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Republic F-84E 'Thunderjet'
  Manufacturer: | Republic |
  Base model: | F-84 |
  Designation: | F-84 |
  Version: | E |
  Nickname: | Thunderjet |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1948-Present |
  Basic role: | Fighter |
  Crew: | Pilot |
  See Also: | |
  Length: | 38' 6" | 11.7 m |
  Height: | 12' 7" | 3.8 m |
  Wingspan: | 36' 5" | 11.1 m |
  Gross Weight: | 15,225 lb | 6,905 kg |
  Max Weight: | 15,227 lb | 6,905 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 1 |
  Powerplant: | Allison J35-A-17 |
  Thrust (each): | 4,900 lb | 2,222 kg |
  Range: | 1,485 miles | 2,391 km |
  Cruise Speed: | 485 mph | 780 km/h | 421 kt |
  Max Speed: | 620 mph | 998 km/h | 539 kt |
  Ceiling: | 43,240 ft | 13,179 m |
Known serial numbers
50-1111 / 50-1200, 50-1201 / 50-1230, 50-1813 / 50-1837, 51-0477 / 51-0606, 51-0607 / 51-0691, 51-9548 / 51-9622
49-2023 / 49-2122
49-2123 / 49-2222
49-2223 / 49-2322
49-2323 / 49-2429
Examples of this type may be found at
F-84E on display
 Museum of Aviation |  United States Air Force Museum |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
EDWARD D, EISELE JR. PLANTATION FLORIDA, FL | I just came across this web site. I am his son in 1951 when his plain failed. It was not his assigned plane that day. I have more to tell. 11/24/2014 @ 12:19 [ref: 68777] |
SSGT Matthew Eisele Phoenix, AZ | Fredrick, I found out what happened to that Mecedes that used to belong to Goering that you rode around in at the 53rd Fighter SQ. I have attached a link for you to check out, they did not seem to have all the accurate info. They said a commander had it shipped back when infact you told me what happened. Just thought you would find this interesting.
Link below, just cut and paste it and enjoy.
03/13/2014 @ 06:58 [ref: 68417] |
Edward d. eisele jr. PLANTATION, FL | thank you all. That was my Dad. He flew F84-E (not his plane) 200 was another plane. I was a kid then and remember that morning. I wish I could have saved the thoughts of that morning. MAY DAD WAS GREAT 03/11/2014 @ 13:22 [ref: 68415] |
SSGT Matthew Eisele Maricopa, AZ | Frederick York,
did you ever meet my grandfather Edward Dean Eisele at the 53rd Fighter Bombers SQ ? He would have been a LT at the time. I know in the 1st week of January is when he crashed in the F-84 jet assigned to him. Infact, he was supposed to fly his jet, but I guess there were some maintenance issues and they gave him the spare. from what I was told, the engine shelled out or something like that. I know he did not want to drop his tip tanks just anywhere and possibly injure someone down below, so he found a safe place to drop them and then attampted to crash land the jet in a field filled with snow. My uncle had the crash photos, which I can't wait to see, and there is also pictures of his jet too. It sounds like when he hit the ground, there was something in the road bed and it caused for a nasty crash. The rudder peddles beat his legs and feet violently, and on foot eventually had to be amputated. His back was in bad shape, and he had to heal on a board for six months. I was also told he had to get a bridge in his mouth due to damage suffered in the crash. Frederick, I think I have that Air Force book, I'll have to look at home, but I am pretty sure I have it. It's a huge blue book right? Anyway, I figured the more I can find out about him, and the people he worked with, it would bring some closure on what his life was like during that time while he was stationed there. Thanks again for all the info frederick, I really appreacite it.
SSGT MAtthew J Eisele 10/22/2013 @ 06:56 [ref: 68119] |
Frederick J York Isanti 55040, MN | Further comments for S/sgt Eisele. My son, a former Airborne Ranger, bought me a book several years ago for Christmas. The title is "The Air Force" and was published by The Air Force Historical Foundation. I believe he bought it at a COSTCO store.On page 106 there is a painting of a 53rd squadron F-84E with correct tail marking.In the distance ahead of the nose can be seen the 53rd squadron hangar.It sits out there all alone away from the main base.If COSTCO no longer has the book in stock,perhaps a larger library may have a copy. Or a major book store could order it. As a last resort contact The Air Force Historical Foundation at 1535 Command Drive, Suite A-122 Andrews AFB Maryland 20762. www.afhistoricalfoundation.com e-mail afhf@earthlink.net.The commentary is quite brief regarding the 53rd. I hope my comments fill in some of the history you were seeking. Un fortunately as a PFC I couldn't afford a good camera at the time and don't have that many good pics.Oh yes, I did paint the tail on that bird. No one else had any spray gun experience. I finally remembered the picture in the book and thought you would like to know about it. The brain sometimes still functions in this 80 year old. 07/20/2012 @ 11:06 [ref: 63803] |
Frederick York Isanti, MN | As I said in my earlier comment, there are some interesting things that occured during my time at Furstenfelbruck in the 53rd squadron. Oh yes, I painted the tails on most of our planes. the colors were a medium shade of blue and white stripes about 5 inches wide slanting up and aft at approx. a 45 degree angle. I believe my 1st base commander was a Col. Legg. He had us build sandbag revetments for all the planes.Talk about backbreaking work. He was replaced by Col. Robert L. Scott of "God Is My Co P0lot" fame. Col. Scott declared this is an offensive base not defensive.The sandbag revetments were torn down. More hard work. A sergeant got liqoured up one night and decided he wanted to go fly. A lot of dogs hung around the mess hall begging for scraps. Our intrepid sgt. rounded up the dogs and got them into a C-47 "gooney bird" which he then fired up and attempted to take off. He was not the pilot that he aspired to be. The C-47 sustained considerable damage. The sgt was busted back to pvt. and his enlistment was extended indefinetly at reduced pay. The big joke now was "Dog Is My CoPilot". Ever hear of a "Spitfire" take off? When a pilot is ready for take off, he puts the landing gear handle in the up position. As soon as the gear breaks ground,the gear retracts. Looks great if everything goes well. There was a set of railroad tracks that crossed the runways at Fursty and of course a slight bump. One of the pilots decided to make a "Spitfire" take off. When he crossed the tracks the plane bounced just enough to activate the squat switches and the gear started up. Unfortunately air speed was not adequate and he settled back onto the planes belly. I do not Know what his punishment was. Several of our planes strayed into Czeckoslovakian air space and Russian fighters forced them to land there. After Months of diplomatic talks,we finally got them back. Completely disassembled on flat bed trucks. I don't think the Russians learned too much new. It was a common practice for one outfit to "bounce" another outfit every once in a while to see how many passes they could make before the "bouncee" could get airborne. The Brits bounced us one morning with their De Haviland Vampires. Their was a low depression between the runways and I watched a Vampire so low in the depression that I could only see the rudder tips. We sure had fun way back when. A sgt. in the 53rd had acquired one of Herman Goerings parade Mercedes . What a fun car to ride across the field to our hangar. I often wonder how much he was able to sell it for back in the states. When I was stationed at Rhein Main,a pilot in the 10th squadron bought a Bugatti Royale that had belonged to King Karol of Romania.The last I heard of that car was when Mr. Monahan a aof Dominos Pizza paid 10 million for it. There only eight Royales made and no two were alike. I now have a beautiful model of that car that sat behind our barracks for several years.Did you know that the first jet aerobatic team was the Skyblazers from Furstenfelbruck? Correction on the 53rd logo. the tiger wore a red turtleneck not a sweatswhirt. Oh yes,and boxing gloves.He also may have had a cigar.I hope this sheds a little light on the sgts. grandads old outfit.There are more little tidbits but this is getting too long for now. Maybe I should add this one.After my transfer to Rhein Main, a general was retiring and he wanted it to be a bang up affair including flybys.Rhein Main sent up a large formation of C-82s and Fursty a large formation of F-84s.It was typical European weather.Plenty of cloud cover.The 84s made a flyby followed by the 82s.The 84s turned around to make another pass back over the field. The two formations met head on.The lead 84 pilot ejected and was observed passing through the 82 formation sitting in his seat.His plane struck the lead 82 which exploded and blew the wing off the plane next to it. We lost Col. Bogue and his crew and some of the other crew that day.Col.Bogue had been in a B-26 outfit during WWII and had made bird colonel at 23 years of age due to the high loss rate of personnel. What a shame to go out the way he did.
07/19/2012 @ 20:51 [ref: 63761] |
Frederick York isanti, MN | I was assigned to the 53rd squadron in January 1951 as an aircraft instrument mechanic. The assignment was a mistake.
Four persons had been requested by Rhein Main to be trained as instrument and auto pilot mechanics for the C-82 transport aircraft. Due to a SNAFU we were all sent to Furstenfelbruck. Around June of 1951,the mistake was found and I was the only one of the four to be transferred to Rhein Main where I was assigned to the 12th troop carrier squadron until December of 1953. While at Fursty I went to Tripoli, Libya where our pilots flew gunnery practice over the Sahara. A few months later we again went TDY ,this time to Grafenwohr bombing range in Germany for close air support bombing and strafing practice. Our squadron logo was a strutting tiger in a sweat shirt and bowler hat."EVERY MAN A TIGER" was the squadron motto. A large statue of a tiger had been "liberated" from a public building and the testicles were painted in the 22nd and 23rd squadron colors.Base flight and the 22nd and 23rd squadrons were on main base while the 53rd was across the field and runways in a somewhat isolated location. The F-84E was one of our earlier fighters and used the J-35 engine. The engine was pulled after 25 hours for inspection. Many engines did not make 25 hours. Our Maintenance Officer made 3 dead stick landings in one week doing check flights after engine inspections. Those early J-35s were not noted for reliability. A number of interesting stories could be added. Some are quite funny.Since I was enlisted rank I was not Acqauinted with the flight Personnel.
07/19/2012 @ 18:39 [ref: 63585] |
Maj. Bill Lawson Little Rock, AR | Sgt Eisele, the 189th Group as it was known in the 1970s did not fly the F-84 then. It was the first guard unit to convert to the RF-101s — Voodoos — in 1965 and that's what they flew when they were activated for the Pueblo Crisis in 1968 and stationed in Japan.
The 189th flew the RF-101s until 1976 when they converted to the KC-135s and kept them until 1986 when they got C-130s.
During the Korean War they flew the F-84 which the unit had from 1950 to 1965.
I was the Arkansas National Guard's Public Affairs Officer during the 1970s and wrote the unit's history. 07/15/2010 @ 14:49 [ref: 27142] |
SSgt Matthew J Eisele Little Rock AFB, AR | Sgt Eisele Here again, beeen a while. I am still trying to find anyone who was stationed at the 53rd Fighter Bomber Sqadron, 36th TAC at Furstenfelbruck, Munich Germany in the begining of the 1950's . As in my last entry, my grandpa Lt. Edward D Eisele piloted the F-84 E there and ended up crashlanding it. He passed in 2005 but I have been trying to find anyone who worked with him or anyone who might have knew him. I am also interested in trying to find out if any F-84s from that squadron are in museums now. It was a beautiful plane and I am trying to find the logo and paint scheme for that unit as well. My unit the 189th Air National Guard , used to fly the SF-84's in the 1970s. We have one on static display here in from of our headquarters building. It was used for recon during the Pueblo incident. I would love to hear from anyone who can help me with these question. 07/07/2008 @ 10:29 [ref: 21787] |
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