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Lockheed XR6O-1 (XR6V-1) 'Constitution'
  Manufacturer: | Lockheed |
  Base model: | R6O |
  Designation: | XR6O |
  Version: | -1 |
  Nickname: | Constitution |
  Designation System: | U.S. Navy / Marines |
  Designation Period: | 1931-1962 |
  Basic role: | Transport |
  Status: | Experimental |
  See Also: | |
Recent comments by our visitors
George Shelley Marrs Formerly From Sebring, FL | I am 1 of 4 sons of Joe George Marrs was the Owner From Gov.Auciton and 1 Lockheed Constitution Was sold to be a Restaurant at the airport in Las Vegas and father Joe Marrs,had Friend and neibheor Rusty Heard Also an Eastern Pilot flew it to Sebring then Rusty Flew it to Opa locka Were The new owner from Europe Over Insured the Aircraft and Drilled a small Hole in the fuel line and placed string in the fuel line on the front spar then ran the string to a candle at the door to the nose Gear Ladder ; Problem Was the fuel line shut vale Were turned OFF !!!! I G Shelley Marrs Taxied The plane once to move it out of Flight line When The Sebring Grand Prix used the Flight Line as part of Race track early 60s.
Shelley Marrs 12/03/2014 @ 16:35 [ref: 68805] |
George Shelley Marrs Formerly From Sebring, FL | I am 1 of 4 sons of Joe George Marrs was the Owner From Gov.Auciton and 1 Lockheed Constitution Was sold to be a Restaurant at the airport in Las Vegas and father Joe Marrs,had Friend and neibheor Rusty Heard Also an Eastern Pilot flew it to Sebring then Rusty Flew it to Opa locka Were The new owner from Europe Over Insured the Aircraft and Drilled a small Hole in the fuel line and placed string in the fuel line on the front spar then ran the string to a candle at the door to the nose Gear Ladder ; Problem Was the fuel line shut vale Were turned OFF !!!! I G Shelley Marrs Taxied The plane once to move it out of Flight line When The Sebring Grand Prix used the Flight Line as part of Race track early 60s.
Shelley Marrs 12/03/2014 @ 16:33 [ref: 68804] |
Roger Michael Milner Hollister, FL | This Airplane "Constitution" Looks very much like the Airrplane my Father might have work on, I had a olld Picture
(no loger av.)with him standing nxt to the front landing gear, and some at a staion with many gauges and he is waring a headset. his name and Rank was First Class Petty Officer Roger Maddy Milner, but, My Mom usedto say that " Evary time he turned Around something was going wrong" with the plane, he was a member of VF-7 out of Moffet field, Ca.
in 1954?-1958. But Mom also said the plane was from boeing. 04/13/2011 @ 09:04 [ref: 37420] |
Gary S Wolfe Tucson, AZ | According to Wikapedia the two XR6V-1 [XR6O-1] Constitution serial numbers were 48-5163 and 48-5164. 10/07/2009 @ 11:10 [ref: 25153] |
Butch Stokes , FL | We used to rent a cabin at Lake Placid, Fl, during the summer in the 50's. A family that lived down the street from us in Kendall also was there, next to us, one year. The father was an Eastern pilot..He and some of his friends got together and bought the plane, and flew it from Arizona to Sebring..We all piled in the cars and went to see it, and climb all over it..They eventually flew it to Opa Locka, where it finally met it's ugly demise..It sat along Opa Locka Blvd for years without wings, with plans to become a resturant..It was sad to see such a magnificent plane end up like that..The man's name I knew was McCulley..I don't know who his friends were.. 09/03/2008 @ 17:54 [ref: 22608] |
Butch Stokes , FL | We used to rent a cabin at Lake Placid, Fl, during the summer in the 50's. A family that lived down the street from us in Kendall also was there, next to us, one year. The father was an Eastern pilot..He and some of his friends got together and bought the plane, and flew it from Arizona to Sebring..We all piled in the cars and went to see it, and climb all over it..They eventually flew it to Opa Locka, where it finally met it's ugly demise..It sat along Opa Locka Blvd for years without wings, with plans to become a resturant..It was sad to see such a magnificent plane end up like that..The man's name I knew was McCulley..I don't know who his friends were.. 09/03/2008 @ 17:54 [ref: 22607] |
george acaley pottsville, PA | When Sun Line Helicopter put this plane up for auction at Opa Locka I was high bidder. ($1500 dollars or 2 cents a pound if I had to cut it up.) They said I was the new owner but latter notified that the bid was not high enough. In the mean time I had tried to lease a 200 ft vacant lot on the west side of the airport on Red Road to put it as a tourist attraction.
At that time I had a C-46 fuselage that I had made into a rocket ship with NASA film and the voice of Alen Shepard with a trip to the moon traveling the US. One of the first portable flight simulators later copied by others.
The picture that was in the Miami Herald that I have has become very dark and I would like to have another if possible.
My No is 570-573-0242 02/19/2008 @ 17:58 [ref: 19729] |
Richard Pike , TN | I was a line boy at MAC at Opa Locka in the late 60's and saw the Constellation when it came in and landed. It parked at Hangar One on the east side of the field, and we were told it was going to be flown to Spain and become a restaurant. Then we heard that there were some financing issues that were holding things up, and then a fire "mysteriously" occurred in the mid section of the airplane. The FAA would not give it a ferry permit since the center section of the spar might have been compromised and it sat on Hangar One's ramp for quite a while. Eventually they decided it was taking up too much space, and the called us to bring our tug and move it back off the edge of the ramp, since we had a very large tug with hydramatic.
Eventually we figured out what sort of towbar would fit it and we hooked it up. The tires had to be pumped up somewhat since it had sat for a while, but even so, we could not move it. The tug weighed over 6,000 pounds, but in first gear with the towbar hooked to the rear of the tug, the tug would gradually raise it's front wheels off the ground. With the towbar hooked to the front of the tug, the tug sat and slowly spun it's tandem wheels on the asphalt. They eventually got a huge wrecker of the sort used to move 18 wheelers to come and move the airplane.
I did go through the airplane, you got into it via a ladder just behind the nose gear that went into a lower fuselage section. The aft end of that section terminated at the main spar, which was from floor to ceiling. There was a ladder from there into the upper section, and looking aft into the passenger section, the floor was somewhat distorted from the heat of the fire, so likely it was unairworthy. Went into the cockpit, got in the left seat, and was amazed at how light the controls felt. Being only a student pilot at the time, and accustomed to C150's, it seemed odd to look over your shoulder and see the ailerons moving up and down so far away.
Eventually it was hauled to a scrap yard just outside the airport where it met it's final end. 10/16/2007 @ 16:34 [ref: 18213] |
Barry Puklavage Pembroke Pines, FL | If you need help with the book, let me know if I can be of help. My dad had taken me to see the Constitution when I was probably 8-9 years or so. Since that time it seems I was always at the right place at the right time as far as being there when the plane was moved down the streets of Opa-Locka (have pictures, if I can find them)in the summer of 1975 (where I lived at the time by the way) to the the time I met a gentleman and his wife visitiong the plane who turned out to be the pilot of one of the Constitutions anyway, Swede Larson in the summer of 1976.
Finally, and sadly to say and see, as I was passing the site of the plane one day there was a huge crane with a huge chunk of metal shaped like a chisel that I believe they refer to as a bullet pounding the plane to bits, only to haul the scrap to MINTONs or whatever scrap yard they used across the street.
It was also helpful in the fact that my high school buddies dad, Frank Sosa and his company of investors were the ones who purchased the plane from Opa-Locka airport (Dade County) in hopes to start some kind of imaginary flight that would bring you to different imaginary countries to eat, similar to EPCOT, I think that was the plan.
Barry 03/03/2006 @ 14:28 [ref: 12690] |
Willy Logan Walla Walla, WA | (Actually, according to the Los Angeles Times, Stanley Beltz died in the crash of an F-94B Starfire, not a PV-2 Harpoon.) 11/23/2005 @ 12:56 [ref: 11779] |
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