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Sikorsky CH-37C 'Mojave'
  Manufacturer: | Sikorsky |
  Base model: | H-37 |
  Designation: | CH-37 |
  Version: | C |
  Nickname: | Mojave |
  Equivalent to: |
HR2S-1 HR2S1HR2S-1 |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1948-Present |
  Basic role: | Helicopter |
  Modified Mission: | Transport |
  See Also: | |
  Length: | 64' 3" | 19.5 m |
  Height: | 22' | 6.7 m |
  Wingspan: | 72' | 21.9 m |
  Gross Weight: | 31,000 lb | 14,058 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 2 |
  Powerplant: | Pratt & Whitney R-2800-54 |
  Horsepower (each): | 1900 |
  Range: | 145 miles | 233 km |
  Max Speed: | 130 mph | 209 km/h | 112 kt |
  Ceiling: | 8,700 ft | 2,651 m |
Examples of this type may be found at
CH-37C on display
 National Museum of Naval Aviation |   |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
william r. kinstler , OH | Icrewed the h-37 at the 19 th trans. co. in korea in 1964 my ship was the one that recovered the remains of the crew that lost their lifes when their chopper crashed and burnt 2 warrant officers and two crew members flew remains to ascom left korea and got stationed stationed at fort bliss texas was moved to holloman air force base but was in the army crewed h-37at white sands missel range we retrieved fired missels when they landedwas flight engineer when i was discharged from there.have alot of memories and often wondered what happened to all that i served with 01/23/2015 @ 15:07 [ref: 68900] |
william r. kinstler , OH | Icrewed the h-37 at the 19 th trans. co. in korea in 1964 my ship was the one that recovered the remains of the crew that lost their lifes when their chopper crashed and burnt 2 warrant officers and two crew members flew remains to ascom left korea and got stationed stationed at fort bliss texas was moved to holloman air force base but was in the army crewed h-37at white sands missel range we retrieved fired missels when they landedwas flight engineer when i was discharged from there.have alot of memories and often wondered what happened to all that i served with 01/23/2015 @ 15:06 [ref: 68899] |
Bob Walker Arlington, WA | 19th Avn Co 66-68. I was a jack of all trades, airfield driver, mail clerk mess hall clerk. I still remember CWO Kanode and CWO Cox. They flew me out to Seoul (brain lock the main airfield) for a fifth each. I never forgot that flight with the crew chief and his spot light on the rotor (guts?) and his squirt of oil here and there. Man they make noise. Good times! I also remember SFC Benjamin, what a great guy. I remember when I first got assigned I learned about Crash Wicker and saw the duce &a half with all that remained.....not much. 08/15/2013 @ 20:50 [ref: 68017] |
Jerry Ogles Enterprise, AL | The series of photos of the crash of a CH 37 on the Taein Peninsula in Korea was made by an infantry lieutenant who was watching the CH 37 drop a Howitzer on a nearby ridgeline. One engine failed on very short final. The crew had no time to punch the load prior to impact. Only on minor injury. The pilot was CW2 Brian Arsenault and the co-pilot was WO1 Robert Bohannon. I flew a CH 37 recovery ship to the scene, but there was nothing to recovery but the crew. 07/09/2013 @ 07:59 [ref: 67939] |
Jerry L. Ogles Enterprise, AL | I served in the 19th Avn Co at Camp Humphreys, Korea from 1968-70. I flew the CH-37's and flew some of the last remaining 37's from Korea to Kisarazu (Tokyo Bay) in 1969. This was a great aircraft and the ASE (automatic stabilization equipment) was far beyond it time for this aircraft. We could fly from Pusan across the East Sea to Fukuoka and never touch the controls. Many great stories in my memory of that aircraft. The aircraft that crashed and burned was flown by CW2 Brian Arsenault and it went down on the Taein Peninsula about 40 miles west of Camp Humphreys. I flew the recovery ship. The 37 burned completely up in less than three minutes due to the titanium and zinc content of its fuselage. I have the photos of the crash in progress. CW2 Arsenault lives about five blocks from me in Entrerprise, Alabama (near Ft Rucker).
06/24/2013 @ 08:54 [ref: 67907] |
Nickolas Ivanoff Van Nuys, CA | I served 19th. Trans. Co. Korea 1965=1966 on CH37B, Mechanic,Crew Chief, Flight Engineer 09/24/2012 @ 13:12 [ref: 67247] |
phillip wiley , WV | was in Korea 65-68 was there when the one crashed near Soul and burnt wasn't much left except the engines thik some where I still have a couple of old slide of it. I crewed the 21 11/11/2011 @ 06:25 [ref: 50154] |
ron hodges nixa, MO | I was in the 19th trans in korea in 1963 and went to viet nam .I returned to Korea in Apr 64.I was also there in 68 and 69. 09/17/2011 @ 16:44 [ref: 49095] |
JOHN Z Chocowinity, NC | Just wanted to say hello to the men who served in the 19th Trans, Korea 1964-65. I was mostly a sling Man working under the 37's . 02/23/2011 @ 09:45 [ref: 36279] |
Arthur Lillard Boise, ID |
In the fall of 1957 as a private in the 506th 1st ABG of the 101st airborne, I was among a group of infantryman ordered to get our weapons, and directed to the motorpool area where there were three or four helicopters, we were given brief instructions, that we were to board the aircraft and fly to the Yamoto DZ Which is on Ft Campbell), upon landing we were to disembark with wepons and hit the ground as if in combat (squad Tactics), they also told us not to be looking at the dignitaries in the stands, we landed and double timed off the DZ as instructed, I didn't think much about it until Vietnam started and they started using helicopters to move troops. We must have been part of a demo, I later learned they were Sikorsky CH 37 Mojave aircraft. 01/23/2011 @ 21:04 [ref: 35861] |
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