Joe Diaz Floyd, Virginia |  I was stationed at Grand Forks from 1974 to 1981. I worked in the 319th OMS working of B52H's. Initially worked on BPO team, then as Asst. Crew Chief on 61-036 (Dave Martin Crew Chief), then as Crew Chief on 61-031. I then went into Job Control. I love Grand Forks. In fact when they came out with the 5 year controlled tours there, I signed right up. Sure do miss that place. Lots of found memories working there. 08/23/2016 @ 10:56 [ref: 55996] |
Dennis Clouthier Manchester, New Hampshire |  I was stationed at GFAFB from Jan, 1971 to Mar, 1974, assigned to the 319th Avionics Maintenance Squadron (AMS) as an Automatic Flight Controls technician on B-52H and KC-135 aircraft. From GFAFB I served TDY on Guam from \'72 to \'73, participating the Operation Linebacker, the bombing of Hanoi. Those along with my other year in the AF were the best years of my life. I led a subsequent life as an engineer, manager, and college denizen, but I never again found such a feeling of belonging to something greater than myself.
I recently looked at the \"satellite view\" of GFAFB and it broke my heart. All the planes are gone (the only B-52s left in the AF are at Barksdale and Minot), I could not find the barracks we lived in, and the NCO trailers we lived in were definitely gone (I found where they were located). Only gutted \"gate guards\" testify to GFAFB\'s past glory.
If anyone who reads this served at GFAFB\'s 319th AMS during that timeframe, please contact me at I\'d appreciate hearing from you.
Peace and good health to us all. 01/09/2015 @ 18:31 [ref: 55728] |
Geralyn Tibor La Rocque Alttura, Minnesota |  I was stationed at GFAFB from 1975-1978 in the Transportation Squadron. I worked at the Transportation Control Center in the block building for most of my time there. I wonder if the map is still up that I made of the entire missile field? 08/13/2014 @ 15:46 [ref: 55636] |
Rick Strehse , Florida |  I was station at GFAFB fro Jan-64 to Aug67, 319 OMS, B52H. Here, 50 years later after starting my AF career in 1963, I still am, and have been for the last 50 years in Aviation. Thank you GFAFB!!! 01/09/2014 @ 10:21 [ref: 55565] |
Thomas Harvey Tylersburg, Pennsylvania |  I was stationed at GFAFB from Dec. 69 to May 72, in the 321st missile wing. I worked initially on an EMT team, and later on an MMT team. I was selected to participate in the 1971 Olympic Arena missile competition at Vandenburg AFB, in April of 1971. I was reassigned to the 321st team training squadron in May of 1971 to May of 1972. I was discharged May 5th 1972 at the rank of SSgt. My days at GFAFB, were great, with the exception when we were sent out on dispatch in the brutal winter cold. I married a North Dakota girl and still visit out there occasionally. It's sad to see the missile wing gone. I also just learned that our wing commander, General Krause, Passed away in 2010. 07/12/2013 @ 08:12 [ref: 55488] |
Bill Mitchell Gardners, Pennsylvania |  I was stationed at GFAFB from 1967 to Nov.of 1970.Assigned to the 321st Missile Maintenance squadron.After a short time became team chief of my own team and experienced maintaining missile silo's.Never in my life did I think I would be working around a minuteman missile or the winters of North Dakota.But with the city of Grand Forks and a few bars and a lot of Friendly people,I served the Strategic Air Command till Discharged in Nov. of 1970. 03/21/2013 @ 04:47 [ref: 55446] |
Mike Pitman Lake City, Florida |  The B-52G on display there was crewed at Barksdale AFB by a Randy Radar with the 2nd OMS in 1980. The day the aircraft was moved there (A cold winter day) two tires were blown by running over the road signs that had been partially taken down. I was NCOIC of the Wheel and Tire Shop and had to take the tires out there to be replaced. So, two of the mains that are still on the aircraft where assembled by myself and my crew. 01/16/2013 @ 07:32 [ref: 55401] |
Andrew Alcala , California |  I arrived at Grand Forks AFB (GAFB)in the spring of 1959 and assigned to the 478th Materiel Squadron (MATRON)of the Air Defense Command as an A/3C Inventory Management Specialist (Supply).
I was a fresh minted graduate of the 3320th Tech/Basic Training Squadron Amarillo AFB.
GAFB was new. A few red brick barracks were completed and ground for base housing had not been broken. The winters were severe with blizzard driven snow falls. However, the folks\' of the surrounding communities were very warm and welcoming. Our outlet was to take the large blue Air Force buses into Grand Forks. Some of us young airmen would visit the Pizza Parlor across the river separating Grand Forks From East Grand Forks MN. Another favorite spot was the Owl bar located in downtown Grand Forks. I have many fond memories of this tour which ended in the spring of 1961 as I left for the Pacific Volcanic Island of Iwo Jima for a year of isolated duty. This Island tour made me long for Grand Forks! 08/18/2012 @ 16:43 [ref: 55059] |
mobdi3ine , Florida |  12/26/2011 @ 10:09 [ref: 31111] |
Mark Kennedy Swartz Creek, Michigan |  I was stationed at GFAFB from Jun73-Jun76. Assigned to the 321st Combat Support Group, Special Services/Recreation, and started at the Golf Course. That fall I was moved over to the Auto/Wood Hobby Shop and finished my tour there. Nothing but great memories of that period of my life, great people and and interesting experience. 09/05/2010 @ 18:56 [ref: 10705] |