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Interstate L-6 'Cadet'
  Manufacturer: | Interstate |
  Base model: | L-6 |
  Designation: | L-6 |
  Nickname: | Cadet |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1942-1962 |
  Basic role: | Liaison |
  See Also: | O-63 |
Known serial numbers
Examples of this type may be found at
Recent comments by our visitors
John L. Grieco Sr. Harbor City, CA | My Father John Leonard Grieco flew the Interstate, NC37421 on June 24th & July 1st 1945 out of Compton Airport, California to Cal-Aero doing Landing practice, Cross Country, Spirals, Turns and Landings. I have his Pilots Log Books from June 5th, 1937 to November 17th, 1946. If anyone has any information on NC37421 please contact me. I am a RC pilot and I am gathering documentation to construct RC models of all the aircraft he flew in his Log Book. I am looking for 3-Views and or Model Plans for construction. 02/12/2015 @ 19:25 [ref: 68928] |
Alex Nelon Tangerine, FL | The Interstate Cadet type certificate (A-737) has an interesting history. After WWII, the company was sold a couple of times before being bought by Call Aircraft of Afton WY. The Call family manufactured a couple of series of light airplanes suited to the needs of ranchers and outdoors type people and they needed the raw materials (tubing, etc) as much as anything. The type certificate was an extra to them. They had also begun refurbishing L-6s for the civilian market. They built 2 S-1A-90C Cadets, one of which survives on the FAA registry. I own it. The airplane was relatively costly at over $4500 when compared to Cubs, Champs and the like which sold for much less. The Calls gave up on the Cadet and the type certificate went through more hands, eventually emerging as the Arctic Tern. It's a great airplane, sturdy and simple, and enjoys great popularity as a bush plane. 09/24/2013 @ 09:53 [ref: 68077] |
Lou Kugell Prospect, CT | This months issue of Air and Space mag. features a detailed story on the Interstate Cadet--This is published by the Smithsonian (Air and Space Museum) and they may be able to assist in info or parts procurement. Hope this is helpful
11/25/2011 @ 13:25 [ref: 50661] |
Burton Williams Boise, ID | I have old service bulletins and parts price lists on the SIA Cadet, SIB Cadet and Army L-6 Airplane dated 1941 - 1943 from Interstate Aircraft & Engineering Corporation, El Segundo, California. Numerous Service Bulletins including diagrams and notes. Some are probably good reference data for the restorer or enthusiast. A few are marked restricted by the Army. Their are also stamps from the West Coast Air Service of Bellflower, Calif. on the cover bindings and Vultee Aircraft Corporation of San Diego markings on some of the bulletins. Four separate folders. Email: boiseantiques@cableone.net if interested. 07/03/2010 @ 20:10 [ref: 26867] |
cathie Burbank, CA | I have a vintage wood prop that I think was designed for the 1943 Interstate L-6 made by US Propellers Inc. Design # is 76FGS64, Serial #10265 (I think this serial number falls into the "rejected" category by the US Air Force), RPM 2200, HP 115, TC 737. It's an 8 bolt mount. Anyone interested in purchasing this, email me at cathie426@aol.com and make me an offer. It's in pretty decent condition and I can send photos. 06/30/2008 @ 20:33 [ref: 21731] |
Ryan Richardson Brownfield, AB | Sorry to put two comments up here but my number is
(403) 578 3308 04/22/2008 @ 12:04 [ref: 20679] |
Ryan Richardson Brownfield, AB | Hi everyone.
My name is Ryan Richardson and im from Alberta Canada. About 15 years ago we started to tear down and completely restore our S1B1. We are now just trying to put the final touches on it. We are in desperate need of any aircraft blueprints and or any drawings of the aircraft. We upgraded the engine to an 0-320 and we need the blueprints for the engine mounts. Please if anyone has anything that can help us out it would be greatly appriciated.
Contact info
Ryan Richardson
Box 36 Brownfield
T0C 0R0 04/22/2008 @ 12:01 [ref: 20678] |
Vanessa Tromm Alice, TX | We (Third Coast Squadron Commemorative Air Force) are restoring a 1945 Interstate L-6 (S1B1) Serial Number 163. We are having a difficult time finding parts for our bird. Does anyone have any L-6 parts for sale or know where I could find some or have some made? We have an original Franklin engine and have heard that this engine had problems with overheating. In South Texas this would be a bad thing. Can anyone recommend a better solution. I would very much welcome any comments, information, and words of advice/encouragment to help us along with this project. 03/14/2008 @ 05:15 [ref: 20012] |
Interstate L-6 , TX | The civilian paint job is just what it is, a civilian paint job. The #36 aircraft is very inaccurate. There were never invasion stripes since none went overseas. Also, this aircraft is missing the complete slanted greenhouse canopy and has the wrong tailwheel assembly and it's located in the wrong position. It also appears to be olive gloss. Who knows what else is wrong with it. The last one is completely accurate to the day it left the factory. I have seen this airplane in California and it is absolutely amazing. The detail and accuracy is phenomenal, down to all the interior accoutrements. . That's the example you want to use if you strive for originality. 03/13/2008 @ 05:59 [ref: 19997] |
Stanley Hall Los Angeles, CA | I'm looking for information regarding the paint and military insignias used on S1B1. My plane is a 1943 Army. I have three photos of the Interstates here and they are all different. Could anyone shed light on this subject ? Thanks 02/06/2008 @ 17:09 [ref: 19581] |
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