Reggie Burr St. Peters, Missouri |  I went to Jet Engine School at Chanute in 1969, I really liked the aircraft displays especially the B-58. 12/30/2015 @ 10:43 [ref: 55826] |
R. Brown , Arizona |  Museum is closing 31 Oct 2015. Visited in Sep 2015, Air Force was already dimantling aircraft to remove them from museum. 10/12/2015 @ 10:10 [ref: 55798] |
Danny Mitchell Morris, Illinois |  I was a student at Chanute in the Fall and winter of 72, jet engine mech. had a great time, have been back many times, brought my wife and son, and now my grandsons. My wife and I also camp there. 09/19/2011 @ 15:15 [ref: 24603] |
James Morgan Rutherfordton, North Carolina |  I was an AZR student environmental control for Minuteman Missle in fall and winter of 1964. Day I left for my first leave in almost a year there was 11" snow on the ground and 21 degrees. Enjoyed the aircraft museum. Had fun traveling to Chicago and playing broom hockey on the frozen rain puddles. 04/27/2011 @ 11:21 [ref: 15397] |
Stewart Greenhause glendale, Arizona |  I was a jet engine student way back in Sept of 1970. I then when back to Chanute from 1981 to
1985 as a Plans and Scheduling instructor. 12/03/2010 @ 13:50 [ref: 11838] |
Al Newlin , Kansas |  Absolutely fabulous experience. Friendly, helpful personnel shared huge amounts of info about many very unique aircraft. Many rooms of historical displays. We could not have asked for a better experience. 11/21/2010 @ 20:28 [ref: 11814] |
Jim Reese , Illinois |  I was an instructor in the Aircraft Instruments Repairman school from 1966 to 1968. Also worked in the officer's club for 6 months, making the pizzas for the "pizza/pop" guys. Lots of great memories, made alot of good friends. 11/14/2010 @ 17:57 [ref: 11793] |
amber berry decatur, Illinois |  my grandma just passed away 01-12-10. we don't really have much family on that side anymore. My father was adopted when he was younger and my grandma has only givin me one name. Richard Lamier or Lamar. Im not sure how its spelled. i know that he was at the afb in rantoul around 1961. i am looking for him because i want to know my grandpa and i would like him to meet my children.i have 4 beautiful children, 1 brother who has a son and 1 sister that will ne 16 soon. i don't want him to miss out anymore. please i just got his name if anyone could help me find my grandpa i would love to meet him.
thank you!
Amber :) 01/16/2010 @ 09:26 [ref: 9233] |
Jason B. Cutshaw Watertown, New York |  I was a POL student at Chanute from June 1991-Sept. 1991. Many great memories of Chanute. Wnt back to visit Jan 1999. It was sad to see the base run down when the facilities could be put to use by the public. Remember the B-58 on display and many of the century series fighters as well. BTW, great dining facilities. Midnight chow was the best. May God bless the memories of Chanute AFB. 11/02/2009 @ 08:49 [ref: 9146] |
Steve Rudnicki , New Jersey |  Visited the Chanute museum in October 2008 on my way home after completing the Route 66 odyssey. I have a picture of my Elecrtical class taken in August 1960 in front of a F-104. To my amazement that same aircraft SN# 56-732 is on display. I now have a picture of myself standing next to the same airplane, however taken 48 years later. Absolutely unbelievable. I remember marching to class every day passing the massive B-36 parked by the flightline. That aircraft is long gone,but the memories remain. 06/03/2009 @ 17:20 [ref: 8801] |