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Naval Aircraft Factory TG-2
  Manufacturer: | Naval Aircraft Factory |
  Base model: | TG |
  Designation: | TG |
  Version: | -2 |
  Designation System: | Various US Military |
  Designation Period: | 1909-1919 |
  Basic role: | Undesignated Aircraft |
  Length: | 35' 0" | 10.6 m |
  Height: | 15' 2" | 4.6 m |
  Wingspan: | 53' 0" | 16.1 m |
  Gross Weight: | 8,271 lb | 3,751 kg |
  Powerplant: | Wright R-1820E Grd |
  Horsepower (each): | 575 |
  Max Speed: | 128 mph | 206 km/h | 111 kt |
  Ceiling: | 13,500 ft | 4,114 m |
Known serial numbers
42-8708 / 42-8725, 42-46632 / 42-46634, 42-46890 / 42-46891, 42-47370, 42-53014 / 42-53020, 42-57196
A-6347 / A-6348
A-8697 / A-8728
Examples of this type may be found at
TG-2 on display
 March Field Museum |   |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
Rosefly , NY | I like it very much! Thanks for sharing!
This is my blog: http://www.tinahue.wordpress.com
Welcome you! You can find many game news in it. 09/28/2012 @ 23:30 [ref: 67272] |
Brian Thomas Bellingham, WA | Bryan and Gary
I was in Post 299 also and flew that TG-2, about 1973 to 1976 maybe, which was my sophomore year at Chief Sealth. I remember both your names and I'm pretty sure you were my instructor more than once Gary (thank you!). We slept in the open "hanger" (not much of one) at Fancher Field on those cots that were strapped to the walls and had a 55 gal barrel on the other end. Somebody had a Winnebago that we all wanted to get in b/c it had air conditioning and food. Holy smokes what a fun time. We'd drive over to the airfield in that crazy Boeing mini-bus.
Is that actually our TG-2 in the March museum?
I just recently scanned a photo of me at Fancher with the TG-2 which is why I thought to google "TG-2" and found your posts. I'll post the photo here.
I didn't pilot anything until after I college when I immediately got my Private, then instrument, commercial, and Flight Instructor. I still fly today though just recreational and not often enough.
I hope you guys see this post and the photo I'll put up. My email is kittenherder@gmail.com if you want to connect.
Brian Thomas
Bellingham, WA
04/05/2012 @ 09:31 [ref: 54952] |
Bryan Grant seattle, WA | Gary Conner posted
"the tg 2 at march afb was last used by boy scout explorer post 299 out of seattle to train the members to fly. they were sponsored by Boeing airplane co. and the Seattle glider council from 1952 till approx. 1976. I was one of the original scouts and went on to become one of the instructors with almost 1000 hours in this plane.
10/16/2005 @ 13:50 [ref: 11486]"
I feel this has more relevance than spam for shoes. 08/16/2010 @ 16:09 [ref: 29018] |
Bryan Grant Seattle, WA | I learned to fly in this plane! I was a member of explorer post 299 from 73 thru 77, I believe. I would have to check my log book to be sure.
I was just trying to find a youth group that flies so that my son could get involved. A blast from the past to find this. My younger brother learned to fly in this same plane and now he lives in the riverside area.
A fun and friendly bird, this was a wonderful trainer, and taught many a young man how to fly. 08/16/2010 @ 16:03 [ref: 29017] |
Jon Aldridge Springfield, MO | This page has needed updating for a couple years. More than one viewer has pointed out that there are two different aircraft referenced here. The page is the Schweizer TG-2 Training Glider, the Martin needs it's own page.
With reference to the TG-2 photo from March AFB's museum. One reader who actually flew the ship stated that it was built in 1939. Most accounts defer to this aircraft as a 1939 design, it was actually 1937. The ship in the photo, Schweizer serial number 15, N54301, was actually built in 1941, formerly owned by the Seattle Glider Counsel and deregistered on 4/24/06. This data is from the FAA's Aircraft Registry database. As a TG-2 owner, I'm restoring N50795, Schweizer serial number 28, I'd really like to see the site update it's listing on the aircraft. I sent an email to the site over a year ago with the above info., it really needs to be updated to be considered an accurate research source. How about anyone reading this post send an email to the site's web master requesting it be corrected. 08/04/2010 @ 19:06 [ref: 28570] |
Jack Bright Bokeelia, FL | Further to my two previous comments: the specification, propulsion and performance data are that for the Martin T4M/Great Lakes TG, and the serial numbers are those for the AAC Schweizer TG-2 training gliders of WW II, with a (19)42 serial number prefix. The prefix, indicating the year of the contract for an aircraft, is typical of USAAC-USAF serialization methods.
Also, the "Designation System" used was a USN non-standard one, the "Period" of which has been referred to as the USN "1917-1922" system whereby manufactures names and numbers were used prior to the USN's adoption in 1922 of the type-manufacturer system used until 1962. The one listed may be for that used by the AAS-AAC prior to the adoption of the later and more familiar AAC-AF type designation system. And the "Type" designation should read "Gunnery Trainer."
Since these indvidual Naval Aircraft Factory, Great Lakes and Schweizer aircraft have each carried the "TG" designation it is easy to confuse and mingle the information. This listing needs some serious revision. Be careful how it is used. 01/28/2010 @ 05:48 [ref: 25642] |
Jack Bright Bokeelia, FL | An update to my recent comment: the Martin T4M/Great Lakes TG-2 is shown in photo #1, not photo #2 as noted in my earlier comment. My error. 01/28/2010 @ 03:35 [ref: 25641] |
Jack Bright Bokeelia, FL | The aircraft listed here is indeed a NAVAL AIRCRAFT FACTORY TG-2, and not a Martin T4M or their Great Lakes equivalent TG (as pictured in photo #2), nor an Army Air Corps Schweizer TG-2 training glider (as pictured in the museum.
The TG in its case is to designate it as a gunnery trainer, hence TG, Trainer, Gunnery. Prior to the more organized system adopted by the U.S. Navy in 1922/23 it was common to assign a designation based on the aircraft's function or mission and its sequence in production, as in this case.
The NAF built five of these aircraft, numbered and designates as TG-1 thru TG-5, serials A-6344 thru A-6348. TG-2 is A-6345. TG-1 and -2 were powered by 200hp Liberty engines; TG-3 and -4 were powered by 200hp Areomarine T-6 engines; and TG-5 was powered by a 180hp Wright-Hispanio E-4 engine.
Hope this helps. 01/28/2010 @ 03:30 [ref: 25640] |
W. K. Berner Jr. Fairhope,, AL | My father flew the Great Lakes TG-2 as X.O. of Torpedo Squadron VT-2B aboard USS Saratoga CV-3 in 1936 and 1937. I would value any available photos of that vintage aircraft. 05/08/2008 @ 15:04 [ref: 20832] |
Mark Maulden burlington, WA | I was a member of the Scouts mentioned by Gary Connor and learned how to fly and was rated in this glider in the late sixties/early seventies. Gary was my principal flight instructor in this glider. This glider was made in 1939 by the Schweizer Aircraft Co. 02/08/2008 @ 13:20 [ref: 19611] |
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