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Taylorcraft BC-12C
Examples of this type may be found at
BC-12C on display
 Pima Air & Space Museum |   |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
Alejandro Buenos Aires, HI | Hello my name is Alejandro Estevez and I live in Argentina.
I have a called aircraft Boyero, this aircraft was manufactured in my country in the years 50, this airplane is an exact copy of the Taylocraft.
I want to know how to modify my airplane to make it acrobatic.
Can you give me information to modify it?
Thank you.
Greetings Alejandro 02/08/2005 @ 15:52 [ref: 9396] |
Bartley Benson Maceo, KY | I solo in the Taylorcraft is 1957, at Airheaven airport on Glendale Ave, Phoenix arizona. It had no Radio, vor,
came in for landing between to main roads. One end of the runway had electric lines, and the other had A tree with A metal pole sticking out the top.Dirt runway,no flaps so if you was to high, had to put it in A slip (sideways) you didn't have much time to make up your mind to land are go around.Spins and stalls was fantastic, the bottom seem to fall out from under you. No mushing along with this plane, seem to have lead in the nose.I was stationed at Luke AFB, and we had A flying club. cost $7.00 duel, $4.oo solo.On Air force pay That was expensive. I got A private pilot lic.in Owensboro, Ky. but am not current as I have had A medical problem.Seeing the pic. brings back good memories, thanks for the web site. Bart.
02/24/2002 @ 00:57 [ref: 4389] |
Chuck Greene , TX | I learned to fly in a Taylorcraft in 1951. Location was Englants fling service at Bates Field, Mobile, Alabama. Great little aircraft. Received my private in that aircraft. Cost was $5.00 solo and $7.00 dual. Was always told if you could fly a Taylorcraft you could fly anything. I later taught several folks to fly in the T Craft. We had both the 65 and 85HP aircraft. The 85HP had the electrical system. Fast little plane could easily outrun the J-3 and Aeronca by around 20 MPH or more. Burned the same amount of fuel I believe around four and ahalf gallons per hour. Can,t say much bad about the T,craft, you did have to have it slowed down on landing or it would float a long time. I did fly the Clipped wing T,craft. Was made by Jim Switch out of Dallas, had a 100HP and a stick. Great little aircraft. Still think about buying a T,craft, would be nice just to have a aircraft you learned to fly in. My best folks good flying 10/16/2001 @ 12:15 [ref: 3410] |
Ivan E. Hutchins Bloomsdale, MO | I find your site very interesting, and being age 70 I recall I soloed in a T-craft two days before my 16th birthday---though my log book would show I soloed the day after my 16th. Phil Sick was my CFI and the good old CAA was around when one could find a representative in those days--ha! I am still an active pilot though I'm finding it very hard to afford to keep on flying with the cost having sky rocketed as it has. My last privately owned aircraft was a Navion (4877K.The first aircraft I owned was a BT-13, bought it in 1948 for $250 ($50 down and $50 a month).Learned to fly at Lakeside Airport, Granite City, Ill.Airport officially closed it's doors forever in 2000, it opened in 1940. Thanks for allowing me to complain about the out ragious cost of flying today. 07/16/2001 @ 04:23 [ref: 2683] |