GN , New Mexico |  Bill would you please contact me via email concerning scrapped 101 at Cannon AFB.
Thanks 03/25/2014 @ 16:34 [ref: 55595] |
Bill Smith , New Mexico |  P.S. the straight-winged F-84 and the T-33, formerly on display at heritage Park near the front gate, appear to be completely MISSING. 02/27/2014 @ 15:19 [ref: 55583] |
Bill Smith , New Mexico |  RF-101C # 56-187, on display at Cannon AFB as 32426, has been demolished and moved out of sight, suspected location is now the scrap metal area in DRMO. No reason given. 02/27/2014 @ 15:17 [ref: 55582] |
Richard Barney Barnhart Hagerstown md., Pennsylvania |  I was stationed at Cannon 1961 to 1963 and was tdy to turkey, italy, spain, Semore Johnson during the cuban conflict I liked it there and had 4 aircraft to take care of, wouldn\\\'t trade it for all the tea in china. 01/29/2013 @ 13:53 [ref: 55411] |
Raydean Draper Jamestown, North Carolina |  27AGS Training Monitor on the commander's staff. Retired 1984. Office in hanger 184. Cannon AFB New Mexico home of all the F-111 swept wing aircraft. The F-111 was a very complex one of a kind flying machine and spare parts were almost non-existence. The Chief of Maintenance Col Roose was determined to each aircraft be flyable. There were to be on hanger queens on his watch. The flying schedule was made by tail number. If there was a part on back order its was cannibalized from another F-111. If the aircraft did not make the scheduled flight due to maintenance the commander of that maintenance unit was ordered to be physically at that aircraft until it did. 12/07/2012 @ 15:14 [ref: 55378] |
Jim Kilmarnock, Virginia |  It has been announced that MC-130E serial 64-0523 has been retired and will be on display at Cannon AFB. This A/C was involved in the Son Tay Raid and had 23,500 hours on it. 10/06/2012 @ 06:36 [ref: 55329] |
Islam mansoura, Hawaii |  thanxxxxxxxxx 04/16/2012 @ 10:35 [ref: 35983] |
Dave Harder Highlands Ranch, Colorado |  My Email is 12/20/2009 @ 13:58 [ref: 9200] |
Dave Harder Denver, Colorado |  Got to Cannon in 69 worked on T33's I remember touring the first C5A when it brought the F111 flight Simulators. It was huge. Liked Clovis finally made it back in 2007.. Would have been nice to tour the base but no luck 12/11/2009 @ 06:25 [ref: 9190] |
Eric Bernhardt Plymouth, Michigan |  I was stationed at Cannon from 1979-1983 as a Pneudraulics mechanic with the 522nd. I had some good times and some bad times. I always thought if I had not been station at Cannon I might have stayed in for 20 years.The only thing bad was that it was a promotion base and everyone out to screw you, so they could get promotions. I still miss Smitty, Chief, Homza, McDowell, Darcy and the Clancy's. I learned a lot about life, people, and shooting. I still have some original 522 patches. 07/20/2009 @ 13:03 [ref: 8830] |