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Beech UC-45J 'Expeditor'
  Manufacturer: | Beech |
  Base model: | C-45 |
  Designation: | UC-45 |
  Version: | J |
  Nickname: | Expeditor |
  Equivalent to: | TC-45J |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1925-1962 |
  Basic role: | Transport |
  Modified Mission: | Utility |
  See Also: | |
Examples of this type may be found at
UC-45J on display
 Air Force Flight Test Center Museum |   |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
Dave Shiflet , OH | Flew as plane captain on UC45J at MCAS Iwakuni Japan out of H&HS. Flew to Korea a few times and various bases. Really enjoyed doing runups and flying.I believe the last 3 numbers on the tail was 148. We also had a c117d we named Barbarella and flew to Taiwan,Atsugi on Marlogs ,Hong kong, Phillipines, Korea. Remember the pheasant hunting trip to Chinhae Korea. Friends Corporal Jerry Chamlee, Sgt Sharkey,Sgt Max Gott. 12/08/2013 @ 16:09 [ref: 68218] |
Phil Katauskas Media, PA, PA | I went through NFO training in UC-45Js in Pensacola, FL in 1969. Fond memories looking at the pics. 11/10/2010 @ 11:01 [ref: 33037] |
Frank Rusk Wellington, FL | We had a C-45H that was picked up at the boneyard and flown to Ft. Carson. We did all of the retros on the bird. Three bladed props, removed the nose tank and installed a radome, short stacks ,wing tips,electric cowl flaps, retractable tail wheel, new appolstery,etc. It had it all, and it flew great. I have a lot of time in it. I likeded it so well that I even have a license plate that says C-45H. It was sent back to Davis Montham right after I left for Germany. I think the State of Arkansas picked it up. 01/21/2008 @ 11:07 [ref: 19382] |
Dave Weiss San Antonio, TX | If you wish to see this aircraft it is sitting at Lackland Air Force Base parade field aircraft museum. When I was in the service in 1993, it was sitting outside my office window on display. I use to have to maintain it and keep it clean. It gave me fond memories of my service time at Lackland AFB TX. When I saw it on display at their perminant aircraft museum. Their are numeorous other aircraft on display from World War II to the SR71 high altitude aircraft. It is free to tour the base and their magnificent aged aircraft. 05/21/2005 @ 18:07 [ref: 10281] |
John Ferguson Warren, MI | While in the Navy in 1963 I was assigned to the Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni Japan. I was an Aviation Hydraulics Technician E-5. The Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department had two UC-45-J's which I assisted in maintaining. We called ourfit TWA or Tenny Weeney Airlines. We also had three HU-16 Gruman Alabtros Amphibians.
I flew in the Beech a few times and can't remember them being down all that much. They were reliable and sturdy and we even flew one to Vietnam via the Philippines.
There were also some UC-45-J's in Korea, which flew over to us for scheduled maintenance.
John Ferguson 02/13/2004 @ 13:37 [ref: 6776] |
Brian Lucas , OTH | I am an aviation enthusiast and I am trying to find the
construction number for Beech UC-45J Tail number
N64818. Can anybody help ??????? 07/09/2001 @ 03:33 [ref: 2620] |
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