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Fairchild PT-19A 'Cornell'
  Manufacturer: | Fairchild |
  Base model: | PT-19 |
  Designation: | PT-19 |
  Version: | A |
  Nickname: | Cornell |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1925-1947 |
  Basic role: | Primary Trainer |
  Length: | 27' 8" | 8.4 m |
  Height: | 7' 9" | 2.3 m |
  Wingspan: | 35' 11" | 10.9 m |
  Gross Weight: | 2,450 lb | 1,111 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 1 |
  Powerplant: | Ranger L-440-3 |
  Horsepower (each): | 200 |
  Range: | 480 miles | 772 km |
  Cruise Speed: | 106 mph | 170 km/h | 91 kt |
  Max Speed: | 124 mph | 199 km/h | 107 kt |
  Ceiling: | 16,000 ft | 4,876 m |
Known serial numbers
41-14600 / 41-15172, 41-20146 / 41-20590, 42-2514 / 42-2961, 42-14708 / 42-14712, 42-33384 / 42-34418,
42-34420 / 42-34513
42-47827 / 42-47834
42-47978 / 42-48051
42-50027 / 42-50070
42-65452 / 42-65551
42-83366 / 42-83662
43-31363 / 43-31657
43-33665 / 43-33844
Examples of this type may be found at
PT-19A on display
 Museum of Aviation |  Travis Air Force Museum |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
Bob Jenks , CA | My father bought a PT-19A Serial No.10074ae as shown on the bill of sale in 1946 with money that was to be used for a new house that caused quite a stir Have not found out what happened to the airplane since 02/28/2013 @ 13:19 [ref: 67626] |
Marianne Wood Sweetwater, TX | The National WASP WWII Museum will soon have a PT-19A on display. It represents one of the 17 different aircraft flown in training by the Women Airforce Service Pilots at Avenger Field between 1943 and 1944.
12/23/2008 @ 10:51 [ref: 23315] |
Bob Horning Mount Joy, PA | From my father Ret. Capt. Roy A. Horning II memoirs. He flew C-47 goony birds in WWII out of La Havre, France.
...My instructor, Al Fritz, was a middle-aged, weather-beaten looking guy I took an instant liking to. Most of the instructors there were old barnstormers and crop dusters who knew just about everything about flying by the seat of one's pants. The training planes were Fairchild PT-19-As, which had ben made in Hagerstown, MD.
They were very primitive by today's standards. They were two-seat, tandem, Low wing monoplanes with open cockpits. They had the basic instruments one would need as a beginner. There was no intercom system, and the only communication between instructor and student was the Gossport Tube. This was rubber tubes that fitted into the ear holes of the cadet's helmet, and a hand-held speaker the instructor used to give directions to the cadet. The cadet could not talk to the instructor, but was supposed to nudge the joystick forward and back to indicate positive or lack of understanding.
My first flight with the instructor was kind of scary, especially when he did inverted (upside-down) flying. If you can picture sitting there in an open cockpit, hanging by a seat belt, looking straight down at the ground, you can grasp the idea. Spins and subsequent recovery from the same were also thrilling, especially for a guy who had never been up in a plane before.
There was a rule at Primary Flying School which no one seemed to want to let you forget. And that was that a cadet must be able to solo after 6 hours of dual training. I could never figure the logic of that, but I learned that the Army rarely bothers about logic. But that rule dominated the thoughts of every cadet all the time. And reports about earlier classes in which 40% of the cadets washed out because they failed to solo in time didn't exactly raise our morales.
Most of the dual flying instruction took place at several auxiliary fields, all with grass runways. And much time was devoted to instruction in take-offs and landings. There were landings there that made me look away, including some of my own. But if any good thing can be said about the PT-19-A it is that the landing gear was very sturdy. Otherwise, many a cadet would have come home for terminal leave in a box. 09/01/2008 @ 15:00 [ref: 22592] |
Shawn Halsey Port Deposit, MD | My grandfather was a Civilian Flight Instructor in 1944 at Sikeston, Missouri. He logged many hours in the PT19A. He taught the new pilots attached to the 31st Wing of the 309th Air Group. It is a great honor to find a group of people that are trying to keep a very important part of our country's great history alive for future generations.
I also want to give a very heart felt thank you to ALL the veterans for their serve to our great nation. You are what makes this such a great nation to live in. THANK YOU! 12/21/2007 @ 11:15 [ref: 19003] |
Bob , MS | In about 1947 there existed many PT-19s available as surplus material (minus the engine). My dad bought one from the surplus materials people at a former Army Air field near our home. I think he paid all of $25 for it. He had the wings removed (temporarily) and then had it towed to a vacant lot we owned next to our home. The wings were put back on.
That PT-19 made many imaginary trips for lots of little boys in the late 1940s. It was the favorite plaything in the neighborhood.
We moved to another house in about 1949 that had no room for the PT-19. Dad gave the PT-19 to the man who had towed it to our house in the first place. He towed it to his backyard and then another set of little boys played with it for many more years.
There is a nice example of the PT-19 hanging from the ceiling at the USAF Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH. 08/03/2007 @ 16:22 [ref: 17442] |
Brooks Johnson , MA | Does anyone have an idea where in the Boston Ma. area where I could see a PT19A trainer. My mother learned to fly this plane at the Norwood airport in Norwood Ma. by an old barnstormer named Frank Darling in the late 1930's. 11/03/2004 @ 23:05 [ref: 8550] |
Gábor Wágner Komló, MT | Hi!
(I\'m a Hungaryan boy, I just learn English now.)
I working on a pt19 farchild modell, but I haven\'t got
a panel picture, so I need one. If anybody can me send a
picture from a pt19 panel then please send me one.
05/03/2003 @ 11:44 [ref: 6438] |
Ivan E. Hutchins Bloomsdale,, MO | As a young boy (age 17-18)in 1947-48-49, I soloed and flew most all of the PT type aircraft as were at that time available as War Surplus aircraft---I and a friend my own age, purchased a BT-13 for $250 from Omar Midyett, Operator of Lakeside Airport, Granite City, Illinois. We paid $50 down, and $50 a month until we paid it off. I was but a mere line-boy working my way into aviation. I recall being able to buy all these old Primary and Basic trainers at that time surplus for penneys on the dollar. Being but 17 years of age flying those old birds and even being able to own a BT-13 which at that time were being dumped on the civilian market leaves me to believe that there will never be another such oportunity opened to the average working man to enjoy aviation as I have for the past 54 years.Following W.W.II was the best years of civilian aviation that shall ever exist. I'm sickened at how things have turned out today however, with only the ultra rich being able to enjoy these wonderful old aircraft that are now considered "Toys of the rich." 07/13/2001 @ 11:50 [ref: 2660] |
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