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Beechcraft Twin BeechD18S 'Twin Beech'
Examples of this type may be found at
Twin BeechD18S on display
 Confederate Air Force - Arizona Wing |  Pima Air & Space Museum |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
tom winchester engadine, MI | My dad flew a Twin Beach out of Rockford Ill. for Sundstrand corporation in 1959 or so. He later owned a fbo in Traverse City, MI for 18 yrs. named Winchester Avation. He loved to fly and passed that love on to many. People that went to him for check rides needed to be well prepared or they went home empty handed. I remember many flights with him to the islands in Lake Michigan. He ended up with about 30,000 hrs. of flight time. He really didn't know because he did not keep a log book for many years. Thanks for reading this. 02/16/2014 @ 10:35 [ref: 68350] |
Robert L. Gumm , TN | My experience with the Beechcraft D-18 goes back to the days of 1954 when Marine Air Squadron VMF-321 made its home at Anacostia NAS, Washington, DC. At that time, I was a very green PFC and was permitted to ride the right hand seat with Col. Spurlock, on the occasion of flying out over the Chesapeake Bay and observing F4U Corsairs dive bombing an old target ship that had been sunk in the bay. By that time, I had already been doing some flying of Aeroncas and Piper Cubs as a teenager, and the Beechcraft experience, as well as being around the Navy Corsairs and other USMC aircraft at that time played a big role in my later obtaining my private pilot's license and becoming an aircraft owner. 04/23/2010 @ 02:18 [ref: 26064] |
Mike Muench Tampa, FL | At 19 years old, I checked out in N5642V a D-18S with the Hickam Aero Club at Wheeler AFB in Hawaii. I paid $20.00 per hour WET with instructor. Oh yeah that was 1965, the day before I left for Viet Nam. Now I fly a King Air, which isn't half the fun of flying the D-18. 08/23/2008 @ 18:52 [ref: 22532] |
Rahul jain , NY | plz send picture & details of d18s beechcraft sold to FALCON AIR IN INDIA 04/30/2008 @ 06:53 [ref: 20755] |
Mark Clifton Concord, CA | I am puting together a shot video about a trip I took in a converted AT-11 to Abbotsford British Columbia Airshow about 1977. It consists of 8 mm film and stills of our adventure. Right now I am finding out if anyone will get in trouble if I mention a few anecdotes. When its finished I will put it on youtube.com and put a link here.
What a great plane. it took us on an adventure I still talk about 31 years later! 03/04/2007 @ 19:22 [ref: 15767] |
Joe Moore Clearwater, FL | I flew a Twin beech D-18 that was fitted with Pratt & Whitney PT-6 Turbo Prop Engines. Didn't work well. Not pressurized and inefficient. I think it was called the Westwind. 12/18/2005 @ 16:55 [ref: 12017] |
John Williams Dallas, TX | I was a plane captain on the Navy SNB (C-45) in the early 60's. I witnessed the only known "arrested" landing of a Twin Beech. NAS Atsugi, Japan had a very active Skydiving club which utilized the station airplane as a jump platform. The pilot took a load of jumpers up, dropped them, and somewhere on that trip lost the tailwheel. This left the tailwheel mount sticking down about 8 inches. NAS Atsugi had a 12,000 foot runway with arresting gear cables at either end for emergency stops. The jumpers were packing up and loading at the downwind end of the runway so when the pilot touched down he did a high speed taxi, keeping the tail up. Not knowing that he had lost his tail wheel, he lowered the tail just before crossing the downwind cable, with predictable results. When the remaining tailgear stub caught the cable, the aircraft came to a sudden stop, swerving to the right and the right vertical stabilizer came in contact with the ground. We put the tail of the aicraft up on a cart and towed it to the hangar. 02/18/2005 @ 12:29 [ref: 9470] |
Mike Letalien Lubbock, TX | I have pictures of a couple of Beechcraft H18 Twin Beech aircraft that I'd like to classify correctly for my website - WarbirdGallery.com. I've heard that these Tricycle-geared aircraft had military applications but I can't find any information about the designation used for these types. Were they just a "C-45" or was there a seperate letter/number combo assigned to this sub-type?
Any help would be most appeciated. 08/04/2003 @ 15:08 [ref: 6613] |
Clive Bollinger Las Vegas, NV | I had the pleasure of flying a Beechcraft D-8 Tri-Gear to
and from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon in the late 70's. I logged many hours of PIC flight time. A great ship. Pay
load was about 1,500 Lbs as I remember (9 passengers).
The round engines work fine too. I'll never forget the D-18. Clive Bollnger, ATP 11/18/2002 @ 12:03 [ref: 6097] |
david rojko prescott, AZ | we had a d-18 for a jump ship at the Wildhorse West DZ, outside of Phoenix. one afternoon we were climbing out , on jump run. i was "rear float", that is, i was to go outside and hang on wating for the other jumpers to get lined up and ready to go. three of us would "float" (hang on outside). my position was "rear float", i took up a position aft of the door, my left leg in the door, my right out along the fuselage. the others were really taking a long time, and i noticed a handle up on the top of the plane. i grabbed it and swung myself up . now i was on top, straddling the plane (at about 11,000 ft). top of the world, ma !!! picture slim pickens riding that bomb down in "dr. strangelove" and you've got it. i was just having the time of my life, looking around, burning the experience into my mind when i realized the other jumpers were long gone. dove off to the port side and i think i caught up with them , not really sure now. this was about 1987. i "retired" from skydiving with an even 600 jumps, this WAS the best one ! 09/09/2002 @ 14:06 [ref: 5656] |
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