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Douglas AD-5Q (EA-1F) 'Skyraider'
  Manufacturer: | Douglas |
  Base model: | AD |
  Designation: | AD |
  Version: | -5Q |
  Nickname: | Skyraider |
  Equivalent to: | EA-1F |
  Designation System: | U.S. Navy / Marines |
  Designation Period: | 1946-1962 |
  Basic role: | Attack |
  Modified Mission: | Electronic countermeasures |
  See Also: | |
Examples of this type may be found at
EA-1F on display

|  Pima Air & Space Museum |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
Eric Alli , OH | My mom's cousin, William E. McCully was killed on April 8, 1958 in an AD-5Q that went down in Paso Robles, California due to engine trouble. The pilot Kenneth Winsor and one other crew member, James Myron Lee was also killed in the crash. 07/27/2013 @ 11:09 [ref: 67975] |
Bob Broniecki Las Vegas, NV | Quonset Point, RI then the Independence CVA-62 for the 63/64 Med cruise. I was the Avaition Storekeeper for Det.62
Walter Langley was a good friend. I have always wondered what happened to all the great people I served with on that cruise. Thanks Johns for the memories. Gritzer AE3 LtJg Spears, Cdr Wanamaker. Koefoed the parachute rigger I was best man at his wedding to a great painter MaryAnn. Lt Dixon, I spent Christmas 1963 in Klosters Switzerland with John Harold from Muncie Indiana. We had the cruise of a lifetime, before the lid blew off in August 1964 in the Gulf of Tonkin.
I wish I could remember more names, as an 18 year old Polish boy from Pittsburgh, I grew into a man on that Med.cruise thanks to all the great friends I made.
Bob Broniecki, Las Vegas, Nv Retired public school teacher 12/19/2010 @ 05:44 [ref: 34577] |
Johns, Charles G. Rising Star, TX | Quonset Point, RI then the Independence CVA-62 for the 63/64 Med cruise. As an AZ I worked the ready room #6 we shared with a Marine squadron. We flew EA-1E's, some with the big dome under her belly. I think they were called Guppies. November 63 during a night launch, one went over the side and a friend Walter E. Langley was killed. Lt. Dixon was the pilot and survived. Langley apparently helped Lt.Dixon make it but he did not. Mr. Dixon said he would make sure Langley's wife got a letter and I have wondered all these years if Langley got any recognition. That old SPAD could stay airborne forever. The first off and the last on, was our job. A classmate from high school, Paul Speaks, was in VF-84 and we went to ROME for one of our trips. That is a story I can't tell. 44 years married to the same woman..... and I want to keep it that way! 03/06/2010 @ 08:59 [ref: 25832] |
Les Locklear Gulfport, MS | I flew aboard the Independence CVA-62 during the Cuban Blockade. Several AD-5Q's flew into Mayport to pick up several crew members who were left behind while on leave when the Indy departed Norfolk early for the impending Cuban Crisis. We were flown from Norfolk to Mayport to be ferried out to the Indy. The squadron was VAW-33.
I was a BT-3 and was never so glad to get back down into the machinery spaces. That was a very fast stop upon the controlled crash called a landing!!! 02/08/2009 @ 16:56 [ref: 23674] |
John Marlin Hemet, CA | All hands who flew in or loves the ol AD's .Check www.vaw-13.com and click on Reunion info .Oct 2008 in San Diego Calif. 06/01/2008 @ 20:25 [ref: 21071] |
Burt Widener , NH | As an AT2 I flew the backseat in AD5Q's out of NAS Pt.Mugu,CA from 1958-61. 12/24/2007 @ 10:38 [ref: 19032] |
John \\ , NY | I was assigned to VAQ-33 at NAS Norfolk in October of 1969. I saw the last Spad going out on a barge as the squadron was reorgainizing with newer aircraft, namely the EF-4B Phantom II, EA-3Bs, TA-4Fs, and an EC-121.
I'm presently getting into RC aircraft. I'm presently building a trainer aircraft so that I can learn to fly. I want my next aircraft to be a EA1F Skyraider with VAQ-33's paint job on it.
Does anyone know of a ARF (Almost Ready to Fly) or kit for a Skyraider? If so, please send me all the information that you can.
John 08/04/2007 @ 10:31 [ref: 17451] |
J Toppe Algoma, WI | I was an ECM operator in 1961-1963 in VAW-11 North Island and VAW-13 Alameda. Made one cruise on the Coral Sea and finished up in DET One, Cubi Pt. Ultimately I finished my career in RVAW 110, North Island, the original home of VAW-11.
05/29/2007 @ 15:43 [ref: 16658] |
Peter Onksen Deerfield, NH | Joined VAW-33 as an Ensign in Aug 60. Had squadron training and became a NAO (E) / NFO in early 1961. Made 2 Med cruises on CVA-62 USS Independence. VAW-33 provided ELINT/Electronic recon around Cuba in 1961/1962 as part of the National Effort. Was the AIO/EWO for the detachment on the Independence during the Cuba Blockade Oct/Nov 1962. Managed to get about 100 CAT shots and 100 traps in the AD-5Q/EA-1F. Flew both the right front and the rear ECM operator seats. Later I was assigned to the Naval Air Test Center as an ECM/EW project officer. Was the project officer for the effort to install and test the ALQ-51 on the A-4 Skyhawk effort called SHOEHORN as we had to shoehorn the equipment into the A-4. We flew against a simulation of the SA-2 Fan Song Radar. Eventually the F-8 and F-4 got the shoehorn treatment. 04/05/2007 @ 14:33 [ref: 16105] |
WB Cox Aircrew VAW-13 61-64 , OR | Queen's;
The only to Jam. Ala 3 apa 64 Wow what memories this brings back. If any of you old Zaps are interested there is a memorial scheduled 31May2007 aboard USS Midway Museum
San Diego. No AD's but lots of memories. Drop a line
W.B. 03/04/2007 @ 09:22 [ref: 15755] |
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