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Grumman F9F-8T (TF-9J) 'Cougar'
  Manufacturer: | Grumman |
  Base model: | F9F |
  Designation: | F9F |
  Version: | -8T |
  Nickname: | Cougar |
  Equivalent to: |
  Designation System: | U.S. Navy / Marines |
  Designation Period: | 1922-1962 |
  Basic role: | Fighter |
  Modified Mission: | Trainer |
  See Also: | |
  Length: | 44' 4" | 13.5 m |
  Height: | 12' 3" | 3.7 m |
  Wingspan: | 34' 6" | 10.5 m |
  Wingarea: | 337.0 sq ft | 31.3 sq m |
  Empty Weight: | 12,787 lb | 5,799 kg |
  Gross Weight: | 16,698 lb | 7,572 kg |
  Max Weight: | 20,574 lb | 9,330 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 1 |
  Powerplant: | Pratt & Whitney J48-P-8A |
  Thrust (each): | 7,250 lb | 3,287 kg |
  Range: | 600 miles | 966 km |
  Cruise Speed: | 475 mph | 764 km/h | 412 kt |
  Max Speed: | 630 mph | 1,014 km/h | 548 kt |
  Climb: | 4,800 ft/min | 1,462 m/min |
  Ceiling: | 43,000 ft | 13,106 m |
Recent comments by our visitors
C.P.Weatherhot Rockwood, MI | I was stationed at Kingsville,Tx.for two years ATU-212/VT-22.(1958-1960) Got my OMYASS/Scanner card at NAS Corpus. Had many hrs.in the back seat of the F9F-8T,including a "cream in". Loved the aircraft and the opportunity. 03/25/2016 @ 06:42 [ref: 69541] |
James M. Gagnon Littleton, NC | I was stationed at NAAS Chase Field with VT 25 as an AMEAN and made many flights in the 8T. Had 4 carrier landings and 3 cat shots. Some of the best memories of my tour there from 1959 to 1961. Left the Canoe Club and went into the Army as a FDC until 1977. Thank all you guys and gals for your service. 05/04/2015 @ 18:14 [ref: 69067] |
John Bradford Wetmore, CO | Jet-transitioned in the 8T at JATU, NAS MoffettField in '62. I was at the USNPGS, Monterey and friend of mine was an instructor at Moffett. I'd drive up every saturday to fly one syllabus flight and eventually pecked my way through the transition. Would fly it again when I was a ferry pilot in VRF-32, NAS NI. 02/15/2015 @ 06:16 [ref: 68936] |
Gordon Small Houston, TX | I was stationed at the Naval Missile Center at Point Mugu, California from Nov 1965 - Feb 1969. We had many F9s and one TF9. The F9s were equipped as remote control drones and used as target practice for missile development, As an AT2 I had the opportunity to fly in the TF9 one time. The one flight I had was an experience I'll never forget. The first thing I noticed was how quiet it was. After takeoff he only thing I could hear was a slight whine, presumably from a gyro or some generator providing power to some of the equipment. The roar of the jet engine was noticeably absent. We took a quick trip through the mountains and valleys which I was familiar with from my T-28 flights (another story), but the TF9 experience was exhilarating. The hills flew by and they came at us much faster than in the T-28. Wow, what a trip. Next we went out over the ocean. The speed at altitude was totally devoid of observation. It seemed we were just sitting there in mid air. Both seats are in front of the wings and it gave me the sensation I was just sitting there, quietly, in mid air. It was a clear day so there weren't even any clouds for a reference point to give me any indication that we were moving at all. The pilot, as I'm sure most pilots are, was a hotrodder and decided to show me the maneuvers the blue angels performed at the base a week earlier. That was definitely an experience. When I was in high school before I joined the Navy I was in an athletic program which was very intense so I was in excellent shape but after 30 minutes of pulling +&- G's I was getting pretty tired. When we landed I climbed out of the cockpit, down the ladder and started to walk to the hanger. I took about two steps when it hit me.... Those G forces (even though I was wearing a G suit) had taken it all out of me. It was all I could do to walk the 30 yards to my office, grab a chair and sit there for the next hour trying to regain the strength in my legs. The pilot told me that it took him some time to get used to pulling the G's too when he first started flying jets.
11/08/2014 @ 04:40 [ref: 68748] |
Carl Cline Hickory, NC | Hey Wes, as long as we are at it lets get some run-flats! I have over 500 hrs in that beautiful bird. 10/16/2014 @ 11:03 [ref: 68698] |
Wes Parlier Hickory, NC | Hello all. I work with an aviation museum in Hickory, NC. We recently acquired a TF-9J and in desperate need of tires for all 3 gear so we can tow it. Any and all help as far as sizes and resources will be great. FG Schenuit produced the tires. Hard to read the sizes from the dry rot. Thanks in advance.
WES 10/08/2014 @ 11:34 [ref: 68691] |
Robert Musgrove Tulsa, OK | Pertaining to the previous comment. The flight was to Amarillo, TX, not San Antonio. My age is showing. 04/16/2014 @ 13:47 [ref: 68457] |
Robert Musgrove Tulsa, OK | I was stationed at NAS Moffett Field, CA from 1959 to 1961 attached to VF-124. The F9F-8T was used to train pilots before they moved up to the F8U's. I received my OMYASS card at NAS Alameda, CA; and, I was lucky enough to fly several times in the back seat of the F9F-8T as an AE2. A couple of times the pilots did acrobatics with one of the experiences being a vertical dive up to .98 mach. The pilot said some of these aircraft would go through the sound barrier vertical; but, it didn't happen that day. The longest flight I experienced was from Moffett Field to the SAC base at San Antonio, TX over the Thanksgiving weekend to change a defective starter on an F9F-8T. The pilot that flew me there was one of the instructors. He got clearance before he started the engine, climbed to 42,000 feet, and landed in San Antonio with 500 pounds of fuel left from the original full load of 6,600 pounds. He said it would be close when we left Moffett Field. On the way home, the two aircraft made a refueling stop at the Marine Air Station Yuma, AZ because of headwinds going west. While the aircraft were being refueled, I stretched and then sat down on the tarmac because the warm concrete felt good. One of the refueling crew advised me to look for rattlesnakes if I was going to sit down. By the time he finished talking, I was standing up. I never experienced a carrier landing or takeoff. I volunteered to fly anytime the opportunity presented itself. Exciting stuff to a kid; and, good memories for a 73 year old man. 04/13/2014 @ 12:49 [ref: 68453] |
Bob Storck Kansas City, MO | I've heard this attributed to the similar advanced training at NAS Kingsville, but unless it happened twice, the actual incident was in NAS Beeville, Kingsville's counterpart in '65-66. A VT-25 two seat TF-9J suffered throttle disconnection on the downwind leg, and the engine went to idle. Instructor and student punched out, yet the plane lightly settled in a scrub covered field. Since the gear was lowered, it just rolled until it hit a small gully which folded the nose gear.
As the intakes were alongside the now empty cockpits, there it sat with the J-48 running and almost a full load of fuel. A mech climbed the flaps, shinnied down the fuselage and dropped out of sight into the gaping hole left in the rear cockpit with the Martin Baker gone.
After an overnight stay, a flatbed was brought in, the Cougar's wings folded, and the only slightly damaged jet was repaired on base, and back to training advanced students within a couple months.
Unfortunately, the overnight protective plane guard crew suffered a casualty. Some citizen idiot took a pot shot with a hunting rifle at the plane in the dark, and struck a young sailor in the hip. That ended his Naval service due to severe injuries. He had just reported to the squadron, and it was his first assignment.
I was there, and attached to VT-24 at the time and witnessed the engine failure and ejections as I was working on the flight line at the time, less than 1/2 mile away. 01/09/2014 @ 13:15 [ref: 68289] |
David Rooks Cadillac, MI | I was stationed at Chase Field, VT24, Beeville, Texas for
apprx. 3 1/2 years fom 58 to 62. I was involuntarily
extended because of the Cuban Crisis for 6 months to my
"Kiddy Cruise". I started as a AMHAN and was a AMH2 upon
separation. I also got my OMYASS card at Corpus Christi,
NAS, so that I could fly back seat. On my one and only
flight with my Division Officer he let me have the joy
stick, no rudder pedals. What an experience that was !! .
We were out over the Gulf and he lights up a cigar and turns
on country music and proceeds to cause me to use the barf
bag in my G-suit.
What great memories, I also crawled intakes to check on fuel and hydraulic leaks. Now at 72 I have claustrophobia. Go
figure. I retired as an Army MSG-E8 with 22 Yrs total
military service. Great memories!!! 12/25/2012 @ 14:51 [ref: 67437] |
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