negative to happen to one of his now "favored" pilots.
Several years ago I met a retired Air Force Major at a social gathering. During our conversation when I learned he had been at Kelly I mentioned my father's escapade. The Major came unglued....it seems that he was the Public Affairs Officer at Kelly when all this went down. Dad was still alive at that time and the Major told me to relay to Daddy that "he and his actions had made the Major's life pure hell for about 3 weeks back then and that the Major had never forgotten it. I then bought the Major a drink and told him it was on Dad.
The B-36 was a monster of an aircraft but the XC-99 dwarfed it! 11/08/2014 @ 11:12 [ref: 68749] |
james raby redmond, WA | my father walter raby flew the xc 99 from 52 to 55 he was the youngest to fly it at the age of 27 flew c124s out of kelly for 12 years 10000 hours in 124s he is still living in bellevue wa he also flew for boeing 707 727 737 747 757 767 retired 1986 ww2 korea vietnam vet 07/11/2014 @ 06:57 [ref: 68559] |
Troy Deaton Dayton, OH | I work in Area B at WPAFB. I drive by the XC-99 everyday and marvel at the potential of it being restored and put on display in the new hangar of the Museum. I spoke with an official at the museum, and he told me the plane is too far gone to complete a restoration at Wright-Patterson AFB. Went on to say that if they tried to restore it, it would be the same as building a new plane in itself. He said they were arranging airlift of the pieces to the Boneyard and if it was ever going to be restored, it would be done at that location.
I have moved around and under all the pieces and have taken numerous photographs to keep for historical purposes. I would enjoy seeing the USAF let a conservatory group take possession of this aircraft, and through private donations restore it to it's true magnificence.
07/08/2014 @ 07:57 [ref: 68555] |
Garry Arndt Dayton, OH | The XC-99 is being sent to the "Boneyard". It is not being restored. I believe the word is that it is too costly to restore. I posted this information
in May 2013.
garryarndt@roadrunner.com 02/06/2014 @ 16:02 [ref: 68337] |
Catherine Droll-Davis Boerne, TX | My father Louis Droll was a pilot for the XC99.
Wanted to take our grandchildren to view, but
Glad to know the XC99 is being restored. 12/29/2013 @ 14:01 [ref: 68264] |
Carl Plummer Wichita Falls, TX | My father, Walter Harvey Plummer, also was a test pilot of the XC-99. I am unsure of the dates but he was taken off flying status in mid-50s for physical medical problems. He flew the Hump in WWII and later flew C-124s from Hickam to Japan in support of Korea. Anyone have any recollection of him? He passed away in 1989. Thanks to all of those who spent time in service to our country. 12/23/2013 @ 11:17 [ref: 68246] |
Jean Neuhauser Baue St. Louis, MO | My father, Albert Neuhauser, was a test pilot for the XC-99. This would have been around 1948-1954. Gen. McMullen was his CO. I grew up hearing about the plane and all the adventures he had in it. 12/21/2013 @ 13:32 [ref: 68242] |
Axel Hopatcong, NJ | I have a thick paperboard photo, very large, like perhaps a professional printing of the photo. On the reverse, there is a large picture of a man with a weird small hunting cap with feather in it. He pouring a drink out of a small barrel on a St. Bernard's neck. The photo is inscribed to "Bella" with happy new year wishes for a good 1950. Signed by either RUD or PAUL. Anyone have any idea who this guy could be? 12/13/2013 @ 13:17 [ref: 68232] |
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