Reid Farmer Denver, Colorado |  Visited here in August 2007. There is also an A-10 now on display (near the T-38) that is not reflected on your list 09/06/2007 @ 12:46 [ref: 6291] |
jason , Texas |  a perfect air force Academy 05/16/2007 @ 10:42 [ref: 5928] |
Jay davis , Colorado |  I loved the selection of aircraft, yet It was not the most organized arangement. My favorite part was the total selection of aircraft from all eras and catagories, that really impressed me. 08/17/2003 @ 13:15 [ref: 2932] |
Jack N. , Illinois |  It was 1952 and I enlisted in the USAF to become
a jet pilot during the Korean War...I passed all
tests and was given the rank of Second Lt. and
requested to go to the Air Force Academy for jet
pilot training...I was proud to qualify and proud
to be given the officer starting rank...but at that moment I was told that I had to sign that I would be on Active Reserve the rest of my life...
I refused to sign...saying that I would fly for the duration of the war...and then would decide
whether I wanted to make a career out of it or not
and they said "No....either you sign or you're a PFC"...I chose not to sign and my dreams of
being a jet pilot were vanished...I think those
rules have changed since 1952...and during my
enlistment from 1952 to 1956, I did obtain the
rank of S/Sgt as an instructor and I was happily
able to fly a T33 Jet with my captain in front of
me (a training jet dual cockpit of the F86) and I
enjoyed the four years I had...and went home...
and after 50 years gone by...I still wonder if I
made the correct decision to turn in my commission
and miss the dream I had to a jet pilot... 06/09/2003 @ 01:52 [ref: 2861] |
Fred Thessing , Arkansas |  On Memorial Day this is just a salute to all my "Brothers in the BUFF" who have ever strapped a B-52 to their back and spent 8 hours + "Riding the Bull". I deployed out of Dyess AFB in Feb 1975 flying with KIS Crew R-05 (Wangen's Wildmen)flying A/C 0083 (Diamond Lil) to Guam. My 4th flight in a "D". I was the "table nav". We experienced #8 engine burner cone separation 400 miles north of Hawaii and were diverted to Hickam.
We made it to Andersen AFB 5 days later and then Utapao and were there for the big "Fly-in" in mid April. Keep your wheels on the runway and Fly Safe! 05/30/2002 @ 12:17 [ref: 2179] |
DAN VANARSDALL Olney, Texas |  The airplanes are sort of scatered out, but you need to drive around anyway to appreciate the great history of this place. Many of our nations greatest piolts [past, present and future] have been trained here. You will probably get to see some piolts traning in gliders and it's just really worth stopping by. P.S. the bill clinton comment below was NOT funny. Who ever did it please don't do it anymore. 03/14/2002 @ 14:10 [ref: 1944] |
Robert Henderson canon city, Colorado |  WWII bronze display near chapel is worthy of note 04/05/2001 @ 17:22 [ref: 1010] |
L Nattrass , Mississippi |  I do not no who did the paint job on 56-3730 in SEA colors but they sure did a terrible job. If you are going to paint and aircraft with a history as great as the F100F were atleast put the paint scheme on right. I sent you a picture of the SEA colors and one of the orginial paint jobs on 730 try painting it right like it once was back in the 1960's 12/13/2000 @ 19:18 [ref: 672] |
bill c. , Colorado |  I just read the SO CALLED by Bill Clinton on a SO CALLED visit to the usa airforce academy.
Who ever wrote that is really SICK, SICK, SICK.
Is it any wonder this country is going to HELL in a hand basket?
I for one am really PROUD of this nation. Dispite JERKS like you we still advance and over come. I'm Old Navy, Vietnam. Thanks to the Airforce and their comitment to saveing our guy's I'm still here.
Thanks Airforce. Cain D.W. AME 2 U.S.S. Oriskany CVA 34. S.E.A. 1962/1968
12/12/2000 @ 21:52 [ref: 669] |
Michael Baldock Guildford, |  Not strictly a museum, more a collection of aircraft scattered around the Academy campus with no real theme as such. The B-52 displayed in flying configuration on poles is truly awesome and gives a rare idea of the massive size of this bird. She is also an ex Vietnam vet. The T-38 pointing into the sky is rather spectacular. I also wandered over to the airfield and the people there were very friendly and no problems with photographs. My wife enjoyed the visit - lots of men in uniform, a gift shop and the chapel all appealed to her. Definitely worth a visit if you are in the area. 10/27/2000 @ 08:10 [ref: 554] |