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Douglas C-118A 'Liftmaster'
  Manufacturer: | Douglas |
  Base model: | C-118 |
  Designation: | C-118 |
  Version: | A |
  Nickname: | Liftmaster |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1925-1962 |
  Basic role: | Transport |
  See Also: | |
Known serial numbers
50-1843 / 50-1844, 51-3818 / 51-3835, 51-17626 / 51-17661, 51-17667 / 51-17668, 53-3223 / 53-3305
Examples of this type may be found at
C-118A on display
 Confederate Air Force - Arizona Wing |  Travis Air Force Museum |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
USN 131611 was not scrapped. Type in www usn buno 131611 and you will find your answer.
Tom 01/26/2016 @ 17:01 [ref: 69450] |
Richard Gruetter Powder Springs, GA | I flew C-118s from 1960 until 1967 when I went to work at Delta Airlines as a DC-6/DC-7 engineer.
I logged over 4,000hrs in these aircraft beginnin8g in the 38 ATS at McGuire AFB from 1960 until 1962 when I went to the 7120th at Chateauroux, France, where we had an airborne command post mission known as Silk Purse. In 1965 I was stationed at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma in base Opps where we ran an airline operations with 4 pushed up T-29s and the second most pushed up C-118 in the airforce. From the passenger entrance door aft was a VIP compartment that had a standard air lav like the aurlines, 2ea 8 ft. sofas that made into beds, a large walnut table on the right side with two large double first class seats on each side that came off of Airforce One. The 2 srar general that owned the airplane had a desk with all kinds of equipment and radios and a large swivel chair that reclined on the left side.
Forward of the passenger entrance door were 50 airline type seats covered in light blue cloth that matched the window curtains. There were overhead luggage racks that blended with a standard airline tipe of ceiling and sidewalls.
All of the bulkheads were finished in a walnut grain of formica. Forward of the passenger seating were two airline type of lavs, and forward of that was a large kitchen with a 4 burner stove top, wall oven, large ice chest, and all of the drawers had individual compartments for each glass and dish. Both sides of the kitchen area had large stainless steel counters.
Forward of the kitchen was the crew compartment. There were 3 bunks on the right finished off with walnut vaneer formica with blue curtains and reading lamps. On the left side the cargo door was sealed shut and had a window cut in above a large table with two sets of double airline passenger seats on each side of the table. The nav station was stock and on the right in front of the bunks. We had a steward that served alcholic beverages and food to our passengers. We ate lobster tails and steaks often in our crew compartment on white lenen tablecloths.
They kept the aircraft so polished you could shave in the reflection. The aircraft was so slick that we would cruse at 260 knots instead of the standard 240 knots.
This was a magnificent C-118, and I have often wondered what happened to it. If anyone has the information of its history please call me, Richard at
770-845-0034 07/06/2015 @ 06:46 [ref: 69157] |
Robetrt Atwell , VA | Flew on C-118s starting at McGuire. Also flew on C-118s out of Tachikawa, Hickam, Wright Patterson and Andrews ending up with about 7,000 hrs on the C-118. Favorite act. assigned to was the VC121s out of Hamilton, Calif. I also flew on C-54s, VC135s, VC 137s, C-9s and the E-4A out of Offutt. The prettiest was C-118 Tail no# 3305 out of Hickam assigned to transport Army Gen. Ralph Haines Jr. AFSC was A605##. 05/01/2015 @ 04:23 [ref: 69056] |
Wadus Exum sr. Sandiego, CA | At McGuire AFB new jersey (MATS)1960-1963,there were 200 0f these workhorse aircraft permanently assigned to transport cargo and military personel to US bases in Europe! I was a engine and prop mechanic at McGuire and worked daily to keep them flying!It was a sturdy and dependable plane! Loved to be around them! W.E. 01/13/2015 @ 06:24 [ref: 68885] |
Charles Elliott Brandon, FL | I was a crew member on a c118 stationed in Pax River, Md. In 1966 we crashed on landing, hitting a 17 foot snow bank. The tail number of the plane was 131611. I often wonder if the plane was repaired or scraped. 11/11/2014 @ 17:19 [ref: 68756] |
Charles Elliott Brandon, FL | I was a crew member on a c118 stationed in Pax River, Md. In 1966 we crashed on landing, hitting a 17 foot snow bank. The tail number of the plane was 131611. I often wonder if the plane was repaired or scraped. 11/11/2014 @ 17:17 [ref: 68755] |
Charles Elliott Brandon, FL | I was a crew member on a c118 stationed in Pax River, Md. In 1966 we crashed on landing, hitting a 17 foot snow bank. The tail number of the plane was 131611. I often wonder if the plane was repaired or scraped. 11/11/2014 @ 17:17 [ref: 68754] |
Efren B Collins Carlsbad, NM | I was stationed at Clark AB flew many a mission in 533284 and 533231 into Viet-Nam Thialand on medevac missions .I was crewchief made many friends .1968-69 many fond momories 11/10/2014 @ 18:56 [ref: 68752] |
HJ Lamb Great Falls, MT | I was an A60571A, FTS, In-Flight APS, bean-burner, etc. from 1969 to 1975 when my wings got clipped after returning from a SEA tour and winding up at Sheppard AFB, TX. Seems the AF was going to an all jet force and small units flying C-118s and T-29s/C-131s were being sent to the boneyard and FTS positions being reduced. Took an Instructor job at the Transportation Training School at Sheppard from 1975 to 1977 whereupon I finished bootstrap and moved on to a commissioned position. Nevertheless always have and will maintain fond memories of the C-118s I crewed on at Clark (13th AF, 405th and 3rd TFWs). Flew many missions into Vietnam, Thailand and even to Australia and many small places in between! My birds were of the 53 series and tail (last 3 digits) numbers were 257 and 291. Also racked up plenty of time on C-97s and C-135s flying courier missions from SAC HQ (Offutt) - 3902 ABW from 1969 to 1972. The C-118 was my fave! 11/28/2013 @ 19:14 [ref: 68194] |
Florence Dimitroff-Garcia Lorain, OH | I served as FTS for the MATS 38th SQ. McGuire AFB, NJ from 1962-1966. I have a beautiful lithograph of the C-118 in my livingroom. I have very fond memories of flying all over the world working with great people and taking care of my passengers. I still stay in contact with other FTSs from New Jersey and have great laughs over our experiences. I represented the USAF as Miss McGuire AFB and Miss Air Force of 1964. Great fun and an honor. 04/22/2013 @ 16:02 [ref: 67755] |
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