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Heath Parasol
  Length: | 31' 6" | 9.6 m |
  Wingspan: | 25' 0" | 7.6 m |
  Gross Weight: | 595 lb | 269 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 1 |
  Powerplant: | Henderson (converted Motorycle) |
  Horsepower (each): | 25 |
  Range: | 350 miles | 563 km |
  Cruise Speed: | 65 mph | 104 km/h | 56 kt |
Examples of this type may be found at
Recent comments by our visitors
Alton Higgins Hiawassee, GA | In reply to Cris of CA about the picture, NO the airplane shown in your picture is not a Heath Parasol. The shown aircraft (http://www.well.com/user/cooljazz/images/popsboat.jpg)
has a radial engine, Heath used a 4 cylinder motocycle engine.
I worked at HeathKit, the final venture of Mr. Heath, for a number of years. The company made electronic kits until its purchase and dismembermen by the Zenith Co.
Originally, the HeathKits were made from surplus WWII electronics parts, particularly CRTs from radar sets. Heath made an inexpensive Oscilloscope using these "picture tubes".
03/22/2010 @ 07:56 [ref: 25907] |
Marilyn Marschall , ID | I have a pair of ski's for a heath aircraft. I would like to sell them if anyone has any idea where I might find a buyer. My dad had them stored for years even though he did not have a Heath Aircraft. He had many other antique aircraft, but no Heath. Perhaps there is some site on the internet where I could put a picture and someone may be interested. 09/15/2009 @ 13:35 [ref: 25127] |
Ralph Brandt York, PA, PA | There is a Heath Parisol in the New England Air Museum in Hartford CT. I just saw it a couple weeks ago and was surprised by the sign on the wall. Heath, the guy who made the kit is also the guy who later made the famous "Heathkits" that Ham Operators bought by the thousands.
I haven't gotten my pics all cleaned up but when I do it will be posted on the site.
www.triond.com/users/Ralph+Brandt (yep, that is a plus..) 07/26/2008 @ 09:24 [ref: 22267] |
Chris , CA |
Hi, I'm hoping for some insights here.
My father, now deceased, told us that
he had started building a Heathkit Parasol
airplane in his youth. The only
picture in existence of the plane is this link.
The plane has no wings, it was under construction.
Shortly after this picture was taken, there was
a hurricane which sunk the plane. Despite
dredging no trace was ever found.
I don't have the approximate date of the picture.
My question, as best as can be determined,
is this a Heathkit Parasol, on pontoons?
09/08/2007 @ 16:39 [ref: 17876] |
George Beyer Crete, NE | My father either buit entirely by himself, or completed a B-27 Heath Parasol airplane in our basement in about 1933 or 1934. After completion, it hung in the rafters of his Chevrolet business through the thirties, and I don't know it's disposition after about 1938. It had a Hendeerson conversion motor in it, and the wooden shipping frame for it was still around home when my mother died in 1990. I have what remains of a set of new piston rings, I think for one piston, in a round carboard box. The propeller hung on the basement wall till shortly after my father died. It was red, covered with fabric, and with the cast HEATH - Chicago medallian in the hub. I earlier donated the original registration for this to the Heath Club.
I have an advertising brochure from the Heath Airplane Company. I see no date on it, but it describes the airplane, and lists kits, starting with Group no. 1, through group 11, each described and priced. $238 would buy 14 groups, which apparently was the complete set of kits.
I also have a brochure of the Heath-Henderson conbination which describes in considerable detail the ocnversion of the Henderson motorcycle motor for the Heath aircraft. The entire engine bought new, modified for the airplane was priced at $325.00, or remanufactured for $216.00.
I would like for these items to end up in the hands of a Heath-Henderson Club Library, if there is such. In return, I would like a copy of the Heath book published in 2003 and distributed through the EEA. 08/15/2007 @ 13:22 [ref: 17616] |
Sam Campbell wichita, KS | I am looking for pictures of the instruments that went in the Heath Parasol 1927 vintage 07/23/2007 @ 07:52 [ref: 17244] |
Flyer , NH | There is a Heath Parasol in the New England Air Museum in CT, with no covering, making it easy to see its construction. 03/25/2006 @ 15:50 [ref: 12919] |
Susan Iverson North Haven, CT | Hi everyone!
I am doing some research on early aircraft that flew out of the North Haven/Wallingford, CT area. Does anyone know of a Petrosol(sp?) or Parasol that flew out of an airfield in this area? Please help!!! 11/11/2002 @ 18:52 [ref: 6055] |
dave briddell york, PA | Hi! Interested in color picture of heath parisol. My father built 3 of them in the 1930's and sold them for profit-
one of which to a non-pilot who first flight ran it through a fense. Want color shot will pay for call me at 800-843-1514 York Pa -doing a picture memorial of Dad's airplanes
thanks Dave Briddell 717-843-1511 03/05/2002 @ 15:32 [ref: 4457] |
Len Neale Biloela, QC | I fly the only airworthy Heath Parasol in Australia.
It was originally built at Sandgate near Brisbane in 1932
by Vladamir Sluserenko, a Russian friend of Igor Sikosky\'s.
I restored it and re-engined it with a Rotax 503. It\'s first
post-restoration flight was in October 1995. \"Miss Sandgate\"
flies regularly, around once a fortnight. It flies well, a
good 60kts cruise with the 503 power. 12/31/2001 @ 20:18 [ref: 3945] |
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