David Mosley San Diego, California |  We lived in Tyndall town in the early 50's and I remember going to the movies in the theater, I could see two movies and a cartoon have popcorn and a drink for a quarter. Our home was a one bedroom apartment with coal heat and a wood cooking stove with a water tank on the back for hot water. The walls were paper thin and we could hear anything that was said in the adjoining apartments. My friend Daryl and his 4 or 5 siblings live in the apartment two doors down. They must have slept hanging on nails on the walls. My seat at the breakfast table gave me a great view of Stout Field and I remember several accidents one in particular with 2 P-51's that were taking off and an Air show that ended with a fly over by a B-36 that came right over our building at tree top level low enough to shake the ground. I started school from Tyndall Town. Mother and I had to go see a lady in the district offices and she placed her hand on my head and said she thought it would be OK for me to go to public school. That was after I showed her that I could handle walking up and down a flight of stairs. She was right because some 50 years later I retired from teaching. 09/30/2015 @ 21:46 [ref: 55795] |
Peggy Buchanan , Indiana |  I remember living in Tyndall Town, in a one bedroom barracks type house with my Mom, StepDad, two sisters and brother. Such a small place, I remember the Coal Bins, the pot belly stove, I don't remember our address, use to play under the porches in the back, best friends were Sandy Weaver and Bonnie Spicer. We moved when I was probably 8, 1950 or so. 08/09/2015 @ 03:43 [ref: 55781] |
Kathy Norris Gaines , Tennessee |  I lived in tyndall town in 1952,53. I was small and have few memories of it except for the tar paper. 03/04/2015 @ 14:47 [ref: 55751] |
Michelle Indianapolis, Indiana |  I am wondering if this museum is still active. I work for an adult day care center and would like to bring my clients who served in the armed forces here for an outing. If someone could please post a response to this question, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! 09/26/2014 @ 10:00 [ref: 55658] |
Michelle Indianapolis, Indiana |  I am wondering if this museum is still active. I work for an adult day care center and would like to bring my clients who served in the armed forces here for an outing. If someone could please post a response to this question, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! 09/26/2014 @ 10:00 [ref: 55659] |
Michelle Indianapolis, Indiana |  I am wondering if this museum is still active. I work for an adult day care center and would like to bring my clients who served in the armed forces here for an outing. If someone could please post a response to this question, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! 09/26/2014 @ 10:00 [ref: 55656] |
Michelle Indianapolis, Indiana |  I am wondering if this museum is still active. I work for an adult day care center and would like to bring my clients who served in the armed forces here for an outing. If someone could please post a response to this question, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! 09/26/2014 @ 10:00 [ref: 55657] |
Michelle Indianapolis, Indiana |  I am wondering if this museum is still active. I work for an adult day care center and would like to bring my clients who served in the armed forces here for an outing. If someone could please post a response to this question, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! 09/26/2014 @ 10:00 [ref: 55655] |
Michelle Indianapolis, Indiana |  I am wondering if this museum is still active. I work for an adult day care center and would like to bring my clients who served in the armed forces here for an outing. If someone could please post a response to this question, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! 09/26/2014 @ 10:00 [ref: 55654] |
Michelle , Indiana |  I am wondering if this museum is still active. I work for an adult day care center and would like to bring my clients who served in the armed forces here for an outing. If someone could please post a response to this question, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! 09/26/2014 @ 10:00 [ref: 55653] |