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Grumman S-2E 'Tracker'
Notes: S-2D equipped with asw tactical navigation system (AN/ASN-30) (4 CREW) . |
  Manufacturer: | Grumman |
  Base model: | S-2 |
  Designation: | S-2 |
  Version: | E |
  Nickname: | Tracker |
  Equivalent to: | S2F-3S |
  Designation System: | U.S. Tri-Service |
  Designation Period: | 1962-Present |
  Basic role: | Anti-Submarine |
  See Also: | |
  Length: | 43' 6" | 13.2 m |
  Height: | 16' 7" | 5.0 m |
  Wingspan: | 72' 7" | 22.1 m |
  Wingarea: | 499.0 sq ft | 46.3 sq m |
  Empty Weight: | 19,033 lb | 8,631 kg |
  Gross Weight: | 26,867 lb | 12,184 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 2 |
  Powerplant: | Wright R-1820-82WA |
  Horsepower (each): | 1525 |
  Range: | 920 miles | 1,481 km |
  Cruise Speed: | 150 mph | 241 km/h | 130 kt |
  Max Speed: | 251 mph | 404 km/h | 218 kt |
  Climb: | 1,830 ft/min | 548 m/min |
  Ceiling: | 20,100 ft | 6,126 m |
Known serial numbers
151638 / 151685, 152332 / 152379, 152798 / 152845, 153559 / 153608
Examples of this type may be found at
S-2E on display
 National Museum of Naval Aviation |   |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
Ken Semling Shoreview, MN | I was on the flight deck of the USS Valley when WM Outten crashed the S2f off the fantail into the sea. I saw it all. I will never forget.
April, 1960.... 02/01/2015 @ 09:50 [ref: 68912] |
Larry Rozolsky , AL | VS-35, 1968-69 NORIS. Aircrew AW-2 3 and 4 seat and yoke time over the Gulf of Tonkin. What a great platform for ASW, flying 6 hours on station, taking the traps along with the cats, what a thrill! Although a little cramped, we still had room to store stuff from the package store when we had to land in DaNang. The Stoof was stable, easy to fly and at the time, being one of the POP2's tasked with the 3M program, I knew our planes inside and out. Would have loved to have a multi-engine private license, would have bought a stoof and enjoyed taking it to air shows.
We returned to NORIS in May '69 where I was TAD to the base pool and the base water survival instructor. All flying personnel had to be checked out in water survival, enlisted and officers, what a gig!! Monday -Friday 0800 to 1600, fly 1 weekend a month and stand the ASDO watch 1 weekend a month, but not at the same time. Except for the chief in charge of our shop, the rest of the crew, enlisted and officers were truly great guys. 07/05/2012 @ 12:37 [ref: 63075] |
JC STREET Montrose, NY | As far as I know I was the only ADJ that was qualified as a Qulateral Duty Inspector on both the F-8, A-4 and
S-2 in VC-5 between Jan 1969 and July 1972. Does anyone know where the Mouse is (Robert Marcucci) or Charlie Kraper??
Flew out of Adsugi to Naha without the Ox tank being filled. Thanks Charlie. We had to stop at a an air base in Japan where I have no ides as we would never made it to Naha!!
04/27/2010 @ 14:23 [ref: 26095] |
JC STREET Montrose, NY | As far as I know I was the only ADJ that was qualified as a Qulateral Duty Inspector on both the F-8, A-4 and
S-2 in VC-5 between Jan 1969 and July 1972. Does anyone know where the Mouse is (Robert Marcucci) or Charlie Kraper??
Flew out of Adsugi to Naha without the Ox tank being filled. Thanks Charlie. We had to stop at a an air base in Japan where I have no ides as we would never made it to Naha!!
04/27/2010 @ 14:22 [ref: 26094] |
Randall Wilson Ewing, NJ | Hello From Jersey:
This is an ole Illinois boy who worked the VC-5 flight line from early 1970 until the summer of 71, as a plane captain first, then as an Aviation Electronic tech (ATR-3) on the F-8s, A-4s and flew off and on in the P-2V, including a trip to Det-5 at Cubi Point. Good Ole Olongapo City and White Rock Beach. I always wondered what happened to my ole Naha ville roomie Gary D. Finklestein. I had a girlfriend on Okinawa, Mariko, aka Kako whom I'll always remember. I got my head stuck under the rudder pedals of one of our A-4 Checkertail jets in the VC-5 Naha hanger one night, working on an electrical wiring problem. I yelled and yelled until someone found me and helped pull Little Willy out !! I'll never forget the first time I saw an SR-71 while on the flightline with the A-4s...and when I made E-4 as an ATR -3...in the runway bengo sitch my head went...stinko !!
Thanks for listening
Randall Wilson aka Little Willy San prorec48@hotmail.com 01/03/2010 @ 04:22 [ref: 25513] |
Bill Cogdill Klamath Falls, OR | I was stationed in Naha In 1968-1969. I did a lot of flying in the S-2. I flew to Subic Bay a few times. It was an exciting experience. I would not have changed it for the world. 01/26/2009 @ 09:00 [ref: 23556] |
rod outten , VA | My father, Wm E. Outten crashed an S 2 on april 8, 1960 V S - 2 2 off Uss. Valley Forge. Any info helpful at outtenspace@hotmail.com. I have some photos of S-2s and AF Guardians Thanks much! 08/29/2008 @ 08:32 [ref: 22577] |
Ken (Hop) Hoppens Victorville, CA | Hey I forgot if you Naha guys want to rap here is my email.
08/27/2008 @ 06:49 [ref: 22559] |
Ken (Hop) Hoppens Victorville, CA | Hope you Naha guys had a chance to spend a little liberty in our fair city of Olongapo. I was stationed at VC-5 in Cubi from 71-72. I too got to fly in it up to Naha. 08/27/2008 @ 06:48 [ref: 22558] |
Jolynn Dupree , GA | I own and operate a company called The Hangar Models Company and we specialize in custom model airplanes. If you want a S-2 Tracker, you would be able to customize the paint scheme, tail #, Squadron markings, call sign, etc. You can visit our website at www.hangarmodels.com or you can call 1-800-647-9080. We can make any model, so if you don't see what you're looking for on our website, we can still custom build it for you! 05/30/2008 @ 10:42 [ref: 21055] |
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