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North American FJ-4 (F-1E) 'Fury'
  Manufacturer: | North American |
  Base model: | FJ |
  Designation: | FJ |
  Version: | -4 |
  Nickname: | Fury |
  Designation System: | U.S. Navy / Marines |
  Designation Period: | 1922-1962 |
  Basic role: | Fighter |
  See Also: | |
  Length: | 36' 4" | 11.0 m |
  Height: | 13' 11" | 4.2 m |
  Wingspan: | 39' 1" | 11.9 m |
  Gross Weight: | 23,700 lb | 10,748 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 1 |
  Powerplant: | Wright J65-W-16A |
  Thrust (each): | 7,800 lb | 3,492 kg |
  Range: | 2,020 miles | 3,252 km |
  Cruise Speed: | 534 mph | 859 km/h | 464 kt |
  Max Speed: | 680 mph | 1,095 km/h | 591 kt |
  Ceiling: | 46,800 ft | 14,264 m |
Recent comments by our visitors
Ralph Yore Westminster, CA | I was attached to VMA-323 from 1956 to 1958. El Toro,Ca. Atsugi,Japan and Formosa. I was in Check One, when we had the F9F Panther and FJ-4 Fury. I still get email from my Deathrattler frien from that era.would like to hear from my old squadron mates. 11/01/2008 @ 09:25 [ref: 22959] |
MARINEONEK@COX.NET 02/01/2008 @ 12:27 [ref: 19503] |
gene rutherford Bakersfield, CA | I was a Photographers Mate (AF-3 at that time)with VU-7 attached to the Fleet Air Lab on North Island in 1947,48. During this time the Navy ran carrier evaluation on the North American FJ-1 Fury jet aircraft. One of our assignments was to shoot movies and stills of every landing and takeoff from North Island and as I recall on either the carrier Boxer or Tarawa. I remember being assigned to take air to air photos of it from a twin engine SNB. We had a door removed to give us a place to shoot from. Not having ever seeing a jet and hearing rumors about its speed capability I braced myself anticipating this streak to come by and hoping by some miracle I would get a decent shot. Suddenly here it comes creeping up on us matching our airspeed of maybe 150 knots. After getting some great pictures we all shared a good laugh over my concern. Most of our flying was in the SNB and the workhorse PBY. So high speed jets were an unknown
quantity. 10/23/2007 @ 13:25 [ref: 18285] |
Don Payton Cheyenne, WY | When I was at NATTC Memphis for AMS "A" School in 1968-69, the ADJ "A" and "B" Schools used FJ-4's for School Aircraft. Still remember the Hangar on "Southside" filled up Furies in Reseve Markings - Number Letter Tail Codes with NAVY MARINES on the fuselage sides. Wonder what ever became of them? The Furies, along with alot of other "ancient" school birds (A-1, S-2, and H-34) were being replaced with A-4's. 07/18/2006 @ 07:51 [ref: 13743] |
Jerry Cook , IL | I flew the FJ-4, VMA-223, MCAS ElToro right out of the training command. It would go to 50,000 fitted with bomb racks but the plexiglass canopy would permanently stretch. Consequently, we were restricted to 45,000 and below after the North American Tech Rep found what we were doing. You could cruise at 40,000 .92 mach clean, drop the nose a little and it would accelerate to approx 1.15 mach easily. Best airplane I ever flew. The FJ's were replaced with A4's after a year. Like going from a luxury auto to a pickup. I punched out of one Oct., 1960 and the price of the a/c was listed as $750,000. 01/21/2006 @ 13:15 [ref: 12225] |
Marc Harding Portland, OR | My dad flew FJ-4 Furies in the Navy back around the end of the 1950s and 1960. He was killed in a flight accident coming in to Brown Field (San Diego) from Yuma, AZ in March 1961 when I was 4 years old. His name was Henry Marcus "Hank" Harding, Jr. and he was in Utility Squadron 7 (VU-7) based out of Brown Field (VU-7 moved to North Island the year after his death). If anyone out there knew him please let me know. I'd like to hear about him. My email address is marc.harding@intel.com
Marc Harding
12/08/2005 @ 19:16 [ref: 11918] |
Donald Macaulay , MA | There is a restored FJ-4(BuNo139516)in the colors of US Marine Squadron 232 at the Historic Aviation Memorial Museum in Tyler Texas. It is one of just two surviving FJ-4's (the onther being at the museum in PNS). Both planes served in 232. 05/22/2005 @ 18:24 [ref: 10283] |
James M. \"Jim\" Walker Mission Viejo, CA | While on night carrier quals aboard USS Hornet, September 10, 1961, I made the first Martin Baker ejection from the FJ-4B. Long story, but wing locking handle was down on catapult which locked out the ailerons, resulting in the ejection from 100 feet, 140 knots, 30 degrees of right bank.
The FJ-4B was probably the finest flying machine I ever flew. Took one to 55,000 feet out of Alameda one day...short fuel load and a clean wing...went supersonic on descent and shot a "precautionary flame-out approach" at Miramar. It was a pretty good glider from Bakersfield to San Diego.
11/24/2004 @ 11:13 [ref: 8703] |
Rick Albright Merced, CA | In 1958, a squadron of West Coast FJ-4 Furies was embarked aboard USS Kearsarge, CVA-33. They were painted gray, had "NF" tail codes, cowling numbers in the 500 series and a trident emblem running lengthwise on the fuselage. One partial bureau number is #356?, based on a blurry old snapshot. I think the carrier air group was CAG-5 but can anyone identify the squadron? None of the Fury books I've seen displays this squadron paint scheme. 09/09/2002 @ 11:13 [ref: 5655] |
Roy W. Edwards Omaha, NE | I was involved in the Fleet Introduction Program at N.A.T.C. Patuxent 30 April - 30 June 1956 and transphered to Kaneohe with the squadron. I have two photos 7x9 in taken at Patuxent during June of 1956. One is the Squadron members in front of aircraft # 44. The other is a photo of me on the APU starting unit in front of aircraft # 41. I dont have a way to upload the photos but if you are interested I can get copies made and mail them to you. Let me know REdw658591@AOL.COM 06/17/2002 @ 12:36 [ref: 5127] |
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