Frank Edwards , Illinois |  Crewed f4, one of the best aircraft ever....17900 lbs of thrust each engine, vertical climb was unbelievable (once you got it off the runway) bad it wasn't designed with guns...could carry a lot of payload, sorry to see it used as target drones... 08/08/2014 @ 15:52 [ref: 55627] |
Barclay, Thomas D. Newport, Ind. (originally), Florida |  I am a Retired Air Force Msgt, I was a crew chief for over 24 years. As a SSgt, I crewed F-4c Wild Weasel serial #63-7565 in the 81st TFS at Hahn and Zweibrucken Air Base, Germany, 1969-1973 time frame. 09/03/2013 @ 16:26 [ref: 55516] |
Don Chamberlain , Indiana |  I am a retired crew chief/asst flt chief from the 181st FW at Terre Haute In. Mr Austin.who has a post here, and I went different ways when he went to the Army Guard to fly Helos. We lost one good crew chief, mechanic, and flight instructer to the Army. We will always be friends. Boy can we tell some stories about the Air Guard Years, and those beautiful JETs we worked on. We were both civil service techs as well as weekend solders. It some times seemed like we lived. eat and breathed Jets. Loved it. 05/19/2013 @ 12:12 [ref: 55474] |
Bill Christopher Lake Isabella, California |  I crewed this F84F 7027 when it was with the 366th TWF at Holloman AFB New Mexico back in '63and '64 I'm trying to find out more info as to where the plane is now. I hear it's at American Legion Post 40 In Terre Haute IN I can be contacted 760-379-3704 or Would like to hear from anyone from the 366th OMS I was asigned to charlie section. 02/17/2009 @ 14:23 [ref: 8693] |
Andrew Dublin, Ireland, |  I, along with 5 others whilst en-route to St. Louis diverted in to the airfield recently with the hope of getting some photos of the 3 exhibits. Our names were taken, passports shown but unfortunately permission was denied to photograph the aircraft. Maybe if we had sought permission by prior arrangement we could have got the shots. Anyway, if I'm in the area again I will try again! Great to see the aircraft anyway. 05/20/2008 @ 09:11 [ref: 7802] |
Randi Brown Terre Haute, Indiana |  I am the Historical Custodian for the display aircraft at the 181st Fighter Wing, Soon to become the 181st Intelligence Wing on 1 Apr 08.
I wanted to let everyone know that the F84 was been given some much deserved T.L.C. It now belongs the American Legion Post 40, on Ft Harrison. It was re-dedicated in May.
Also, the F4 and F84 on base were repainted this past year as well. Hopefully the F100 will follow soon.
We have also requested an F16 to add to our Historical Collection.
Plus, an Observation Helicopter that was linked to the original 113th Observation Squadron will be finding a home with us soon. It is currenlty on display at the Indiana War Memorial downtown.
If you have any other questions, or concerns feel free to email me.
Brown 11/30/2007 @ 08:26 [ref: 6545] |
Jay Roeschlein Terre Haute, Indiana |  I believe the F-4C (on static display at HUF) was also utilized as a Wild Weasel during the Vietnam war. This was before the Air Force introduced the F-4G Wild Weasel. 11/28/2007 @ 18:27 [ref: 6541] |
Mike Snodgrass Terre Haute, Indiana |  I am a former member of the 181st Fighter Wing, I was a Traditional Guardsman from 1984-2003 and worked in V.I.(Graphics). I actually have some photos from the old "airshows" at Hulman Field. I will see about scanning some of them for everyone.... 11/28/2007 @ 15:08 [ref: 6538] |
Larry Austin Waddy, Kentucky |  I was a member of the 181st from 1963 to 1981. I served as an aircraft mechanic on the Flight Line. I have fond memories of the F 84's, T 33's, F 100's and F 4's and all of the members of the 181st. It makes me sad to see the condition of the F 84 that once sat on the Court House lawn. But I am proud to have been a member of the 181st. 11/11/2005 @ 23:20 [ref: 4581] |
James Wingtae , Virginia |  I worked the F4E at Moody AFB, Homestead AFB, and
a crewcheif on tail number 67-738 F-4D at Torrejon AB. Great experiance, gained a lot of mechanical knowledge. Talked to a lot of local pilots in my area where I live now and they still fly air training missions vs. the Phantoms in foriegn countrys. The younger generation pilots that fly against them are still appauled by its performance. A true legend, hate to see them go!
USAF 1978-1984 04/26/2005 @ 10:57 [ref: 4013] |