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Sikorsky S-43
Examples of this type may be found at
S-43 on display
 Pima Air & Space Museum |   |   |   |   |
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Sacha Spencer Los Angeles, CA | If anyone would like to contact my Dad, Ted Spencer, you can email him: wingsoveralaska@gmail.com. He IS the only authority on AK aviation. :) 07/31/2013 @ 09:37 [ref: 67990] |
Van Wilson Willow, AK | I just read with sadness, Mr. Farmers note about the S-43 and can add a bit. I was the one that put Ted Spencer onto the whereabouts of that hull. It was located in a back yard in Clam Gulch, along the Sterling Highway, just South of the Clam Shell Bar for many years after it had disappeared from the Anchorage location. The then owner had tried to make it into a commercial fishing boat and discovered that as Mr. Farmer stated, it wasn't a very sea worthy craft.
The rest of Mr. Farmers note sounds accurate. It closely matches the street rumors that I had heard from neighbors and other commercial fisherman and pilots that knew about it.
Shortly after I told Ted about it, he managed to acquire it and hae it transported to the museum.
I miss Ted at the museum. 03/13/2013 @ 17:28 [ref: 67663] |
John McGuin Hockessin, DE | My father Cecil Mcguin and Swede Blanchard were involved with a S-43 ( I believe) during the 50's. I believe the aircraft was flown under Alaska Airlines certificate. Under the capt's window was written "Yukon Dottie" I believe after Swede's daughter. I have a picture of the aircraft and often wondered what ever happened to its career. 01/30/2011 @ 07:18 [ref: 35897] |
Ken Reagan Taylor Lake Village, TX | The Sikorsky S-43 that Tracy Jordan refers to is located in a hanger at the Brazoria County Airport, 8015 Airport Way, Angelton, Texas, phone number 979-849-5755. I know it is there because I saw it today - November 2, 2008.
The public is welcome to view the plane and can do so by going to the air service provider at the airport. They provided a pamphlet with a brief history of the airplane that states it is owned and was restored by Ronald Van Kregten. However, our guide stated that Mr. Van Kregten is recently deceased and his estate is hoping to find a new home for the plane in a museum. 11/02/2008 @ 11:57 [ref: 22968] |
Tracy Jordan Las Vegas, NV | In 1974, when I was 14, I came upon an S-43 in a hangar at Houston's Hobby Airport while on a "snooping " expedition with my aunt. It was the biggest, most amzing thing I had ever seen up until that time. It was quite mysterious as well. The old guy in coveralls that worked in the hangar told me it was owned by Howard Hughes and hadn't flown in years; but was one of a number of planes that he kept stashed around the world just in case he should need them.
Wether the last part was true or not, I was certainly fascinated.I've wondered over the years whatever became of that plane. I am curious to read that it's the only example in flying condition (?).
I'd love to learn more about it and wonder if there is ever opportunity to see it on display. 07/25/2007 @ 23:45 [ref: 17285] |
Matt , CO | Here’s a great short video clip of the only flying S-43 today
04/04/2007 @ 16:44 [ref: 16093] |
Robert L. Farmer Anchorage, AK | Regarding the question from David Oth:
The forward fuselage of a Sikorsky S-43 flying boat found at the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum in Anchorage, Alaska was owned and operated by the legendary aviator and founder of Reeve Aleution Airways from 1946 to 2000, Mr. Robert C. (Bob) Reeve. Reeve Aleutian Airways owned two Sikorsky S-43's; a two-engine downsized model of the legendary Sikorsky S-42 ordered by Juan Tripp to enable Pan American Airways to fly the UNited States, South American and Territory of Alaska coastal routes from 1936 to the early 1950's.
That Sikorsky S-43 that you obsevered was tied up at Ship Creek, Anchorage, in the 1950's to the late 1970's on the mud flats about 200 yards southeast of the old Tidewater and Emard Packing company salmon canneries at the mouth of Ship Creek at its confluence with Cook Inlet (named after Captain James Cook on his third voyage of Discovery for the "Northwest Passage"-discovering "Cook's Inlet" in 1779; who met his fate in Cook's Islands (Hawaii) and the infamous "Mutiny of the Bounty") that were torn down in the 1970's, and northeast of Jack Laubs business, Miller-Dalton.
I have lived in Anchorage since September 3, 1948, and used to visit the Sikorsky S-43 that was used by a commercial fisherman who acquired the aircraft in the 1950's and converted the forward hull into a "skiff" used originally for commecial fishing but due to its inadequate seaworthiness (top-heavy) it was later used for hunting and fishing in Cook Inlet. It was unsuccessful, however because it was inherantly unsafe:top-heavy.
I am not surprised that you found no person at the museum who could disclose the history of the forward section of the S-43 because the history of this aircraft is known by no other person than the founder of the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum, Mr. Ted Spencer, Jack Laub, and myself. Jack Laub lives in Wasilla, Alaska, and I and Ted Spencer live in Anchorage if you have any questions.
Mr. Spencer founded the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum and developed it into a natonal treasure for 10 years, but was forced out for "political" reasons by a group of politically influencial people because he refused to pursue a political agenda of "executive privilege" that sacrificed preservation and protection of Alaska's historical aircraft for "political privilege."
Under the new administrative policy of "executive privilege" at the Museum, the spirit of the Museum has changed from aquisition, preservation, and protection of historic aircraft to promoting "executive privilege": new buildings, executive offices, compensation, and privileges. As a consequence, the Museum has fallen from grace, no longer visited by major tour operators, and has ceased aquisition, preservation, and protection of historical aircraft discovered by Mr. Spencer and in need of preservation; excepting rebuilding of historic aircreft acquired by Mr. Spencer that continues to this day
Hence, I regret to inform you that there is person at the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum who can answer your question concerning the history of the Sikorsky S-43, except possibly the aircraft mechanics working in the shop who are, in my opinion, the last remaining remnants of the original Museum.
Mr. Spencer is THE only principle aviation historian in Alaska. Any effort to acquire a historical knowledge of Alaska aviation history should be directed to Mr. Spencer. 03/29/2007 @ 06:03 [ref: 16032] |
Russ Blocksidge Houston, TX | Does anyone know if the Houston S-43 in Angleton is available to visit and photograph? 01/25/2007 @ 13:43 [ref: 15291] |
David , OTH | Hi - recently found forward fuselage of what I think is an S-43 at the Lake Hood Museum in Anchorage. Can anyone confirm type and serial please? 11/14/2006 @ 11:57 [ref: 14737] |
Scott , CA | Does anyone know what happened to NC15067? The only thing I can locate is that the plane wasy part of a run 15061-15068 delivered to Pan AM.
Thanks for any help.
Scott 06/16/2006 @ 13:59 [ref: 13531] |
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