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Lockheed P-2H 'Neptune'
  Manufacturer: | Lockheed |
  Base model: | P-2 |
  Designation: | P-2 |
  Version: | H |
  Nickname: | Neptune |
  Equivalent to: |
P2V-7 P2V7P2V-7 |
  Designation System: | U.S. Tri-Service |
  Designation Period: | 1962-Present |
  Basic role: | Patrol |
  See Also: | |
  Length: | 91' 8" | 27.9 m |
  Wingspan: | 103' 10" | 31.6 m |
  Wingarea: | 1,000.0 sq ft | 92.8 sq m |
  Empty Weight: | 49,935 lb | 22,646 kg |
  Gross Weight: | 73,139 lb | 33,169 kg |
  Max Weight: | 79,895 lb | 36,233 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 2 |
  Powerplant: | Wright R-3350-32W |
  Horsepower (each): | 3500 |
  Range: | 2,200 miles | 3,542 km |
  Cruise Speed: | 188 mph | 302 km/h | 163 kt |
  Max Speed: | 403 mph | 648 km/h | 350 kt |
  Climb: | 1,760 ft/min | 536 m/min |
  Ceiling: | 22,000 ft | 6,705 m |
Known serial numbers
Examples of this type may be found at
P-2H on display
 Mid-Atlantic Air Museum |  Museum of Aviation |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
Danny Meyer Abita Springs, LA | It is ironic for me to be the next entry after Crew9Boss. He, Ed Cox, and I were all priveleged to fly with the P-2 Flying Ace, LCdr. Fred Heimbaucher, ZE-9, 147967, VP-17, 1966-1968. 12/08/2010 @ 21:44 [ref: 34045] |
Crew9Boss East Wenatchee, WA | The Poppa 2 was a real man's aircraft. Of all the aircraft I was blessed to fly in as a crewman, the Poppa 2 still holds my heart and fondest memories! 12/08/2010 @ 16:34 [ref: 34044] |
Cdr Gerald Durbin PhD , MS | During May of this year, a group of retired and ex-navy people went to Greybull, WY and stripped 9 P2V7s of all instruments and avionics. We also purchased 135588 with the intention of moving it to Warner Robbins Air Museum in Robbins, GA for display.
We will be working at WR on the EC-121K and a P2V7 during the last two weeks in October. Anyone interested in joining us at WR should email me for details. We will also be working on the planes the first two weeks of May 2007.
Anyone interested in helping preserve these planes, please get in touch with me. Also, any donations to help move 135588 from WY to GA would be greatly appreciated. 10/15/2006 @ 12:23 [ref: 14465] |
Cdr Gerald Durbin USN (ret) Pontotoc, MS | The RB-69 (P2V7), at WR AFB is actually a P2V7 (147954). It was in VP 31, 94, 68, 67, & 92. the plane is painted black becuase the photo they had of it was B&W. Based on the items that have been secured from Greybull, WY, we currently have everything necessary to restore 954 back to it's origional configuration. In addition, 135588 a P2 hull from Greybull will be converted to a display by removing part of the skin and replacing with Plexiglass to show the interior.
Anyone interested in helping restore the P2, WV-2 or work on the display (or help conduct tours) please contact me via email. Our work dates are May and October and we have spent over 15,000 hours restoring these great planes for future generations to enjoy. 07/02/2006 @ 12:45 [ref: 13636] |
Cdr Gerald durbin Pontotoc, MS | We are a group of retired military personnel that have been restoring a WV-2 at Rantoul for the past 5 years and currently working on a WV-2 at Warner Robbins AFB, GA.
In addition, we have recently stripped 9 P2V's of avionics and instruments to rebuild the WV-2 (EC-121K), P2 (147954)and P2 (135588) display at WR over the next several years. We have purchased a P2 and will be shipping it to WR to make into a display (hull only).
Our group has spent over 15,000 hours restoring aircraft and anyone interesting in helping during May and October, please contact me via email for details. 07/02/2006 @ 12:16 [ref: 13631] |
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