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Martin RB-57D 'Night Intruder'
  Manufacturer: | Martin |
  Base model: | B-57 |
  Designation: | RB-57 |
  Version: | D |
  Nickname: | Night Intruder |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1924-Present |
  Basic role: | Bomber |
  Modified Mission: | Reconnaissance |
Known serial numbers
Examples of this type may be found at
RB-57D on display
 Pima Air & Space Museum |   |   |   |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
Mike Templer , MO | I was there from 1959 to 1961 (Air force Brat) My Dad Was in the 7407th Crew Chief On B57's Does anyone remember Him?
04/30/2015 @ 14:40 [ref: 69055] |
Joe Miller , FL | I was in the 4025th Strategic Recon SQ of the 4080th SQ Wing at Turner AFB in June 1956. I was designated as lead crew member with crew position of aircraft commander Dec. 3, 1956. I was deployed in November of 1956 to Yokata AFB TDY for 6 months. 11/22/2014 @ 03:47 [ref: 68773] |
Carl Meadows Brigham City, UT | Was crew chief about a year on 968, great bird, lots of fond memories.
Wonder where 968 is now? Would like to get a picture of her if possible if she is still around. 09/10/2014 @ 06:42 [ref: 68649] |
Jerry Maroney Richmond, TX | Mr. Preston, I miss quoted the name of the individual that was in the RB-57F lost over the Black Sea in 1965. The pilot was Major Lester L. Lackey, and the back seater was Robert Yates. 08/27/2014 @ 09:05 [ref: 68626] |
Jerry Maroney Richmond, TX | I was a member of the 7407 Spt. Sq., Rhein-Main Air Base, Germany from Jan 1965 until Apr 1968. I worked in the Orderly Room, Flight Operations, and Aircraft Maintenance.
My supervisor in the Orderly Room was SSgt William Beausolia; my supervisor in flight operations was TSgt Larry E. Smith.
I do not remember many of the members of the 7407th. I recall Frank Eldridge (Acft Mech), Larry Robbins, (Admin Clerk Maint) Ronald Rector (Acft Mech), Lenard Devore; Bobby Drury (Acft Engine Mech); Col Martin J. Bernard (Commander).
During my time, we sent acft 501 back to the states to be modified to a F model. Also during my time we lost an aircraft of the Black Sea. The back seater was Vince Cici. I do not recall the pilots name. 08/27/2014 @ 08:26 [ref: 68625] |
Michael Preston Orange County, CA | I was assigned to the 7407th Support Squadron, Rhine Main AFB, Frankfurt, Germany, from mid 1963 until I was honorably discharged in June 1965. I was assigned to repair aircraft cameras/mounts. We had "D" models when I first arrived. When wings started falling off (one landed in an Ohio school yard) and others had cracked wing spars and were flown back to US for wing modifications that became the "F" model. Many of us stood as close to the end of the runway as we could to get pictures of the new RB-57F's, as they arrived at Rhine Main. Somewhere, I have a picture of the first to arrive, just before it touched down. Our commander was Major Barnard - one tough hombre, who wouldn't tolerate anything but excellence, but an honest, fair man of good character. I have not been able to connect with any of my old barracks buddys since my separation from the USAF. The 07th was a great Squadron - I loved my work, and Germany was a great place for GI's in the 60's. I came to this website as I just learned that one of our birds went down in the Black Sea on 14 Dec 65, and I wanted to see if I remembered the crew members. After all these years, still sad to hear. If any of my old 07th friends read this, I hope you and yours are doing well - God Bless! 05/07/2013 @ 18:43 [ref: 67799] |
Michael Preston Orange County, CA | I was assigned to the 7407th Support Squadron, Rhine Main AFB, Frankfurt, Germany, from mid 1963 until I was honorably discharged in June 1965. I was assigned to repair aircraft cameras/mounts. We had "D" models when I first arrived. When wings started falling off (one landed in an Ohio school yard) and others had cracked wing spars and were flown back to US for wing modifications that became the "F" model. Many of us stood as close to the end of the runway as we could to get pictures of the new RB-57F's, as they arrived at Rhine Main. Somewhere, I have a picture of the first to arrive, just before it touched down. Our commander was Major Barnard - one tough hombre, who wouldn't tolerate anything but excellence, but an honest, fair man of good character. I have not been able to connect with any of my old barracks buddys since my separation from the USAF. The 07th was a great Squadron - I loved my work, and Germany was a great place for GI's in the 60's. I came to this website as I just learned that one of our birds went down in the Black Sea on 14 Dec 65, and I wanted to see if I remembered the crew members. After all these years, still sad to hear. If any of my old 07th friends read this, I hope you and yours are doing well - God Bless! 05/07/2013 @ 18:43 [ref: 67798] |
Steve Beeny Irvine, CA | My name is Steve Beeny, a long time fan of the Canberra aircraft from the UK, now living in California. I am currently writing a book entitled 'The Canberra Experience', telling the story of the men that flew and maintained the aircraft in air forces around the world. Part of the book therefore focuses on the B-57 experience, and I am looking for stories and anecdotes about the Canberra from a personal standpoint. I am particularly interested in the B-57A and RB-57A bubble canopy Canberras, but memories from all variants of the B-57 are more than welcome. Also would love to hear from anyone at Hill AFB in 1971 who remembers the EB-57A and Escapac seat conversion. Also anyone like Bill Shivers who was on Op Redwing and Dominic.
I have a list of opener questions and can happily provide more details if needed.
My contact email is: seedubproject@yahoo.co.uk, and I also have a Facebook page providing more details on the project.
Regards to all. 09/26/2012 @ 11:24 [ref: 67251] |
Jim Savalox Livonia, MI 48154, MI | I was with the 4677th from Sept. 59 until July 62 as an ECM tech. Same TDY's and good memories. Dave, Danny and Bill, I remember you guys. I've been back on the base twice since with AF retirees. The 57s were great birds and had a great support group. Spent a lot of hours on C123s doing the TDYs. The black powder starting cartridge smoke got a lot of attention at other bases. Now retired from Chrysler. 10/04/2011 @ 19:35 [ref: 49376] |
Jim Savalox Livonia, MI 48154, MI | I was with the 4677th from Sept. 59 until July 62 as an ECM tech. Same TDY's and good memories. Dave, Danny and Bill, I remember you guys. I've been back on the base twice since with AF retirees. The 57s were great birds and had a great support group. Spent a lot of hours on C123s doing the TDYs. The black powder starting cartridge smoke got a lot of attention at other bases. Now retired from Chrysler. 10/04/2011 @ 19:34 [ref: 49375] |
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