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Sikorsky H-19D 'Choctaw'
  Manufacturer: | Sikorsky |
  Base model: | H-19 |
  Designation: | H-19 |
  Version: | D |
  Nickname: | Choctaw |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1948-Present |
  Basic role: | Helicopter |
  See Also: | |
Known serial numbers
52-7601 / 52-7625, 54-1408 / 54-1437, 55-3176, 55-3183 / 55-3228, 55-4937 / 55-4944, 55-5235 / 55-5240
56-1519 / 56-1568
56-4246 / 56-4283
57-1616 / 57-1641
57-2553 / 57-2558
57-5926 / 57-5982
59-4973 / 59-4974
Examples of this type may be found at
Recent comments by our visitors
SFC Wm. Lawless U.S.Army Ret. , CA | After training on H19s and H34s at Ft. Eustis Va. I was sent to Ft. Sill, OK. to the 31st TC. we moved to Ft. Benning, GA soon after in 1957. Was transferred to 2d Inf Div upon their return from Europe in 1958, and crewed 2 H12Gs,two L19Es,one TL19D, and one H19A all at once. Was sent to Germany in 1960 to the 110thTC working on and flying in H34As.In 1960 was sent to Berlin Air Section working on H13Hs and H19Ds until 1963 when we started exchanging the H19s for H34Cs. I frankly thought the H19s we had were totally reliable, and although a lot of work to maintain, we could easily maintain 85% availability across the board due to exemplary programing by our Maintenance Officers. Our engines all lasted full term. Our H34s were the same. In 1964 came back to CONUS and began Round-Robins to Vietnam starting in 1965 with B Co. 228th ASHB CH47As. 07/07/2013 @ 12:05 [ref: 67934] |
Paul Sisco Mansfield, OH | Army helicopter crew chief on H-19 and later on H-34.
Stationed with 4th Div. at Ft. Lewis July '57 to Jan. '58.
Two pilots and I picked up a new H-19 at the Sikorsky Bridgeport, Conn. plant and we took over a week to fly back to Ft. Lewis, Wash.
We encountered blade tip stall when flying through a mountain pass in the Rocky Mtns. The chopper reared up like a horse and fell off on its left side until the pilot recovered it before hitting the side of the
That was the only close call in two years of flying over 1,000 hours in the choppers and I really enjoyed my service in Ft. Lewis and Schleissheim, Germany. 03/11/2013 @ 10:19 [ref: 67660] |
Bill Keim, (SSgt.) Trussville,, AL | I served in "Sky Cav" upon returning from Korea to Ft. Rucker in 1958. Our Flight had two H-19Ds Serial #55-2191 and #55-2197, armed with 48 2.75 rockets, 2 50cal and 30cal machine guns. Our Flight also included three H-13G models armed with 30cal machine guns. The Flight Commander was Capt. Boswell. Sky Cav had five or six Flights utilizing H-34 and H-21 armed helicopters. The H-34s had 96 2.75 rockets, 50cal and 30cal guns.
We were "Cairns' Boys", as one general officer refered to us. We were at the range when Gen. Cairns was killed in his accident.
General Cairns knew each one of us and called us by name, I have nothing but love and admiration for him. 10/31/2008 @ 07:32 [ref: 22954] |
Milo , GA | H-19D 55-3205 Was assigned to the US Army Carribean Signal Agency at Ponce Puereto Rico from 61 till 63 when it was transfered to the US Military in Panama.
The Army signal Agency on the south coast of Puerto Rico was the forerunner of the modern day satellite tracking system. It was a Radio Relay station and part of the Strategic Army Communication System that received communications from Washington and retransmitted them to Europe.
H-19D 55-3205 was the only Army helicopter in Puerto Rico and had the distinctio of transporting Secratary of the Army Elvis Stahr on an inspection trip around the island.
Capt Robert B. Holt was at the controls. 06/23/2008 @ 05:48 [ref: 21578] |
bill bailey bristol, TN | US Army crew chief 1960-1963 on UH19D 575968. Most common problems: shimmy damper leakage,main rotor blades out of track, carb air duct cracking (pain in the anal orfice to safety wire),poor performance at high density altitudes, tendency for advancing blade tip stalls over 60 kts at altitude, hyper sensitive to cyclic controls, number 5 cylinder failure (bottom jug), excessive oil consumption on high hour engine (expected life 700 hrs, hardly ever made it that far, only one hydraulic reservoir (H34 had two) At my base in Ft Huachuca on a summer day, we were lucky to get off with crewchief, tool box, five gallon can of 50 weight oil and 600 lbs of fuel (summer density altitude 11,000 ft.)But I loved her! 10/01/2006 @ 16:02 [ref: 14342] |
McKee William E. Fort Smith, AR | I was a crew chief on an H-19D, SR. #55-3214.Assighned to a Helicopter Ambulance from 1960 to 1961 I was with the 47th Med Det Hel Amb from 1959 till it was incorporated as the 2nd Plt 421 Air Amb stationed at Illesheim Germany in 1961. Like all of 7th army I was extended for the convienance of the government during the Berlin wall crisis and stayed till 9 Apr. 62.
This particular H-19D had been through rebuild called I.R.A.N. and was painted Nato Gray. I would like to find out what happened to this Air Craft, can you tell me where I can go to find out it's fate.
W. E. (Bill) McKee
Maintenance Supervisor
Fort Smith Public Library
3201 Rodgers AV.
Ft. Smith, Ar.
05/18/2005 @ 14:28 [ref: 10255] |
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