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Vought F4U-1A 'Corsair'
  Manufacturer: | Vought |
  Base model: | F4U |
  Designation: | F4U |
  Version: | -1A |
  Nickname: | Corsair |
  Designation System: | U.S. Navy / Marines |
  Designation Period: | 1922-1962 |
  Basic role: | Fighter |
  Modified Mission: | Miscellaneous modifications |
  Crew: | Pilot |
  Length: | 33' 4" | 10.1 m |
  Height: | 16' 1" | 4.9 m |
  Wingspan: | 41' | 12.5 m |
  Wingarea: | 314.0 sq ft | 29.1 sq m |
  Empty Weight: | 8,982 lb | 4,073 kg |
  Gross Weight: | 14,000 lb | 6,349 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 1 |
  Powerplant: | Pratt & Whitney R-2800-8 |
  Horsepower (each): | 2000 |
  Range: | 1,015 miles | 1,634 km |
  Cruise Speed: | 182 mph | 293 km/h | 158 kt |
  Max Speed: | 417 mph | 671 km/h | 362 kt |
  Climb: | 2,890 ft/min | 880 m/min |
  Ceiling: | 36,900 ft | 11,247 m |
Recent comments by our visitors
Blair Amityville, NY | About the cockpit layout. All corasair models had identical cockpits, except some had switches in places others did not, Example like a car with fog lights, would have a fog light switch, and the same car with no fog lights would have a piece of plastic snapped in in place of the switch.
And the 3 and 4 blade corsairs. Most early models had the 3 blade except ones that were used experimental. But late in the war they went with the 4 blade. 05/13/2012 @ 10:09 [ref: 57093] |
Richard Wright , IN | Greetings,
I'm looking for detailed, closeup cockpit pictures for the F4U-1A Corsair. I'm building a 1/6 scale radio controlled version of #3, flown by Lt. jg Jim Streig who flew with VF-17 (Jolly Rogers). I'm having a difficult time finding the information I need in order to recreate the detail I want.
For example, I need to be able to read the labels, placards, decals, etc for the switches and breakers. I also need to be able to see how the radio gear was installed.
I have many pictures, manuals, drawings, etc for other Corsair variants such as the -1D and -5 but very little for the 1A.
Please send to my email which is rwright142 at yahoo dot com.
Thanks in advance for your help.
10/15/2007 @ 08:03 [ref: 18192] |
Caleb , MN | Rob from NJ was wondering if his F4U-1D model's 3 blade propellor was correct. The F4U1, 1A, 1C, and 1D all used the three blade, while the later F4U-4, -5 and -7 used a four blade. So yes, the "one D" that he has is accurate. 06/13/2007 @ 21:24 [ref: 16829] |
Rob , NJ | Hello,
I recently purchased a model of a F4U-1D. In my opinion the Chance-Vought Corsair is the most striking aircraft ever built. I noticed that the model I purchased had a 3 bladed propeller, which I though was incorrect. After looking on the net I am uncertain that all Corsiar’s (F4U’s) were built with 4 bladed props. I am looking for information to clarify this issue. Any information would be appreciated.
Rob 02/17/2007 @ 06:47 [ref: 15553] |
Sam Giger St. Louis, MO | The F4U Corsair in my oppinion was on of, if not the greatest piston fighter ever manufatcured. It was fast, tough, agile, and packed a punch with both its gun or payload of rockets and bombs.
The Corsair had amazing performance, with a top speed of 417 MPH it was about 100 MPH fast than the Mittsubishi Zero. With 2,000 HP, the Corsair was also a superb climber and zoom climber with excellent high altitude performance where the Japanese Zeros couldn't hope to compete. Being heavier and having more power, the F4U could also dive like no tomorrow. The Bent Wing Bird had one of the fastest roll rates in the war and could turn with any contempary fighters of its time. It is also said it turns better than the P51, capable of turning at 30 MPH slower than the Mustang before stalling out. There was another category where the Zero could ever hope to compete, rugedness. The Corsair was just plaing tough. Some P47 Thunderbolt pilots even said the Corsair was tougher than the Jug. Now everyone's favorite part, ah yes, the guns! The Corsair was armed to the teeth with 6 50 Caliber Machine guns, 3 in each wing with about 400 rounds per gun. These could rip an unarmored Zero to shreds. The Corsair also got its nose down and dirty on ground attack missions and was one of the best at this role. It could carry up to 2,000 lbs of bombs or a large load of ground attack rockets. The F4U was absolutely vicious when it came to attacking ground targets.
It was tough, fast, agile, packed a punch, and was truly one of the best of its time. It easily compete with anything in the skies over any Thetre of Operation. The F4U Corsair was truly a first class fighter. 04/06/2004 @ 23:01 [ref: 7157] |
Steve Simonson Mandeville, LA | S! All
I'm the CO of an online squadron, The Silver Knights Squadron, we fly in Microsoft's Combat Flight Simulator 2 on the msn gaming zone. We mostly fly the F4U-1A Corsair, and it is a dream plane, its in my opinion by far the best plane the US had in WW2, its not only easy to fly, but is highly manuverable, it can also dish out a lot of lead to its enemies, and can take alot itself while still coming home. If you want you can check the Silver Knights Squadron out @
S! Rogue CO Silver Knights Squadron "Victory With Honor" 06/14/2002 @ 23:28 [ref: 5113] |
Antonio Lima - Peru, AK | i\'m a entusiast peruvian modeler, i\'m now assembly a corsair, F4U-1, and it\'s amazing, i think what this plane in his age, it was very good and strong, but.i don\'t very sure about his characterics, radio, structure, and many other datalis, what change version to versioj
thanks for you help!!!
good luck
god save to you 06/01/2002 @ 12:06 [ref: 5038] |
flyboy , NJ | my favorit plane is the corsair a famus purson flwe his name is gorge boyinting
04/21/2002 @ 11:07 [ref: 4768] |
Mike NEAR A OLD AIRBASE, AZ | This Plane is Better Known from Mayor Pappy Of the VMF214 USMC
If You Love This Plane and Like Storys About It Get a Copy of the book BABA Blacksheep By the Man Him self Commander of the Blacksheep
10/27/2001 @ 15:02 [ref: 3499] |
Wade S Grant Sarasota, FL | To learn more about this aircraft, visit "Whistling Death" - The Vought, Goodyear and Brewster Corsair:
02/15/2001 @ 06:52 [ref: 1632] |
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